
Indigenous LCA Tejas better than Pak-Chinese joint venture JF-17 fighter jet: Nirmala Sitharaman尼尔马

 Indigenous LCA Tejas better than Pak-Chinese joint venture JF-17 fighter jet: Nirmala Sitharaman



NEW DELHI: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the indigenous LCA Tejas combat aircraft was better than the Chinese-Pakistani joint venture JF-17 Thunder in terms of performance and far more superior than the MiG-21 planes that it is going to replace in the Air Force.

新德里:印度国防部长西塔拉曼表示,印度国产轻型战机“光辉” 在性能上优于中巴联合研制的JF-17 “雷电”(中国称“枭龙”),而且远远优于印度空军即将退役的米格-21战斗机。

In a Facebook post, the defence minister blamed the UPA government for not being able to overcome political unwillingness and indifference at the cost of national security.Sitharaman said due to the "huge delays", the country had to spend Rs 20,037 crore to upgrade the MiG-21s, MiG-23s, MiG-27s, Mirage-2000s and the Jaguar fighter jets apart from revising the phaseout dates of the MiG-21 plane squadrons.


"A realization of Prime Minister's "Make in India" vision, Tejas is intended to replace the ageing fleet of MiG-21 aircraft of IAF and it is pertinent to mention that the indigenous Tejas is far more superior than MiG-21 in terms of technologies and performance when compared to JF-17, is at par with Swedish manufactured Gripen fighter jet," the Defence Minister said.


The Minister listed the advancements of the LCA Tejas and said: "agility, lightweight, use of composite materials, Advanced Avionics Suite, Advanced Flight Control System, Advanced Electro-Mechanical System and safety features will enable the indigenous fighter jet to execute operations in extreme tropical conditions."




Pramod Mishra • 53 days ago

LCA will enhance the combat abilities of our Air force and it will boost morale of HAL



Anurag • 53 days ago

No doubt.Jhaatu Fighter 17 is a 3rd generation aircraft and is made from a rejected aircraft design.HAL Tejas a 4th generation indegenous aircraft.



ANURAG • 52 days ago

Really, your Teja is a junk parked in a taxi stand, thunder has already completed 2 BLOCKS. And what on earth do you mean by ''''INDIGENOUS'''' it''s engine is American, guidance German, and composite material straight from Russia.....!!!

The newest JF-17 Block III variant, will be in service by 2020, will be fitted with an advanced AESA radar, which is resistant to EW jamming by attacking aircraft. AESA radars also have high resolution ground and sea mapping technologies


最新的JF-17 Block III,将在2020年服役,将配备先进的有源电子扫描阵列(AESA)雷达,能够对抗电子战干扰。AESA雷达还具有高分辨率的地面和海洋测绘技术。


Ehsan Habib • 52 days ago


Pakistan is lucky that China takes the trouble to ensure that the country is not saddled with obsolete weapons. Our country has had no such luck, so weapon upgradation has been slow. Nevertheless, we have what it takes to give the PAF a drubbing.




Shantanu • 53 days ago

We should set our bench mark at international level. Does it really make any difference what aircrafts Pakistan is having. We have superiority with respect to quality and numbers. Our aim should be to reach standards accepted internationally. Thankfully the current Govt has started to modernise the forces with latest equipment and gadgets and hope, there will be continuity in this direction.



Shantanu Basu • 52 days ago

Our adversaries are regional, i.e. Pakistan and China. So, it will be sufficient if we have weapons that can keep them at bay/subdue them. But then, China has vastly improved military capability in the last two decades, so we do need to have advanced weaponry.



Anup Jaiswal • 53 days ago

I am of the view that HAL should be privatise in the interest of our country.


Anup Jaiswal • Mum Bhai • 52 days ago

You mean reliance should take it over...



Jack Saunders • 52 days ago


If the aim is to lower defence preparedness, all important defence related production can be entrusted to Anil Ambani companies.



Vivek Mahajan • 53 days ago

Congress has seriously compromised national security


Vivek Mahajan • 53 days ago

Yeah right. If not for them there will be no HAL and your country will be an import based one.



Stanley Thomas • 52 days ago

As Defence Minister, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman is certainly in a position to take the bull by the horns, and pre-empt our air warriors from ending up as casualties of HAL''s ineptitude and incompetence.



Ehsan Habib • 52 days ago

The newest JF-17 Block III variant, will be in service by 2020, will be fitted with an advanced AESA radar, which is resistant to EW jamming by attacking aircraft. AESA radars also have high resolution ground and sea mapping technologies that provide it with accurate, all weather, day/night firing capability against ground and sea based threats. Block III aircraft is also integrated with off boresight IR/BVR missile firing capability, through a helmet-mounted display (HMD), which provides better situational awareness through integration of internal infrared search and tracking (IRST) system for detection of stealthy aircraft. Airframe modifications include greater use of composites for reduced RCS, longer airframe life and reduced empty weight. The aircraft is also equipped with a semi recessed air to air refueling probe to reduce parasitic drag, and a fully redundant all axis fly-by-wire system. The aircraft is expected to cost 35 million dollars per piece.

最新的JF-17 Block III,将在2020年服役,将配备先进的有源电子扫描阵列(AESA)雷达,能够抵抗攻击机的电子战干扰。AESA雷达还具有高分辨率的地面和海洋测绘技术,为其提供精确、全天候、昼/夜作战能力,对抗地面和海上威胁。Block III也集成了超视距导弹发射能力,通过头盔显示器(HMD),集成内部红外搜索和跟踪(IRST)系统,提供更好的态势感知能力,用于探测隐形飞机。机身改装包括使用了更多的复合材料,以减少雷达横截面,延长机身寿命和减少空载重量。还配备了半凹进式空对空加油管,以减少摩擦阻力,和全轴电传飞行系统。这款飞机预计每架造价3500万美元。


ExSecular Rises • streets • 53 days ago

LCA without any firing weapons is equal to toothless tiger. Only difference, tiger cannot fly, tejas does.

没有装备武器的“光辉 ”相当于没有牙齿的老虎。唯一不同的是,老虎不会飞,而“光辉”会。


Gopinath • Gopinath • Hyderabad • 53 days ago

It was an effort in itself to push the public sector undertakings to wake up from their sleep and make them realise their potential.



Muzafar Beigh • 53 days ago

What is she saying, Tejas wll set world record on crashes!



Muzafar Beigh • 53 days ago

She has to say what she did.



Alpha • Muzafar Beigh • Kolkata • 52 days ago

She is saying that Tejas will bang 3rd grade made in china product jf17 out of sky.


Muzafar Beigh • 52 days ago

If that does happen, I''m sure it''ll please you very much. But then, it''s just wishful thinking. Haven''t you heard the adage – If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.



Indian • India • 53 days ago

It may be better. But the main question is why HAL is taking so long to make first 20 Tejas. The production has started 2 years ago and HAL has made only 10 Tejas. Pakistan has already made 80 JF-17 and 10 JF-17 II and getting ready to make JF-17 III from next year. Our Tejas MK-II project will deliver first Tejas in 2022. What is the relevance?

主要的问题是,生产20架战机,为什么印度斯坦航空公司要花这么长时间。2年前就已经开始生产,但只生产了10架。巴基斯坦已经生产了80架JF-17和10架JF-17 II,并准备从明年开始生产JF-17 III。我们的“光辉”MK-II将在2022年交付。


Indian • 52 days ago

The Tejas MK-II will probably be delivered in 2024, not 2022.



Indian • 52 days ago

I agree. Tejas is a good aircraft in it''s category. But HAL is a huge drawback with their production capability.

