
The trade of items made from ivory will be banned in the UK in a bid to help protect elephants minis

The trade of items made from ivory will be banned in the UK in a bid to help protect elephants ministers have announced.


The ban which the government said will be the toughest in Europe and one of the toughest in the world will cover items of any age not just those containing new ivory.


Under plans announced by the environment secretary Michael Gove anyone who continues to illegally trade ivory will face an unlimited fine or a jail sentence of up to five years.

根据环境部长迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)宣布的计划,任何继续非法买卖象牙的人都将面临不限数额的罚款或最高5年的监禁。

The ivory trade is a major cause of declining numbers of wild elephants as poachers continue to hunt endangered species for their valuable tusks.


The number of wild elephants has dropped by almost a third in the last decade alone and around 20000 are still being slaughtered for their tusks each year.


The international trade in illegal ivory is estimated to be worth £17bn each year.


It is unclear when the UK ban will come into effect but government sources said the legislation will be placed before parliament as soon as possible.


The move follows a wide consultation on making the trade in ivory illegal with 88 per cent of respondents saying they supported a ban.


Announcing the policy Mr Gove said: “Ivory should never be seen as a commodity for financial gain or a status symbol so we will introduce one of the world’s toughest bans on ivory sales to protect elephants for future generations.


“The ban on ivory sales we will bring into law will reaffirm the UK’s global leadership on this critical issue demonstrating our belief that the abhorrent ivory trade should become a thing of the past.”


Several types of ivory item will be exempted from the ban including those that were made before 1947 and contain less than 10 per cent of the substance.


Musical instruments that were made before 1975 and contain less than 20 per cent ivory will also be allowed to be traded as will antique items that are especially rare. Museums will be allowed to buy and sell ivory items.



The ban is the latest in a string of environmentally friendly policies announced by Mr Gove’s department.


It has banned plastic microbeads and pesticides harmful to bees, announced plans to introduce a bottle deposit scheme and a new “Northern Forest”, made CCTV compulsory in slaughterhouses, made plans to reintroduce beavers in some areas and pledged to abolish all plastic waste by 2040.


The Conservatives hope a focus on environmental policies will help win back the support of younger voters.


Other countries have already banned the trade in ivory, but many allow older items to be bought and sold.


In the US, for example, ivory items that are more than 100 years old can still be traded, as can those that contain up to 50 per cent of the substance.


Trade in raw ivory is already illegal in the UK but buying and selling items made from the substance is largely unrestricted providing they were made before 3 March 1947. Any made after this date require a certificate before they can be traded.


UK government ministers recently called for all EU member states to ban the commercial trade in raw ivory within the EU. The bloc is currently consulting on what further action it could take to reduce the trade.


The announcement of a UK-wide ban was welcomed by animal rights campaigners, but some warned that more action is needed.


Tanya Steele, chief executive at WWF, said: “Around 55 African elephants are killed for their ivory a day, their tusks turned into carvings and trinkets. This ban makes the UK a global leader in tackling this bloody trade and it’s something WWF has been fighting hard for.

世界自然基金会行政长官塔尼娅·斯蒂尔(Tanya Steele)说:“每天约有55只非洲大象因其象牙而被杀,它们的长牙变成雕刻品和小饰物。这一禁令使英国成为应对这一血腥交易的全球领导者,这也是世界自然基金会一直在努力奋斗的事情。”

“But if we want to stop the poaching of this majestic animal, we need global action. We hope the UK will continue to press countries where the biggest ivory markets are, most of which are in Asia, to shut down their trade too.”


Matthew Hatchwell, director of conservation at the Zoological Society of London, said: “Legal domestic ivory markets are intrinsically linked to the illegal ivory trade that is driving the current poaching crisis. With almost 20,000 elephants poached in the last year, it is vital that countries take significant steps such as those outlined by the UK government today to close their markets and help make the trade in ivory a thing of the past.

伦敦动物学会保护计划主任马修(Matthew Hatchwell)表示:“合法的国内象牙市场与导致当前偷猎危机的非法象牙贸易有着内在联系。去年有近2万头大象被人偷猎,至关重要的是,各国应采取重要行动,如英国政服今天概述的那些措施,以关闭各国象牙交易市场并帮助让象牙贸易成为历史。”

“No one in the UK today would dream of wearing a tiger-skin coat. Thanks to this move, in a few years’ time we believe the same will be true for the trade in ivory.”




booster 2 days ago +2
Can we ban the the sale of diamonds due to the number of miners killed.


lmilich 2 days ago
More to the point ban the sale of gold (unless certified) because of the enormous damage to ecosystems from deforestation and to humans due to methyl mercury poisoning.


Steve Hill 2 days ago
More miners die extracting coal...


Oo 2 days ago +1
Nobody is forcing miners to get in the lift.


Bbabboon 2 days ago +8
The trade in Ivory is abhorrent criminal and harms and demeans us all.
Genuine tough sanctions and interventions would be very welcome.
But I fear this proclamation 'The ban will extend to ivory items of any age' - perhaps 50 or a 100 years old - Will do little if anything to offer further effective protection and is pure and simply headline grabbing grandstanding for the deification of the unGlorious Gove.

象牙交易不仅是可憎的犯罪行径,还伤害贬低了我们所有人。对象牙交易采取真正的严厉制裁和干预才是喜闻乐见的。但我担心若“这一禁令将会延伸到任何年龄的象牙制品”——也许是拥有50年或者100年历史的(制品 )——的宣称见效甚微不能够提供深远有效的保护,那么这种宣称不过是标题党、为神化那并不光荣的戈夫先生的哗众取众罢了。

GeorgeNotBush 2 days ago +5
US Customs has made it virtually impossible for musicians to take their instruments across the border for concerts if there's even a miniscule bit of historic ivory in the instrument or bow. The paperwork burden is bad enough but there's only a limited number of ports where such an instrument can be brought into the US. Advance notice is required. Oh yes it's even worse if you bring an instrument with ivory into California.


lmilich 2 days ago -2
I don't have any issues with their stance.... I'm confident that there are replacements. Yes maybe the instruments won't sound as good but 99.5% of us won't be able to perceive the difference.


Steve Hill 2 days ago +5
I have heard of musicians having their instruments confiscated at US borders - permanently - just because the paperwork was not in order. Since there is no adequate paper trail the US government cannot itself then sell the instrument so it is just destroyed.


The case I am thinking of involved a classical guitar which contained Brazilian rosewood - a standard material until the 1960s when it became CITES listed.


someone who used to be someone else 2 days ago
So a beautiful fine old bow made before the ban belonging to a top concert musician can be ripped apart because you can't hear the difference?



someone who used to be someone else 2 days ago +3
George and Steve Thank goodness there are others on here who understand the issue.
Steve my husband now retired played with some of the top London orchestras this really happened with the fittings ripped from bows before their owners eyes. As a result some musicians would not take part in tours to the states.


Steve Hill 2 days ago +3
I know musicians who take second-string or "touring" instruments only to the US. And who no doubt at least in their own minds give second rate performances as a result.


KeepTheRedFlagFlying 2 days ago -1
'Several types of ivory item will be exempted from the ban including those that were made before 1947 and contain less than 10 per cent of the substance.'
The current ban is already avoided by using the legal market as a cover. It will just continue to do so. A total ban of all items containing ivory of any age is the only serious ban.


NuclearValdez 2 days ago +6
Don't be ridiculous. Nothing should be destroyed for the sake of dogma


Steve Hill 2 days ago +9
So if a priceless antique Steinway grand piano contains maybe 0.5% ivory you would just burn it? How about church organs?


Sibthorpe2 days ago
You clearly do not own any antique ivory pieces.


Kitch 2 days ago+5
As per usual Britain is using a hammer to crack a nut. Gove has the same feeble attitude as May has. They both are only interested in getting their names into the history books and are both totally out of their depth.


AlanW 2 days ago +7
What absolute idiocy ! I adore elephants and would glady shoot to kill anyone poaching elephants. But destroying stocks of ivory is a sign of disrespect. Stocks should be auctioned and the proceeds go to funding anti-poaching forces who should be armed with ground-to-air missiles to shoot down the helicopters used by the poachers. And elephants who die of old age no problem with selling that ivory. And as far as destroying ivory obxts whether sculptured works of art or just souvenirs is sheer madness. Totally the wrong approach from Gove and Prince William.


AnEmigrant2 days ago +1
You are wrong on this point.
I worked for an investigation agency to establish how ivory is smuggled. The one thing they wanted was a total ban on all ivory trade so that any sale of ivory was a criminal offence making it much easier to prosecute without the need to go through the very difficult process of establishing the original source of the ivory and when the elephant was killed.


algeciras 2 days ago +2
OK well done Gove it took you long enoughand of course this is purely for Gove's ego but every bit helps.


Unfortunately it's countries like Hong KongSouth KoreaChinaGermany and the Czech Rep who are the top five buyer's of Ivory and the growing number of countries that have increased their purchases of Ivorylike Slovakia The NetherlandsUAEFinland AustriaVietnamUnited StatesMexicoCanada and Spain that should be shamed.


This is a real conundrumbecause on the one hand in certain areasElephants have increased in population to the point where "culling" is deemed necessary and where Elephants threaten the lives/livelihood of local people and where there is an excess of Elephants(the meat can be made into Biltong) and Ivory is available then by selling it to help the local people would be difficult for us all in our comfy lives in the west but could help the local people very much.Againthere is so much corruption in Africa (and the world) that the poor people who would benefit from the sale of Ivory are not getting any of the money.


In the meantime the chaos will continue and not only Elephantsbut much of our planet's wildlife suffer.


Piano4tay 2 days ago +11
I have a modest proposal that would solve a number of problems: legalise the hunting of poachers in all the wild-life reserves. I'm sure there are wealthy people who currently shoot animals who would be willing to shoot poachers instead and pay a hefty fee for the privilege. Hunting licenses could be auctioned by government authorities and provide a handy contribution to local economies....


GhostAccount 2 days ago +6
I would sign up for that.


lyonedes 2 days ago +2
I have a modest proposal. Life for corrupt officials and the rope for poachers.



louwscreek 2 days ago +3
A good proposition but who can sentence and jail a president of an African state?


westmids man 2 days ago +2
Dont y`all cheer yet.


Is it a total ban on antiques carved before 1947 or items worked before 1990 ( which needed government certificates) & all ivory produced after 1990 passing through the UK .

Don`t forget The international trade in ivory has been illegal since 1990 ..


TigerTale 2 days ago +2
Won't make any difference except people with antiques in the UK won't be able to sell them to anyone else.


mcbutler 2 days ago+1
True but they could exchange no cash involved = no sale..


mcbutler 2 days ago -4
I think an 'illegal to own' with a handover amnesty would have been more effective.


someone who used to be someone else 2 days ago+5
Please see my post above. You think of ivory as something rich collectors own with no purpose. It isn't it has been used for a practical purpose. Do you want to penalise musicians who bought something that was completely legal at the time and use it for their livelihood? How would that help the elephants?


rogerthecat 2 days ago +6
Whilst this is a worthy aim the black market in ivory skins and other animal products goes on unabated elsewhere unfortunately.

