
This mom celebrates her son's 60% score in Class 10 board exams! Her post goes viral这位印度妈妈庆祝儿子在10年级

 This mom celebrates her son's 60% score in Class 10 board exams! Her post goes viral

这位印度妈妈庆祝儿子在10年级考试中考了60分! 帖子被疯传


The examination culture in India is so toxic that it bars anyone from celebrating anything less than a perfect 90 per cent. This unsaid, overwhelming pressure is quite visible in the way we give away all the glory and limelight to the toppers and 90 percentile-rs, while those who manage to pass these exams are hounded by their own marks.


It is almost as if these students have committed a crime by scoring anything less than the desired magical number. In such times, a mother from Delhi, Vandana Katoch, is winning the internet with the way she is unapologetically proud of her son’s marks and is celebrating the same.


The proud mom posted the following message on her Facebook page:

“Super proud of my boy who scored a 60% in Class 10 board exams. Yes, it is not a 90, but that doesn't change how I feel. Simply because I have seen him struggle with certain subjects almost to the point of giving up, and then deciding to give his all in the last month-and-a-half to finally make it through! Here's to you, Aamer. And others like you - fishes asked to climb trees. Chart your own course in the big, wide ocean, my love. And keep your innate goodness, curiosity and wisdom alive. And of course, your wicked sense of humour!”


“我为我儿子感到非常骄傲,他在10年级考试中考了60分。是的,不是90,但我仍为儿子感到骄傲。我看到他在某些科目上非常吃力,几乎就要放弃了,然而在最后一个半月里他努力通过了考试! Aamer,祝贺你以及和你一样的学生。你们完成了不可能的事,就好比让鱼去爬树。亲爱的,在广阔无垠的学海里,绘出你自己的航线,保持你与生俱来的善良、好奇心和才智,当然还有你那顽皮的幽默感!”

This mother’s undeniably sweet and optimistic message for her son clearly won over the internet in no time as the post has garnered more than 5 thousand likes and around 3.3K shares. Her viral post is a refreshingly different take on the way we usually look at and discuss the examination results of our children.


Her views serve as a brilliant reminder of the fact that a child's report card isn’t what defines him/her as a person and is not a way to measure their capabilities and potential either. Our children are much more than the marks they achieve or the ‘Alphabets’ they get in their mark sheets.


In an era where the marks achieved in board examinations is deemed to be the judge of a child’s future, Vandana’s post reminds us of our duties as a parent, which is to support, celebrate and encourage our children.


Parents all over Facebook are applauding her amazing message and thanking her for calling out the madness of the rat race of marks.


Kudos and huge respect to you Vandana! May parents like you continue to inspire us and help us take off the parental pressure from our children.

向你致敬,范达娜! 愿像您这样的父母继续激励我们,帮助孩子们减轻来自来自父母的压力。




This mom certainly deserves applause .



Prameedula Sadanandam33 mins ago

Hats off to you madam ji this would definitely inspire him to achieve what he wants in future



Gautam Pandit2 hours ago

I being a teacher myself see this kind of ' 99% marks' thought of parents on routine basis . At times parents get depressed when child's mark goes DOWN FROM 98% TO 95% . where will this % culture end ?

Hats off to such parents who understand what their son faces and struggles. it is the need of hour to understand that not everyone can do everything.

See coaching classes mushrooming everywhere and see the success percentage of students. Many students are forced to join Coaching ... Read More



Rudra Prasad

Refreshing news



M S Ansari4 hours ago

We want more mothers like her...this is called support...this is called love.



Ulhas Kulkarni4 hours ago

90 is NOTHING! Aim at 99.99% in XII.




appreciate the mom who is giving moral support to her kid



Jamphel Dorjee8 hours ago

What''s the point being the topper if person doesn''t learn other half real life education that normally we get from home



WE9 hours ago

I live in US from last 24 years and i was so relieved to know that my kids don''t have to go through our country education system although it is the best and here education system is not ALLOWED to force kids to go to certain extreme level and i have never seen my boys going through and stress and they are graduate now . i am so glad that mothers are gathering up and bringing there words out like these to encourage some more mothers out there from our conservative society. god bless you all.




rajesh pargi

jus support ur child when ever he tries to perform...




I want to bite her red lips. Very beautiful.


Gautam Pandit2 hours ago

as your name suggests, you are an animal from jungle with no care or respect for human culture



Mowgli   13 hours ago

Sick minded pervert!



balaji mahesh Krishnan18 hours ago

deeply appreciate. remember don't pester your child to books till he realizes it is needed for progress




Does she have any shame ? 60% makes her proud ? Will she be proud if her son rapes a girl tomorrow ? She should break his legs.



Mowgli   13 hours ago

Exams are to check suitability to do someone else's job.




She looks so hot and beautiful. A Yummy mummy.




I want to marry her and reproduce a better son who will score more than 90%.



indiankitty790019 hours ago

Best mom around. Proud of you madam.



A19 hours ago

those who's mum's don't object to their percentage know their dad's are billionaires. 、



Xi Jong Hu   18 hours ago

life is more precious than good marksheet. Though, life is very hard for anyone to succeed in it but we have to accept realities. Mother response is really praiseworthy.


Sameer Koul

Well said...I think life is more than being sucessful. Its about living it and finding the purpose of ones life...



Unni Krishnan22 hours ago

super mom... Cheers



Ginger Guru

Every one should have mother like this, salute !!



Jayanta Deka23 hours ago

salute to the mother for her wonderful gesture



Sumita Kulkarni

A wise and wonderful mother !




Super Mom..as parents we all have this thought but we are not able to accept due to the pressure from the society.. My son got this much blah blah etc....

超级妈妈. .作为父母,我们都应该有她这样的想法,但迫于社会的压力,我们无法接受儿子考这么点分。


Sam Mathew 1 day ago

Salute maam.

