What is the biggest difference between China and India?中国和印度最大的区别在哪儿? Quora读者的评论:Girish Bhat, former
What is the biggest difference between China and India?
Girish Bhat, former IT Design, R&D
Originally Answered: What is difference between India and China?
Having very close Chinese friends, I would like to say the following.
1.Both Chinese and Indians are intensity family oriented. They respect parents and people in authority.
2.Their main focus in life is betterment of their and family fortunes.
3.Constantly compare themselves to their peers. Engrossed in the rat race.
4.Have a strong preference for male offspring. Feel the compulsion to continue the lineage/family tree.
5.Won’t hesitate to compromise on ethics for personal/family gain.
6.Extremely nationalistic.
7.They are clannish, racist and xenophobic. At the same time, they are capable of being kind, generous and hospitable.
8.Culture and history is important to both.
9.Chinese are more pragmatic and rational.
Now, to the difference;
1.Indians are too individualistic. No concept of community or nation.
2.Indians tend do things differently even if/when advised or instructed.
3.Indians don't readily accept rules or regulations, in fact, always figure out how to break them.
4.Indians get high on religion.
There are costs and benefits, both ways.
Indians are independent thinkers. They have an edge when it comes to thinking out of the box. When it comes to implementing plans Chinese are more efficient.
A Chindian may be the optimal combination of the two.
Eddie Du, A native
Originally Answered: In what way India is different from China?
Economically, India's economy is about a decade behind China's, largely due to its reforms lagging behind China's. Foreign capitals face a lot more restrictions in India compared with China. But India's PM Narendra Modi is trying to improve that.
In terms of race, the majority of Indians belong to either the Indo-Aryan language family or Dravadian language family. However, Tibeto-Burmans and other Austro-Asiatic speakers are also in the Northeast and Eastern part of the country. And there is no definitive line between these peoples. While in China, more than 90% of the people are ethnic Han, who speak different dialects of the Chinese (Sinitic) language. Sometimes Western academics insist on dividing those dialects into different languages.
In terms of religion, India's majority religion is Hinduism, although it's not a clearly defined religion. Every Hindu person believes in and favors a different Hindu God, sometimes many gods at the same time. The majority of the Chinese people are atheists, although the majority of those atheists at the same time do worship their ancestors and celebrate many traditional holidays that are often 'tainted' with traditional folk religions.
In terms of education, India's higher institutions rank much lower than prestigious Chinese universities in many fields. But many Indian Institute of Technology graduates achieve much more compared with their Chinese counterparts in the West. Many of them are renowned scientists, and senior executives.
In terms of sports, India never seemed to care about other sports other than cricket. Indian athletes never won many medals in Olympics. China is a totally different story. The State puts a hell of a emphasis on competing with the West and they would stop at nothing trying to show that China is just as capable as the West. Of course, occasionally, scandals involving mistreatment of athletes and illegal drugs are discovered.
In terms of interactions with the West, you would like way more articulate scholars and entertainers of Indian descent largely because India was a British colony for hundreds of years and the interactions of Indian elites are much more accustomed to western way of doing things. Chinese diplomats are intellectuals are usually not very good speakers of the English language although they are doing much better as there are almost as many as 400,000 Chinese students studying in the United States alone
Anupam Sahu, Consultant in Ernst & Young,Prior worked at INFOSYS(2014-18)
India vs. China: Is There Even a Comparison ?
The GDP growth rate of India overtook the GDP growth rate of China in 2015. This has fuelled many newspaper articles in India stating that India is also on the path to replicating the Chinese growth story. However, the truth seems far from it. Despite the Indian media’s frantic efforts to put India and China in the same league by using statistics that are misleading to compare the two economies, India is still a long way behind China. True, that India has made rapid strides on the path to becoming an economic powerhouse. However China has been doing so for decades. In this article, we will explain why India–China comparisons are totally baseless.
China’s Economy is Four Times Larger Than India’s Economy
The GDP of India is close to $1.5 trillion. At the same time, the GDP of China is close $7 trillion. The economy of China is at least 4 times as big as the economy of India. This means that even if China grows at the rate of a meager 1.5% and India grows at a rate of 7%, the Chinese economy would have added the same amount in output as the Indian economy would have!
Comparing the GDP growth rates of India and China is therefore a pointless exercise. China’s growth rate has been consistently higher than India’s growth rate over the past three decades or so. India has barely overtaken the Chinese growth rate for a couple of quarters. Only if India can continue to beat the Chinese growth rate by a huge margin for the next two to three decades, does India stand a chance of overtaking the Chinese economy.
Inflation in India is 6 times higher than it is in China
India’s GDP growth has been accompanies by runaway inflation in the country. Growth rate accompanied by inflation cannot last for a long period of time. Instead, such growth rate is indicative of the short term impetus that has been given to the economy by the monetary policy.
On the other hand, China’s inflation has been relatively stable at a negligible 0.8% for many years. This has been accomplished despite the fact that China has been recording fiscal surplus for the past many years and ideally should be reeling with inflation. To the contrary, China has established sovereign wealth funds, which invest the additional cash in foreign assets keeping the inflation rate low.
Given the fact that Indian economy is severely marred by inflation, it seems unlikely that they will be able to compete against China in the long run.
China’s Manufacturing Productivity is 1.6 times than that of India
China produces a lot more than India does. It also does so remarkably more efficiently. Given the better quality infrastructure and better production techniques at China’s disposal, it is not astounding that the average Chinese worker produces 1.6 times more output than that of the average Indian worker. This means that the productivity of China as a nation is 60% higher.
The Indian manufacturing sector has multiple problems. These problems include erratic electricity supply, slow and expensive transport systems as well as lack of skills that increase manufacturing productivity.
Given that a large portion of these problems are structural in nature, it seems unlikely that India will be able to overcome them in the near future.
The Indian economy on the other hand, has a clear strategic advantage when the workforce is considered. The Indian education system was created by the British. As such, Indian workforce is global in nature. They can speak fluent English which gives them an edge over Chinese nationals who face language barriers. Also, the Indian workforce does high end jobs for the information technology industry and BPO industry as compared to the Chinese workforce which works menial jobs on the factory shop floor. Given that the future of the world lies in high skilled knowledge jobs, the Indian workforce may soon rise in prominence while the Chinese workforce may soon become redundant.
One Child Policy
Also, China faces what many economists call a demographic time bomb. For the past couple of decades, China has followed the one child policy to control population. However, now China faces a situation wherein there are more people out of the workforce than in it. On an average, every Chinese worker is expected to pay for the costs of at least two Chinese retirees.
India, on the other hand, is facing a demographic dividend. It has a huge, extremely skilled workforce. Hence, if the government is able to provide jobs to these workers, the Indian economy is expected to grow by leaps and bounds. Given the fact that there will be a lot more people in the workforce than out of it, India is poised to become an economic superpower.
State run enterprises are usually not efficient and definitely not innovative. On the other hand, the Indian industry is based on innovative enterprises. Given the competitive nature of the world economy, the Indian industry stands a better chance at success in the future. This can already be seen as capital intensive Chinese industries such as coal and cement are going bankrupt whereas knowledge intensive industries such as information technology are thriving!
The China India comparison is therefore absurd at the moment. China is a full-fledged superpower that has begun to show signs of decline whereas India has just started rising. The path is long and uncertain and only time will answer certain questions!
Richard Fortier
I think the biggest difference is Indian has put too much attention on China, while China really don't care about India. on Indian media you can see huge mount of news about China, even more than America. Indian media like to report everything about China, and compare India with China as long as they get a chance. While you can hardly see news about India in China, no matter good news or bad news, no matter on newspaper, TV or internet, you need try very hard to find something related to India. Some old Chinese people even mixed India with Indonesia.
Another big difference is Chinese like to get things done, then talk. while Indian like to talk a lot and can't get things done eventually. The recent example is India declared they are going to replace all fuel cars with electric cars before 2030. But even the countries with the most advanced electric car technology like USA, China, Japan wouldn't dare to declare such extreme plan because there are only 11 years left, and it's doomed to fail. Hower India just confidently tell this plan to the whole world. I really hope I am wrong about this, let's see what will happen in 2030.
Hemant Ghayal, Director (1988-present)
Originally Answered: What are difference between China and India?
Except a few variations China is more homogenous in its populace compared to India which has more variations in terms of religion, language etc.
Chinese people are more educated, disciplined and ambitious than the Indians, and hence as a society are more prosperous.
Chinese people are more innovative in their approach. In technology generation and absorption they may be ahead by as much as ten years over India if we take an overall view. One can take low end technology used for everyday products, or high end technology such as aircraft design.
Shyam Kumar (ʃjɑːm kʊmɑːɾ), Been studying history since the Civil Services
Biggest difference is - Ruism/Confucianism and Caste system.
All about where loyalty lies.
This forms one of the key differentiators between the two.
Confucianism/Ruism at its core contains hierarchial organisation and paramountcy of the state over the individual.
Caste is a rigid social structure with social immobility, through there is evidence that at its inception it was intended only as a division of labour.
Max Scherzer, BE from India
Originally Answered: What is difference between India and China?
This is the map of China
China has wide net of 6 lane road
This is map of India
If you observe clearly 6 lane roads in india is very less
India is lag behind the china in all perspective (*2017).
But India lead china by humanity, religion.
That is the main reason for unemployed engineers in India. Not because of more engineering colleges, lack of skill , reservation etc. Mainly India has less infrastructure to generate opportunity for engineers,
This condition of India because of currupt and uneducated (BA BCOM) politicians ,who don't have wide vision.
As talking about politician they promote festival in the name of culture(useless with no output) instead of promoting education and new ideas.
Vidhit Naik, Student at St. Xavier's College Mumbai (2018-present)
Originally Answered: How is India different from China?
1.Geographical Difference:- The Republic Of India is in southern Asia and it's longest borders are shared with China and Pakistan. Apart from that, it does share borders with Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. The People's Republic Of China shares it's longest borders with Russia and India. It also shared borders with Mongolia, North Korea, Vietnam , Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan , Tajikistan, Nepal and Bhutan.
2.Demographic difference :- India has a population of 1.25 billion and an area of almost 12,00,00,0 square miles , giving it a population density of roughly 350. China has a population of around 1.3 billion and an area of 3 ,000,000 square miles and a population density of roughly 138. India is home to around 2000 plus ethnic groups and has followers of all major religions in the world like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism are the four main religions. China recognizes only 55 ethnic groups and is home to mainly buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.
3.Historical Difference :- India had the Indus valley civilization which was succeeded by various Hindu kings who later lost their freedom to the Delhi Sultanate and The Mughals. Soon, the Marathas would liberates India and the Hindus only to fall to the British who went on to rule the rule the country for 200 years. Finally, political independence was obtained in 1947. Following the Neolithic period many dynasties ruled over china and by the late 18 th and early 19 th Century, a particular wat of governance had developed in China . The 2000 years long dynastic rule in China came to an end when a parliament was made in the early 20 th Century.
5.Development Status :- India is still a developing nation with most of its resources been used in the field of energy, military, infrastructure and poverty as well as health care. China implemented it's open door policy in 1978 and initiated economic reforms to give it a bit of capitalist orientation. This step by china did reap the benefits and it's currently the second largest economy in the world.
6.Military :- Being a military man's son, I know how China just postures and bullies it's neighbors like India and Mongolia. But ist th 3rd most powerful powerful in the world. But it is mainly an exporter to pakistan and North Korea in the military sector. India, is the 4th most powerful military in the world and mainly imports it's equipment from the USA and Russia.
Thank you
Umair Usman, Traveled to India for business
I have been to both countries for business several times. The biggest difference between the Chinese and the Indians is that the Indians believe that they are the best! while the Chinese believe they will someday be the best!
Whats the difference? arrogance vs confidence. The Indians have done well and will not spare any chance to tell how food they are, probably gifted when it comes to business, or as a cradle of civilization or how they have the best tourist spots or that they are the biggest democracy. The self praise is cool, as far as I am concerned.
The Chinese however seem to have a sense of urgency. As if there is an obscure goal that they are going towards and will one day reach. I feel this makes the Chinese a little more humble and make them work harder and more aggressively.
I short, India feels it has made it, China believes that there is still a long journey ahead.
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