印媒:印度空军推荐授予阿比纳丹·瓦尔塔曼“Vir Chakra”勋章

IAF recommends Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman for Vir Chakra印度空军推荐授予阿比纳丹·瓦尔塔曼“Vir

 IAF recommends Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman for Vir Chakra

印度空军推荐授予阿比纳丹·瓦尔塔曼“Vir Chakra”勋章


注:“Vir Chakra”为印度战时英勇勋章

NEW DELHI: The IAF has recommended Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman for a top wartime gallantry award, while also transferring him out of the Srinagar to another base on the western front till he is found medically fit to fly again.


Defence sources said Varthaman, who shot down a F-16 before his MiG-21 was also downed during the aerial skirmish with Pakistan Air Force on February 27, has been recommended for a Vir Chakra, which is the third highest wartime medal after Param Vir Chakra and Maha Vir Chakra. Varthaman, of course, was later released on March 1 after being captured by the Pakistan Army on February 27.

印度国防部消息称,瓦尔塔曼已被举荐为“Vir Chakra”勋章候选人,该勋章为三等战时勋章,仅次于Param Vir Chakra和Maha Vir Chakra。2月27日瓦而塔曼被巴基斯坦军队抓获,于3月1日获释。

Though the IAF refused to comment officially, sources said Varthaman was “routinely transferred”’ to another airbase in Rajasthan and not because of any security concerns for his safety in J&K. “His tenure with the IAF’s No.51 squadron, also called the ‘Sword Arms’, was getting over. Moreover, the final clearance for him to fly again will be given by the Bengaluru-based Institute of Aerospace Medicine, where he will undergo tests next month,” said a source.

尽管印度空军拒绝正式置评,但有消息称,瓦而塔曼已被被调往拉贾斯坦邦的另一个空军基地,这是例行调度,并非出于对他在查谟克什米尔地区安全的担忧。消息称:“他在印度空军第51中队(绰号‘Sword Arms’)的服役即将结束。此外,他再次飞行的最终许可将由总部位于班加罗尔的航空医学研究所给出,他将于下月在那里接受测试。”

IAF chief Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa had earlier said that whether the 35-year-old Varthaman flies again would depend on his medical fitness because ejection from a supersonic fighter leads to stress and other injuries on the pilot’s spinal cord. "Once he gets his medical fitness, then only he can get into a fighter cockpit," he said.


Another official on Saturday said, “As for the gallantry medals, the IAF headquarters is yet to collate all the awards to be conferred on August 15. It’s a confidential process. The medals are officially announced only after the President inks the file.”




India lost one MIG. Pakistan did not loose F-16.wing commander Abhinandan was captured by pak army after he lost air craft. It was mercy shown by prome minister pf pakistan that he came back



Abrar Ahmed • 174 • Abrar Ahmed • 14 hours ago

Wht he did ???

Thanx to pak army who left him and thanx to imran

Otherwise he was gone



sr Mohanty • 9239 • Abrar Ahmed • bhubaneshwar • 14 hours ago

India should have killed ur 93000 kayar soldiers in 1971



BAHADUR JAWAN • Covfefe • 12 hours ago

Lol mig 21 shooting down paki f16 is embarrassing beyond being naked in public. Lol pakis always does the unthinkable like getting Patton tanks shot down, 93000 largest surrender. Paki are harmful for any company reputation



Mokkapati Prabhakara Rao • India • 14 hours ago

It''s a strange that neither Pakistan nor US (or any other country) are admitting the fall of F-16 / killing of about 300 terrorists , till now. Only we are talking.


Guillotino Returns - The Last Man Standing • 1365 • Mokkapati Prabhakara Rao

This is because the international community has a habit of belittling Indians.


Azz Khann • 2462 • Mokkapati Prabhakara Rao • 13 hours ago

Obviously only 1 country is lying (India), the rest of the the world is speaking truth.



Syma ZW Khan • 737 • Syma Zw Khan • Kolkata • 11 hours ago

He doesn’t deserve Vir Chakra for merely crossing the border. He deserves PVC.. he crossed the LOC, made sure that Pakistan lost a plane, was captured alive, suffered at the hands of mad locals and still came back alive. Proud of the son of India. PVC for  Abhinandan

阿比纳丹越过了实际控制线,击落了一架巴基斯坦战机,被捕后受尽了折磨,之后仍安全返回。对于他来说,Vir Chakra勋章还不够分量,他应该被授予PVC(最高荣誉勋章)。以印度之子为荣,为阿比纳丹颁发PVC勋章。


Shane Bain • 2 hours ago

Totally Hilarious, By Any Standard. An Inept & Incompetent Pilot Who Was Shot Down, & Rescued From The Wrath Of Pakistani People By Pakistan Army, Is Getting Rewarded For Gallantry? This Wing Commander Should Either Be REtrained Or REtired, Definitely Not REwarded.



Gaana User • 35 • Shane Bain • 2 hours ago

He shot F16 but you will not accept anyhow.Seems Pak has history of lies right from your PM He is on record to say two pilots captured one is Abhinandan and second in hospital.Now even after Two months no mention of other pilot.No surprise that you accepted that Kargil war had regular Pak soldiers after so many years.Some years later you will accept it also when tension clears.Anyway from my view the martyred Pakistani pilot too deserved recognition as he too faught for his nation.



Gauravdeep • 13 hours ago

proud of you sir

Abhinandan hoo

jai hind



sr Mohanty • 9239 • sr Mohanty • bhubaneshwar • 14 hours ago

You deserves it brother. You are the pride of india.A real son of the soil. Huge respect for you brother


sr Mohanty • 13 hours ago

If you think getting shotdown is pride, yes.



EXPERT OPINION • 4320 • Expert Opinion • 14 hours ago

Going to enemy territory and coming back alive is a bug thing. Congrats abhinandan



Skrishna • 2 hours ago

It is a great move on the part of the IAF to recommend WC Abhinandan Varthaman for VIR CHAKRA. He deserves it greatly in the way he carried himself with bravery and patriotism in the face of the enemy. All credits to him.



Joji RME • Kochi • 11 hours ago

With all due respect to IAF and our defense force, what is the rational for creating such a drama with BJP sarkaar on shooting down of F-16? The world super powers does not even acknowledge Indian Govt''s claim of shooting down of F-16 and human casualities over there in PAKISTAN.



Suman Mondal • 170 • Joji RME • 10 hours ago

Who cares about world power. US or France will not fight for India. Our interest needs to be sorted by us.F16 is small episode want to see how Pakistan becoming Somalia.. PKR to USD 200 by end 2020. Now its 141.



Dattatray Gaikwad • 606 • Dattatray Gaikwad • 13 hours ago

He is perfect for that..



Divakar • Jaipur, Rajasthan • 13 hours ago

He is my hero... My hero deserves it....



Prashant • Mumbai • 2 hours ago

Keep these sort of news coming out to favour BJP. This could have been declared after election. Why now?



Pan Vader • 9 hours ago

I would urge you indians to read any international newspaper before believing in all this abhinandan drama created by indian army and media.



Rishabh Singh • 389 • Rishabh Singh • 13 hours ago

sir India is proud of you.



Rishabh Singh • 13 hours ago

sir you are superhero of india.

