中国、澳大利亚海军在南海“不期而遇” [俄罗斯媒体]


Chinese, Australian naval vessels had ‘encounter’ in the S. China Sea – Beijing


Chinese and Australian naval vessels had an “encounter” in the South China Sea, China’s Defense Ministry said on Friday. Australian media reports earlier said that the country’s warships were challenged by the Chinese military there. The Chinese ships on Sunday used professional language to communicate with the Australian side, and China’s actions were lawful, professional and safe, the ministry said in a statement, as cited by Reuters. “The relevant reports in the Australian media do not accord with the facts,” it added.

usa war crimes
i am australian and am disgusted with the blind following of the ROGUE TERRORIST NATION USA.


I agree US is our terrorist master and it is painful to watch.


i am aussie too and im sick of austraila being swamped by chings.


Removil Mata
Those lands must be returned to their original owners. The ones that have survived to the genocide in those black lands. Dont mind north-east worry with what will come from the west.


australia & Canada  have always been forced to follow british olegarchs lead .the queen of England is still the head of state.


Z Aquarius
Agreed, Britain is the main office of the Ashkenazim Jews and the governing body. America is merely a dog.



What are Australian ships doing in the South China Sea? More war mongering and bullying tactics from a 5-Eyes nation. The Australians are pathetic scumbags!


It is closer to us than the US at least it's in our neighbourhood. What are we going to do to China we wouldn't last 5 minutes against them. Just keeping our masters happy is all it is. Our government will be begging forgiveness behind closed doors


Db Frqu
As an Aussie i agree that my gov is. But dont let that cloud your judgement on real aussies who think the same.


True Aussie
They are not australian. 
They are 'little americans'. 
'star spangled wankers'


Commonwealth gueen slaves.


Austrailans are just like every one else but there goverment are puppets of the U.S who are the real villans in all this, but not just Austraians but all of us, all So-Nato countries the people should be out on the street protesting what the US has been doing around the World for over 70years, but the people who should be protesting the most are the people of the U.S.


Why is Australian's navy so far away, should'nt they be protecting Rothchild and Alexander island. Still trying to grab more lands like East Timor?



we need to stay out of the US war machine agenda. too long have we followed them into every clusterf*ck they have made, and im now concerned we might get involved in syria. the US doesn't belong in the middle east and neither do we. as to this incident, idk why our ships were in chinese sovereign waters, but i dont think we belong there. Australia needs to worry about australia, we have our own problems to deal with


Db Frqu
We may get involved in Syria......... I suggest keeping up we have been involved for along time in Syria. It seems obvious to me as an Aussie that you aint an Aussie!


the latest strike was carried out by US, french and UK govs. how is my opinion on what we should be doing not in australias best interest? anyone that wants to get involved in this mess ain't an aussie



Australia will be known as "Turnbull's Turncoats" and China will ensure that they hit back hard with trade sanctions and cancelled contracts. What sane exporter annoys his own customers? Sadly the average Aussie is too busy 'climbing the property ladder" by working 80 hour weeks and watching the footie, to notice. Most would have a hard time finding the South China sea on a map.


F***K most would have a hard time finding Australia on a F****G map never mind the south China seas.


Mate (if I'm allowed to say so,) it's the same here in Canada. People are obsessed with the rat race. Svcking up to their managers, who in turn svck up to their managers. They'll happily parrot back to you what the MSM says about Russia, Assad, and the chances that an asteroid will hit us before Xmas. Complete control by the bourgeois. As during the Industrial Revolution. Nothing has changed.



Australia punches far far above its weight class


Db Frqu
We can under the right circumstances. These are not that and us Aussies completely disagree with our idiotic goves kowtowing to the yanks.


You mean
The slaves in the Australian government?

Yeah just like our cheating cricketers . 
australias government has it's ambitions mixed up with it's capabilities


Australia can punch far above it's weight, when we are on the right side of history. At present we are on the wrong side of history.



Australia has been making systematic, irresponsible, negative remarks and comments regarding China which has caused adverse impact on bilateral relations. The government officials wear colored-tinted glasses and carry a deep rooted prejudice that they have a twisted view on everything China does. And they can never have rational thoughts. Australian govt's actions have influenced how the Chinese populace view Australians. The Australian public must decide whether China is a threat or a partner rather than acting as a lap dog of the US and now an active instigator in destabilizing the region.


Funny thing is China is a beautiful country and the people are extraordinarily kind and think about it. Aussies can barely afford to live in their own F***G cities because of costs. But the economic benefits of a stable, practical and sensible relationship with China to Australia would be beyond your imagination because of your resources.


Slow river
Next time they will not use professional language they will use confrontational language keep on dancing to the tunes of US you Australians like a second class white


Db Frqu
As an Aussie all i can say is they aint my leaders.I have already commented and abused my media for this. How f....... stupid can we get. All this is is puppeteering pat me on the back f.......... America BS! Our navy does not need to be anywhere near there.


Australia PM should grow up. He is now behaving like a certified moron


Washington probably gave him the nod to provoke China and US will backup. The problem in Australia is Labour is not doing it's job as the opposition and just goes along with the same line the neo-cons in America do. We have no opposition party apart from the Greens, but they could be a controlled opposition also.
Politicians in Australia argue that we support Washington, Westminister, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Doha, the Vaticlan, etc, because we have more in common with them then Russia, Iran, Syria, Lebanon etc, but it depends who you ask. The only thing our politicians have in common with said countries is money and greed, the same as the rest of the Five Lies countries. We have no spine, morality or principles.



Just what is Australian Navy doing in S. China Sea? Carrying loads of opium from Afghanistan? Chinese warships should sail through the S. Australia Sea.


The Australian warships, with free navigation as a pretext, sailed through the south China sea with all the radars on collecting information data for the America occupying Anglo Saxon regime in Washington, that was making China upset while the Canberra is complaining about the possibility that China would set up a military base in Nauru in its doorway, what a double-faced gangster!


A Commenter
Australia is still trying to be a relavent superpower, I see...

Unfortunately, Australian media, particularly the ABC, have as of late become front leaders in Fake News. It saddens me deeply that our journalists have let their true profession become an idiotic joke in the face of the world.


Australia needs a Jeremy Corbyn or a Nigel Farage to question the government. We have no opposition calling out the Government and it's guilt by association of the Anglo-American good ol' boys club. Labour is weak and a joke. We can't rely on the Greens, their a minority of tree huggers who can't do much and probably controlled anyhow.


Come on up...the free world is looking to you now to stand up to these zio terrorist slaves... After Russia was by the zio trio in Syria...pls stand up to these terrorist. Why did unit not caused the Aussie ship to park at the bottom of the sea? These are your waters.....come on....


The slave following orders from the master.

