QUORA网站读者评论:Does India actually need a bullet train as 99.99% people can't afford it? Why shouldn't
Does India actually need a bullet train as 99.99% people can't afford it? Why shouldn't we focus on preventing stampedes like Mumbai?
印度真的需要高铁吗? 99.99%的印度人都坐不起吧?为什么我们不能集中精力预防像在孟买发生的踩踏事件呢?
Vardh Man, works at Self-Employment
We already have some very good answers on this question.
Most answers are pro growth and I am also not against the growth as technology and development of India.
But before that we need to consider few more things about this subject.
Government should focus on its activities towards mass general public and most of them poor in India instead of spending its energy towards facility of some selected rich people of India.
If any facility is created for rich people to earn money, let it be handled by private development only.
As airlines are run better by private airlines than Air India, it is quite possible that High Speed rails (HSR) known as bullet trains also can be build and run by private business in coloration of multinational companies.
This can save time, energy, and money of Government and that can be put to use to areas where we do not have even low speed train system even after 70 years of independence in India.
Now come to stampede in Mumbai, The infrastructure in Mumbai is much lesser than the pressure on it. Just by putting some cctv cameras will not going to work for avoiding such situations in Mumbai in future. Mumbai pays largest tax to government (compare to any Indian city) but do not get back its share and the money even if comes for development it goes in corruptions.
Local people committees, be created in each area of Mumbai, with power to suggest and get implementation to it by funding them appropriately can reduce its burden systematically.
来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
Shrinivas Muley, Read a lot about political science and party politics in IND
We can not think of these two questions together.
If the question is: “Do we need a bullet train?”
Then answer is: Yes, we need it and we need it very badly.
Saying NO to bullet train just because we still struggling to modify underdeveloped current train system is same as saying no to establish IITs just because we have underdeveloped primary education infrastructure.
We need it, in order to compete with fast growing economies like China we need to have fast and powerful transportation systems like them. Transportation must be safe, cheap and most importantly faster to support a growing economy. Bullet train satisfies all the three constraints.
People say we can't afford it, 99% population can't afford it.
Do you think if we can't afford a commodity or service we should not bring it in the country? When Rajiv Gandhi brought colour Televisions in India only few thousand people could afford at that time. Now hundreds of millions have TV as an integral part of their lives. Yes it includes the farmers and peasants too. People don't have toilets but have TV sets.
If we start saying we can't afford, hence we should stop thinking of new technologies then I will say this a product of regressive or old communists' mindset.
Bullet trains are safer than the traditional trains.
It will save the traveling time of the employees. It will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transportation. Bigger cities will be at distance of few hours and boost the relationship between them.
Very big investment in economy by japan:
Japan needs a good market as they are already a saturated economy with very low growth rate. They need an investment market with higher returns. India is best marketplace for them as we are a fastest growing and a liberated economy. They are giving us ₹88thousand crore loan on nominal intrest rate of .1%. We must think of utilizing this opportunity and money by Japan.
Ocean of opportunities for employment:
Japan will invest in India will create number of jobs. We should look forward to bring up new technologies and I think we are on right track if we are going for bullet train at this point of time. With bullet train we will get an opportunity to learn the technology which is completely new for us.
Beneficial for development:
Opposition says 99.99% people won't use it but if that 0.01% (comprises of 1.25 crore) use bullet train that will be the record in the world. Bullet train is not for 125cr people of India but all of them will be getting it's fruits as it's technology will help in improving the current railway system.
India is a very different country you need a very broad, well nourished, well educated and intelligent perspective.
About the Mumbai incident:
This stampede incident happened due to underdeveloped infrastructure that is the narrow over bridge. This bridge should have been widened. The responsible officials who failed their duties must be punished but saying no to bullet train only because of such accidents is laughable. No doubt the current systems must be our priority but it is also true that we shouldn't stuck to them only.
We need to improve our current systems but at the same time we must welcome the new technologies to compete with big economies like China.
Sachin Nair, Market Researcher
I was told that home loan is the cheapest form of loan I can borrow. Today’s rate is about 8.75%. While Term Loans for business is at least 12%. Personal loan is at 14–18%.
Piyush Jain住在印度马哈拉施特拉邦的孟买
By this logic we even don’t need out space program since it is also not adding anything to Infrastructure.
Basically we need both basis infrastructure & top end show case model like Bulllet train to attract investment.
Imagine case where both India & China is competing for foreign investment on world platform. What will be our showcase model vis a vis China ?
In order to remain competitive in the world & make a mark all this highly technological projects like bullet train , Mars orbital mission are required.
In corporate parlance it is like focusing on both top line & bottom line to remain in sustainable growth trajectory.
How exactly is making bullet trains related to stampedes?
And from where did you get the percentage of people who can afford bullet trains?
Overpopulation and population explosion is responsible for stampedes.
Perhapes you need to rephrase the question.
Siddharth Yadav, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
As a growing economy of the world, a country must have at least one bullet train route. As we buy a set of clothes to look good in the same way a country should have every possible latest infrastructure or facility or invention to compete with other nation.
Indian government is not spending from our tax money. The government is being helped by Japani government. We are getting loan money at the rate of .1% and we have to repay it in the span of 50% years. This bullet train project will help us with lot of employment opportunity.
Gyan Do Amit, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
If we ever cared about improving present situation instead of bringing new technologies, you would have been still travelling in some improved version of a Bullock cart.
What happened in Mumbai yesterday was a very tragic incident but the main reason for the stampede was being uncivilized. The unnecessary chaos, pushing, shouting, yelling, indiciplined crowd are also causes of the tragic accident.
As far as Bullet train is concerned, it's not at all a hindrance in improving pathetic condition of stations. The authorities were already cautioned about possible hazard but it was ignored everytime.
You say that 99.99% people cannot afford the bullet train fare. I would like you to prove it. How do you even know without the official announcement of the fares?
MV Saxena, Chief General Manager at Megha Engineering and Infrastructures Limited (2008-present)
This is the mind set which does not allow Indians to enjoy the fruit of new technology. Why do Government of Congress started space program? Will there will be any return on the investment. Why do Government sponsor visits to Antarctic, will there be any return on the money spent? Why do we require fast aero planes and better airports, when they are being used by a very minuscule population? Cannot we utilize the money which is used in creating world class airports for improving railways or bus service? Why did Nehru started Asian Games in 1951 in Delhi when resources were scarce? What is the use of discussion on Quora when we can use the same time for productive work? Why do we compare ourselves sin China day in and day out and feel depressed? china is far ahead from us since such questions are not being asked by Chinese people.
As regards the reply to question, Japan is giving long term loan to India for building bullet train on 1% interest for 50 years. This money cannot be used for other requirement. Fast transportation is the requirement of time and we must take all steps to cut the time in travelling.
From Monday, a new Rajdhani train is being introduced between New Delhi and Mumbai which will cut travelling time between New Delhi and Mumbai by two hours? Do we really want to save two hours and for what?
Raghav S
Everything is important. Else it will take decades even centuries for India to set the basics right and the world would have moved far far ahead. It is like saying there should be no IITs because Indians are illiterate, or there should be no 5 star hotels as people are poor. Same logic when air travel was promoted.
let us stop celebrating poverty. Stampedes are caused by greedy selfish humans who want to be the first in everything.This is a country where people will not give way, drive on the pedestrian paths, etc. It is a miracle that India does not witness more stampedes.
you mean only 1.3 lakh people can afford bullet train? That's an exaggeration in a country where air travel is booming. The economic viability has been studied
Ankur Baheti, works at BBA Student (2016-present)
I don't think that India needs bullet trains. It has been evident that the population of the country is very much eager to see the bullet trains running to in our country but there are various other factors also that need to be considered. Several other countries like Argentina and Germany have also tried to establish a bullet train network but later on analysing the conditions, they dropped off the idea.
The fare of the bullet train isn't out yet but there have been many theories about the fare of a one way journey. In countries like Japan where the bullet train network is successful, the major reason is that the per capita income of the people there is much more than the per capita income of India.
It is also being said that why the huge funding of rupees 1.2 Lakh crore is being allocated to a track of bullet train when only 1 Lakh crore is required to maintain and improve the existing railway network of our entire country.
Shubham Gupta, lived in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
In any society introduction of new structures & revamping of existing structures go parallely & simultaneously. Government has funds and they use it for different purposes but if all money is used for one purpose it will be a financial & a commercial failure too and it will be like “overcrowding in a limited space” —this particular phenomenon is the reason to avoid failures.
(Above answer answered in this context —- comparison is made that the govt should not have spend on bullet train but on revamping existing railway condition)
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