
White House considering former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi to lead World Bank: Report白宫考虑提名前百事可乐CEO卢英德出任

White House considering former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi to lead World Bank: Report



WASHINGTON: The White House is considering former PepsiCo Inc chief executive Indra Nooyi, Treasury Department official David Malpass and Overseas Private Investment Corp CEO Ray Washburne among candidates to head the World Bank, an administration official said on Tuesday.


The trio of names surfaced a day after officials said President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump was helping lead the search for a new World Bank president to succeed Jim Yong Kim, who is stepping down on February 1.


Nooyi, who stepped down from her Pepsi position in October, Malpass, who is undersecretary of Treasury for international affairs, and Washburne, who has been the OPIC CEO since August 2017, are among several candidates being looked at to head the World Bank, the official said


The United States, which has a controlling voting interest in the World Bank, has traditionally chosen the institution’s leader since it began operations in 1946.Kim announced his surprise February 1 departure earlier this month to join private equity fund Global Infrastructure Partners, more than three years before his term ends in 2022, amid differences with the Trump administration over climate change and the need for more development resources.

美国在世界银行拥有的表决权最大,自1946年该机构开始运作以来,一直由美国来决定行长人选。本月初,金镛意外宣布,他将于2月1日离职,加入私募基金-全球基础建设合伙公司(Global Infrastructure Partners)。此时距他2022年任期结束还有3年多,金墉和特朗普政府就气候变化以及世行需要更多发展资源问题的看法存在分歧。



Dr. Neil Bazaz - London - Boston - 1 day ago -Follow

Indra Nooyi is a no-nonsense leader, and under her great leadership, Pepsico increased its profits year-on-year. She would be a good choice, in addition to other candidates. Not to forget, she possesses great temperament for the job. Kudos to Indra -- she''s the pride of India.



Niladri Banerjee - Bangalore - 1 day ago -Follow

No one could sustain their position for this president. I think the whitehouse should create a HR department in it. Attrition is 100% approx under this president



Dead - Listen - 1 day ago -Follow

Ladies are making India proud time and again along with males...Cheers to great India...



Mera bharat mahan - Jaipur - 1 day ago -Follow

She is having the ability to handle. She did very good in PepsiCo so I wish her to success in this opportunity also



Kanth King - 21 hours ago -Follow

Who care she is completely Americanized she will never help India..



Somesh Sahu - Pune - 23 hours ago -Follow

Good to know that India''s presence is increasing in the world



Kapeel Gupta - 23 hours ago -Follow

Shall really feel proud as an Indian.



TSR The Urbanist - Namma Bengaluru - 23 hours ago -Follow

She is one of the impeccable Leader who would be an apt choice for this covetted post...Yet another proud moment for the resurgence of Indian''s at Global levels



Meghana - 19 hours ago -Follow

PepsiCo is not indian, nothing to be proud of a jadduwali making people bewakoof to drink phenol .

send her on moon to clean the craters.




Kalki Brownbrahamin - singapore - 21 hours ago -Follow

if she comes to India and heads an organization like rajan....political parties and bhakts will brand her traitor if she does not act according to the masters



Sudhansu Sekhar Das - 23 hours ago -Follow

Perfectly fit for the coveted post.



Mohammed Saif - Hyderabad - 1 day ago -Follow

y hindu in race to b prez of world bank??



Jumla - 18 hours ago -Follow

Now sugar water manufacturer is in contention to lead world bank�� What the world has come upto?



Shyam - 19 hours ago -Follow

India works by reservation policy, US use Indians with deservation policy. US growing, India moving only in circles.



Kalki Brownbrahamin - singapore - 21 hours ago -Follow

she is American .....not indian....and has no interest here...stop saying indian



Anonymous - bangalore - 22 hours ago -Follow

One more Indian on the world stage ...



Vedhanta - oman - 22 hours ago -Follow

Great to hear, Hope she get elected.



Abhay Sandwar - Hazaribag - 22 hours ago -Follow

Indra Nooyi will be a right choice to lead World Bank.USA white House should consent for the same


Kero Mal - 23 hours ago -Follow

If she has calibre revive Air India & prove...



Vijay Banga - new delhi - 1 day ago -Follow

World Bank and Pepsi are two different poles



Lakshminarayana - The city - 1 day ago -Follow

Great and news.. Great India



kiran singh - 18 hours ago -Follow

Great daughter of mother India.



Mahesh Kumar - Indore - 18 hours ago -Follow

Indian talent is now a global phenomena ! Keep the flag flying Ms Indra Nooyi !!!



Rajesh Singhal - 21 hours ago -Follow

Women are coming up in all the fields and very truely, to say, the men are feeling the challenge. Not only in science and commerce, they are traceable in politics,too. Along with Indra of Pepsi, we have Nirmala as the Defence Minister of India and Tulsi Gabbard as the Indian to compete the Presidential contest next year.

女性在各个领域都表现出色,男性感受到了挑战。不仅在科学和商业领域,们在政治领域也咱露头角。除了百事可乐的卢英德以外,尼尔马拉·希塔拉曼担任印度国防部长,印度裔图尔西 · 加伯德参加明年的总统竞选。


Pravin Puthur - 22 hours ago -Follow

That will be a great choice



Gee - mumbai - 23 hours ago

How does she qualify for this job? She’s not an economist and who is White House to decide who should lead the World Bank?!



Suresh - Hong Kong - 1 day ago -Follow

I think she is a better candidate than others and will do a good job.



Amiyakumar Mahapatra - Pune - 1 day ago -Follow

Many many congrats INDIRA



Kapoor A - Delhi - 1 day ago -Follow

Best Wishes to Indra Nooyi and hope she succeeds .



Gentleman - India - 15 hours ago -Follow

The US is not so stupid to appoint the CEO of a food and beverages company as CEO of World Bank. Both are very different institutions



Balbhadra Dhagat - Bhopal - 15 hours ago -Follow

If chosen, she will be the first non-American to head the World Bank!



Reginald Fernandes - 16 hours ago -Follow

An excellent candidate.



blohot - India - 22 hours ago -Follow

If it happens, it is bad news for Pakistan

