Speculation (financial): By 2060, will India or China be more powerful? Why?到2060年,哪个国家会更强大,中国还是印度?为
Speculation (financial): By 2060, will India or China be more powerful? Why?
Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about this
China and India were roughly equal in 1950. Since then, China has consistently grown faster. Both benefited from a conditional opening-up to the wider world once they had laid the foundations for independence, but China has done it better.
Either might fall apart. But most of what's now China has consistently been part of a single state over the past 2000 years and more. And disunity has mostly been between rivals aspiring to rule the whole, not regional kingdoms wanting mostly to live their own lives.
China has also modernised its culture.
In India, all is confusion. The socialism of the Congress Party has weakened, while Hindu Nationalism alienates many. Older values remain enormously strong.
来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/45818.html 译者:Jessica.Wu
Extra, 2nd April 2015.
Western sources have got people beliving that China only started making economic progress after Mao. If you read them carefully, they never state this bluntly or give any definite figures. They give a misleading impression by talking just about what went wrong and not what was achieved.
Neel Kumar, Lived there for 16+ years, visit often enough.
Too early to tell.
Long version:
We are in 2013. 2060 is 47 years away. About 2 generations. This is a HUGE amount of time. Would either country even be around? The ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity of India is well noted. China is even more diverse - ethnically, linguistically and religion wise, something that most people do not get a chance to grasp.
And there are tremendous pressures on both these countries. There is pressure to grow economically and a pretty fast pace. Both countries are seeing the effects of economic liberalization:
Wider disparities in income, wealth and access to opportunities.
More dissemination of information and hence more pressure on the political elite to keep secrets.
Skewing of sex-ratio. Both countries prize sons over daughters and sex-selective abortions are pretty rife.
Falling fertility rates - which can be a boon or a curse depending on how you look at it.
Rapid urbanization - And cities are where revolutions are fomented.
Now add in immigrant returnees, corruption, scandals and the speed at which things are changing and I am surprised that these two countries (which I consider artificial) have not already fallen apart.
i think India will be way more powerful than China in 2060.
many countries hate China. so as time goes by, China is likely to become more and more isolated in the world arena, while India on the other hand has many extremely friendly reltionship with countries like USA, EU, Russia, Japan, Australia etc.
This will be a huge advantage for India in the long run.
Also, India will have more people than China in 2060. That means, after USA, India will be the largest economy of the world.
Furthermore, India is a democracy. China on the other hand is communist. India's soft power will also likely be unmatched.
Venu Vasudevan, Verbal Milliner
Neither. There is a tacit assumption in this question that cheap and abundant human capital is going to be the basis of power in 50 years. By 2060, the IQ of robots will far exceed humans, and cheap human capital will not be a competitive advantage. If I had to bet, I would say Canada will be a major power (land, natural resources, low population, strong education, rule of law, fairly entrepreneurial, lack a tendency to wage wars other than hockey).
Joseph Wang, Ex-VP Quant - Investment banking - Hong Kong
I think they will be evenly matched. Even if China and India have wildly different economic outcomes, the Himalayas insure that they won't come into direct confrontation.
Also by 2060, I think that everyone will be talking about the cool new power, the African Union.
Crisis Maven, studied at Life and Living
In 2060 China
i think by 2060 India will be the greatest country on Earth.
expansionist countries like china, that have no respect fro human right and a communist government, can in no way compete with democracy like India in the long run.
Hemanshu Desai, 11 answers with 10 or more upvotes
It is almost certain that US, China India will be the most powerful countries in the world. Out of these three, who will rank where is difficult to predict.
Warren Wai, travelled around China and knows about her politics
China vs India now.
There are 5 banks from China in the top 10 (HSBC is largely Hong Kong owned) and there's 20 from China in the top 100. The top 3 banks are Chinese. India has 1 in top 10 (ranked 10th) and that's the only bank in top 100.
Out of the top 10 companies, 3 are from China (ranked 2nd to 4th). India has none, not even in th top 25.
Soft power
Out of the top 10 information technology companies in the world, China has 2. India has none.
Out of the top 10 internet companies, China has 4. India has none.
If you go to Paris, London, Tokyo or NewYork City, all the large shops where the tourists frequent have Chinese speaking staff. Chinese tourists are the biggest spenders in the world (since they are the richest by far). Indian tourists are negligible in numbers.
Power from Economic Development
China is doing far better than India for decades and there is no way India can catch up in the next 40 years.
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