【印度经济时报】印度斯坦航空(HAL)的轻型攻击直升机(LCH)完成武器测试(15条评论) [印度媒体]


HAL's Light Combat Helicopter completes weapontrials



The Light Combat Helicopter(LCH) indigenously designed and developed by HAL has successfully carried outair to air missile firing on a moving aerial target. During the tests conductedin integrated test range at Chandipur, Odisha recently, the test pilotsexecuted a flawless mission and achieved a direct hit on the aerial target,destroying it completely.


Equipped with a helmet mountedsight and a forward looking infrared sighting system, LCH pilots can now detectand destroy any target on ground or in the air. Using these sights, pilots cannow launch a missile onto any target without having to turn the helicopter. Thefire and forget missile is effective against all types of aerial threat,including UAVs and microlight aircraft. It is also capable of operating fromdispersed locations and flying at ultra low levels.


The DAC has accorded approvalfor procurement of initial batch of 15 LCHs (10 for IAF and 5 for Army).

国防采购委员会(DAC)已经批准采购首批15架LCH (10架用于印度空军,5架用于陆军)。

Gajendra Gurappa
Considered most uselessDefence PSU by RM. Bleeding for funds to pay salary, but doing wonders. What anidea Sirji.


Sid dude
Government is trying to infusecorporate culture in PSUs. Any company listed on stock markets usually doesn''tcarry that much cash and reserves in it''s balance sheet which they doesn''trequire. They either give it as dividends to owners or make capitalexpenditures or installing new facilities. Borrowings actually helps inreducing tax outgo in income statement.


Manjunath Yatnur
Congrats to HAL for this feat,hope they change their work culture and focus on their strengths(Developindigenous combat platforms) rather than trying to exaggerate(Bag foreign jetassembly orders). Thanks to US sanctions that T129 ATAK helos sale from Turkeyto Pakistan got blocked. Else they would have had Light Attack Helis before LCHcomes into operation.


Raja Paul
Congrats to HAL for this feat.


Magesh Vel
Hope they got paid for it :-)


Kabir Jodhani

Prasad Krishna
Hope it will fly at least!


Radhiga Iyer
Great news !


Bharat Jago
Press requested to publish theextent of components imported versus make in india in terms of components &cost.


Buffett Guru
HAL should develop all ofIndia''s defense equipment thus freeing india from compulsion to buy fromoutsiders.


Psr Swami
Procuring fighter jets can beabandoned. We may export also. Avail Michel services.

可以放弃采购战斗机了。我们也可以出口啦。(译者:我不知道最后一句Avail Michel services.是什么意思,求高手告知,跪谢)

Psr Swami
With this PROCURING fighterjets can be abandoned. By recruiting apprentices even exports can be augmented.


No mention of cost of makinghere vs importing similar helicopter or of the development cost. Without suchinformation how can one make out whether it is a success or not?
