美国指责中国为第三世界大战做准备:你们未被告知的事 [俄罗斯媒体]


US accuses China of preparing for WWIII: What you’re not beingtold


US accuses China of preparing for WWIII: What you’re not being told

A Republican senator has accused China of preparing for WorldWar III. Like most of Washington’s statements concerning China, the lawmakerhas completely ignored the US’ role in creating such a scenario in the firstplace.


Inhofe also said he was “concerned” that “our message” was “not gettingacross.”


China getting the“message” loud and clear


I don’t mean to be base, but perhaps the problem in the China-US relationshipis that the message is getting across – loud and clear. The US has pushed theexpansion of NATO up to and around Russia’s borders. It has invaded and bombedIraq, Syria (miraculously occupying one-third of Syrian territory, includingits most oil-rich region), Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, andeven the Philippines.


Furthermore, joining Inhofe at the Senate hearing was the director of studiesat the think-tank Center for a New American Security (CNAS), Ely Ratner.Approximately a year ago, our good friend Victoria Nuland (mentioned aboveregarding regime change and support for neo-nazism archives) was named as thenew CEO of the CNAS. It also has the support of the drone-king himself, GeneralDavid Petraeus, and its experts have helped contribute their opinions toforeign policy, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Fox News, CNN, theWall Street Journal (WSJ), and NPR. It openly warns against the withdrawal ofUS troops from Syria, for example, because such a move would embolden Iran.


If the charges against China are that it does not act like a normal nation andis acting in contravention of international law, it sounds like the US andChina would have a lot in common. This would be true even under the Bush,Clinton and Obama administrations, but the US under Trump is openlydisregarding international law and eroding confidence in any of the existing UNinstitutions that are left, making even the slightest mention of internationallaw hypocritical and nonsensical.


Just days ago, US intelligence agencies were warning that China was usingstudent spies to steal secrets from the US. At the end of last year, abipartisan group of 12 senators wrote a letter to senior members of the Trumpadministration, urging them to counter covert Chinese interference in“democracies” around the world.


In October last year, retired Lt. General Ben Hodges warned that an all-out warbetween the United States and China was highly likely within the next 15 years.While the warning is one that should be heeded, the blame again, according tomainstream pundits, seems to wholly lay at China’s feet, with the retiredgeneral stating that the US “does not have the capacity to do everything it hasto do in Europe and in the Pacific to deal with the ‘Chinese threat.’”


Perhaps China really is preparing for World War III in the South China Sea, butat the end of the day, the body of water is just that – the South China Sea. Ifthe US refuses to accept Beijing’s claim to its island-building project in thesea and fear the potential for China to project its military prowess into theocean, then it must equally reject its own claim over the waterways of most ofthe planet and send its military bases packing back to where they came from.


Everything else is just blatant hypocrisy (something we are all starting to getused to).


Whithout China,Russia,Irani am affraid Earth will be named "United American Colonies Planet".


Meanwhile, the Globalaverage age of humans has doubled ever since the British Empire, & sinceUSA was established.Go figure international ingratitude for Christian-inspirednations of relatable history.


Are you really sayingcolonised and oppressed nations should feel gratitude towards Britain and US?If yes, you are just ignorant, arrogant and cynical.


True - and who's nextVenezuela to try to get rid of Maduro....


It's time for Europeanstates to withdraw from NATO in their own self-interest. It is just possiblethat by staying neutral in spats between the USA and other nuclear weapon armedcountries, Europeans will be spared the worst from nuclear conflict.


George Silversurfer
US has unilaterally,butunofficially, declared war on China. China is just pretending they don't knowbut preparing for it.


Jeffrey P. Harrison
Stop using the US dollarfor reserves and stop commercial transactions in dollars.


Murica is only happy whenit can slaughter civilians and plunder resources all around the world, they arehorrified at the notion that somecountries are powerful enough to resist them


Carl Popham
As Syria proves, The onlything that gives the U.S. pause from it's unrelenting aggression is a robustmilitary defense and a strong offense, (and having nuclear weapons, as Trumpbacking off from North Korea Proves.)


The real guarantee ofpeace is the balance of military power. To achieve this, China and Russia haveto procure more modern weapons and set up overseas military bases. Cuba shouldbe the first choice.


The US should get out ofother people's countries and build that wall all around its territory (and stayinside). Problem solved.
