中国:在印度加入核供应国集团的立场上保持不变 [印度媒体]

北京方面:周一中国声明对于(签署了)核不扩散条约的国家进入核供应集团的立场不变,使得印度在下个月重要会议上错失了加入48会员精英俱乐部的机会。印度网友:我已经停止购买中国产品了 政府不能禁止中国产品进入印度市场,但我们印度人作为一个整体让我们停止购买! 我已经改变了自己!


BEIJING: China on Monday said there is no change in its stance on admission of non-NPT states into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) marring India's chances of entering the 48-member elite club at its crucial meeting next month+ .


"China's position on the non-NPT members' participation in the NSG has not changed" Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told a media briefing.



She was responding to a question about the chances of India's admission into the grouping during the next month's plenary session expected to take place in the Swiss capital Bern.


"We support the NSG group following the mandate of the 2016 Seoul plenary session and following building consensus as well as inter-governmental process is open and transparent to deal with the relevant issue in a two-step approach" Hua said.



After India applied for membership in the NSG Pakistan — the all-weather ally of China — also submitted its membership bid with Beijing's backing.


While India is backed by the US+ and a number of western countries China maintained that new members should sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT).  



r p mittal
India should progressively reduce her imports from China to reciprocate their gesture. There should be a price for this unjustified unfriendly action.


Amarendra Ray > r p mittal
India has already imposed anti dumping duties on steel imported from China. More should follow.


Unknown Atheist > Amarendra Ray
If more should follow then China lobby working within government will not get their commissions from China. After all it is matter of money for these anti nationalists and will never allow it to happen. Share goes to every one from top to bottom. Money rules the world. Money money money : brighter than sunshine and sweeter than honey.



Sundaresan Balakrishnan > Unknown Atheist
You are right and the previous government has loaded the central bureaucracy with pro chinese goons. They will always be cautious when it comes to their own income. It is time Modi revamps the bureaucracy he inherited and replace them with like minded people who cares for India more than for China and their own personal wealth.

你是对的,以前的政府中央的官僚机构全是亲华派的暴徒。 对自己的收入来说,他们总是十分谨慎。 现在是莫迪改革他们继承下来的官僚主义,并任命于那些关心印度,而不是中国和自己个人财富的志同道合之人。

Mr India > Amarendra Ray
I have stopped buying Chinese product; Government cannot ban Chinese product coming to Indian market but we as a whole let's stop buying! I have already changed myself!!

我已经停止购买中国产品了 政府不能禁止中国产品进入印度市场,但我们印度人作为一个整体让我们停止购买! 我已经改变了自己!

IsLamCanNotDEBATE Terrorist > r p mittal
Why Progressive? We can stop all that is Chinese straight away.

为什么要等进一步的政策? 我们可以立即停止所有的中国产品。


sharmaneru87 Singh > r p mittal
Indian should stop buying chines junk..


Ordinary Indian > sharmaneru87 Singh
This is a correct way of saying "STOP BUYING CHINESE GOODS" rather that asking the government to ban Import from China.


Born In January > Ordinary Indian
100% agree....


Shaji Nanu > Ordinary Indian
Absolutely. I have never touched those traitors products though struggling with my current mobile. Stop buying Vivo Oppo etc. Start from Chinese low quality mobiles first.



Born In January > sharmaneru87 Singh
Singh Saa'b I stopped buying Chinese products some 4 years ago... unfortunately I can not help myself in Apple products or Laptops until India starts manufacturing such products... Made in India and many people will buy it with proud...


Ani Hyderabad > r p mittal
Why wait for government. I have stopped chinese products and urge all Indians to stop buying chinese products. This will not only send a strong message to China but also improve our domestic product.



Dharmesh Patel > r p mittal
the price which we have to pay will be more painful considering that we cry a lot when made to stand in ATM queue for hours what about small cell phone charger costing 1000-1500/-? or headset costing 1000? it can't be cut 100% as otherwise we can't have cell phone at all. yes the cheap stuff we should ban completely under the guise of not meeting quality standard and lacking any recycle plan from manufacturer and don't let them setup one here in all avoid getting dirty and cheap dumping here

鉴于我们在ATM等待几个小时就哭得很惨了,那价格会让我们更想死的,小型手机充电器的成本为1000-1500 或者耳机成本1000怎么样?不能完全禁止,否则我们都没手机用了。是的,我们应该借着不符合质量标准和无售后服务的幌子完全禁止廉价的东西 ,不让他们在这里卖一切东西,避免一切肮脏廉价的倾销。

Mr India > r p mittal
I have stopped buying Chinese product; Government cannot ban Chinese product coming to Indian market but we as a whole let's stop buying! I have already changed myself!

我已经停止购买中国产品了,政府不能禁止中国产品进入印度市场,但我们可以整体停止购买! 我已经改变了自己!


Ek Hindustani > r p mittal
rather than wait for government action people should read the "made in" aspect and reject chinese products consciously. people are more powerful and effective than governments. 


True Indian > r p mittal
Agree China will never be a friend simply they are dubious cheats. Let us accept it and move on


Sanjeev Panandikar > r p mittal
Slap their goods with very high import duty so that these will be costlier than other countries.

