印度斯坦航空有限公司计划在年底前交付16架光辉战机 [印度媒体]


HAL plans to give 16 Tejas fighter aircraft byyear-end


Buoyed by the final operationalclearance (FOC) to its Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas by the militaryaviation regulator Cemilac, state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) isramping up production to deliver 16 of them for the Indian Air Force (IAF)operational fleet by this year-end, a top official said on Thursday.


The company will getadditional jigs by September-October to roll out more fighters.


"As the LCA got FOC forinduction in the IAF fleet, we will expand our production capacity to make 83more LCAs once the IAF places the order for them," said Madhavan.


The 'Made in India' fighterhas quadraplex digital fly-by-wire flight control system with advanced flightcontrol laws.


1. Msguptaece
Really? How many times havethey stuck to their plans and commitments? And how many will crash within ayear? HAL must specify this also.


6.Sunil Agrawal
This is heartening newsindeed. Constant modernisation and upgrades should be the motto. Hopefullysuccess with this first lot will see HAL investing more on research.


7. Human Being
What about long pending TejasMK2 version. Do we need to wait another 20 yrs.


HAL should at least startworking on making planes for IAF. They have to raise their caliber to 10% levelof ISRO to achieve this. Don't sleep, wake up and work hard to come up tointernational level. You have a long way to go...........


13. Santimay Basu
We wish HAL delivers the Tejaswithout any glitch in these and maintaining highest order of perfection. Only afew weeks back upgraded Mirage 2000 from HAL took the lives of two of ourexperienced pilots.


14. Stormyday Stormyday
everyone using stealthfighters


15.回复Stormyday Stormyday
St Mumbai
CORRECTION! Everyone claimsthat they have stealth fighters. These expensive toys haven't proved theirmettle in battle.


16. Satish Nk
we should ensure we supportLCA so that lot of upgraded can be built sooner... we should stop orderingflights from abroad... we should always build our own... hope modi gets to knowsoon what congress did last 7 decades...


21. Prem Srivastava
They were sleeping for thelast 20 years, and couldn't make one lousy squadron of Tejas. This company,infiltrated by congressi hand picked engineers and researchers is a shamefulorganisation. It should be closed, and let an efficient private companymanufactur such planes.


22. St Mumbai
“Tejas is a single TWIN ENGINE, agile mutli-role supersonic fighter.” Whenwas the second engine added to the Tejas LCA??


23. St Mumbai
Early this month (February)the IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa said that the AirForce’s cooperation with HAL had affected its fighting capabilities. “The AirStaff Quality Requirements (ASQR or specifications) of the first 20 LCA Mk-Iwere standards issued in 1985. Even then, HAL has been able to manufacture only10 fighters”, he clarified. So, HAL Chairman R. Madhavan''s claim, “We plan todeliver 16 LCAs to the IAF in the FOC configuration by this year-end andremaining four next year”, must be taken with a''fistful'' of salt. HAL always promises, NEVER delivers.

本月(2月)早些时候,印度空军首领、空军参谋长Birender Singh Dhanoa表示,印度空军与印度斯坦航空的合作影响了空军的作战能力。他澄清到:“首批20架Mk-I型轻型战机所参照的是1985年颁布的《空军参谋部质量要求》(简称ASQR或规范),但即便如此,印度斯坦航空也只能生产10架战机。”所以,印度斯坦航空主席R. Madhavan的声明,即“我们计划在年底前向印度空军交付16架符合终极作战许可标准(FOC)的轻型战机,剩余4架将在明年全部交付”,肯定是“极其”不认同Birender Singh Dhanoa的说法。印度斯坦航空总是承诺,却从不兑现。


27. St Mumbai
With a seriously depletedfleet of just 31 squadrons, 4 squadrons (2 each of MiG-21/MiG-27) retiring in2019 and all the remaining 7 squadrons of MiG-21s to be retired by 2024, theIAF is in a desperate situation. HAL says that it plans to hand over 16 TejasMk-1 fighter aircraft by year-end. That is – for 4 squadrons being retired thisyear, barely 1 squadron of Tejas Mk-1 is being inducted. Since FOC for TejasMk-1A has been received, the govt. should set up an new production facility forTejas Mk-1A in the private sector, at least producing 1 squadron of aircraftannually. Adequate investment must be made as to increase production everyyear. Only then can the declining fleet strength be arrested.

