
Switzerland steps up process to share banking info; 11 Indians get notices in a day瑞士加快银行信息共享进程,1天内

 Switzerland steps up process to share banking info; 11 Indians get notices in a day



NEW DELHI/BERNE: As Switzerland strives hard to re-establish its global financial centre position after clamping down on secrecy walls of its banks, there has been a significant surge in the number of cases where it has initiated process to share information on Indians with Swiss bank accounts and shot off letters to about a dozen such individuals last week itself.

新德里/伯尔尼: 在取消银行保密制度后,瑞士努力重建其全球金融中心地位。上周,瑞士已启动印度人瑞士银行账户信息共享程序,并向大约12名拥有瑞士银行账户的印度人发出了信函。

Since March, at least 25 notices have been issued by the Swiss authorities to Indian clients of Switzerland-based banks in which they have been given one last chance to appeal against sharing of their details with India.


An analysis of the notices issued by the Federal Tax Administration, Switzerland government's nodal department for sharing of information on foreign clients of Swiss banks, shows that the Swiss government has stepped up its efforts in sharing such details with a number of countries in the recent months, but the surge in India-related cases is noticeable in the past few weeks.


At least 11 such notices were issued to Indian nationals on May 21 itself, though the gazette notifications of the Swiss government has redacted full names for several of them while making public only their initials besides the nationality and the dates of birth.


Several of these names are said to have figured in the leaked HSBC lists and Panama papers which allegedly contained names of Indians with Swiss bank accounts and are being probed by Indian authorities in alleged black money cases.


Switzerland was widely known as an alleged safe haven for black money before it bowed down before the global pressure and agreed to bring down the famed secrecy walls that had historically surrounded the Swiss banks, provided the requesting country gave proof for financial irregularities done by the concerned person or the company.

屈服于全球压力之前,瑞士被誉为黑钱避风港, 瑞士同意取消著名的保密制度,前提是对方国家提供个人或公司金融违规行为的证据。

Along with several other countries, India has also been making use of this change in the stance of Switzerland by seeking details of suspected black money hoarders in Swiss banks and it has already got back information in a large number of cases in the last few years.




Ravindran • Hyderabad • 16 hours ago

What we require details of accounts of politicians includig sonia, Rahul, Wadra, Chidambaram and over scores of politicians &business men. Disclosure of these name and amount stand in their name will solve an important financial issue. Hope will be disclosed shortly.



shurewest • 16 hours ago

15 lakhs could finally come



dse • 15 hours ago

Does anyone from BJP have black money. Haven''t heard of any IT or ED raids on any BJP politician in the last 5 years.


Samuel Thomas • Goa • 13 hours ago

They are “holy cows” and cows enjoy special protection.



Think About • Aryavart • 16 hours ago

Modi 2.0....bring back swiss black money to India!



Think about it • Goa • 13 hours ago

15L are a-coming.



I Am From Hell • dont know • 16 hours ago

This is the work done by Modi govt for 5 years.... Now swiss bank is sharing data and culprits will be punished



I Am From Hell • 5 hours ago

Swiss bank has already shared name to indian government but feku is not disclosing.



Jose Indian• 1528 • MarG G Meri • 15 hours ago

Also we kept a secret that our helicopter was shot down bu our own missile till elections .That is a shame



Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla • Bangalore • 16 hours ago

Already in trouble with 2 back to back losses, and now Swiss is also started sharing accounts, Sonia, Robber Vadra and Rahu must have already shifted their accounts some other country may be Italy.


Adi Roi• 2422 • Dr Vidyadhar Yellutla • 16 hours ago

their money is in bank of england



Vivek Mathur • 16 hours ago

India needs Death Penalty for Corruption and Money laundering.



Think About • Aryavart • 16 hours ago

Only Modi can bring back the black money to India....Har har Modi!



Suresh Iyer • 15 hours ago

Modi will make many crooks pay for their misdeeds now



Amit • 15 hours ago

modi we salute u



Aakash• 158 • Aakash • 16 hours ago

Nice Start



Lihkin • Sangrur • 16 hours ago

We need money back not the names



Rajdeep Singh • Canada • 14 hours ago

we need life sentence for them.



KR• 1921 • KR • 15 hours ago

No politicians named?Indian politicians are most honest in the world, they only survive on their salaries...



Paresh Trivedi • hell • 15 hours ago

Good beginning by Modi!



Jck R • 15 hours ago

Modi you are the god of India!



SKuG • Durgapur (WB) • 16 hours ago

Happy Days are here again... Thumbs Up... Thumbs Up...



Think About • Aryavart • 16 hours ago

Modi effect started showing up....



Varinder • 15 hours ago

now Modi ji, you must recover money which were looted in last 70 years. the amounts are huge and can finance many projects in India.



Mikey Phat • 15 hours ago

Convert all these to national assests



Sudeep Singh• Sudeep • 15 hours ago

that's the namo effect. India take back what it deserves.



Pawan Anand • Mumbai • 14 hours ago

This is only trailer. Wait for the full movie!



Manoj Sinha • 15 hours ago

Seize the money and distribute them among all indian.

