F16交易可能导致美国就业流向印度 [印度媒体]



WASHINGTON: The Tata Advanced Systems and Lockheed Martin deal which comes days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the United States does not have the official government of India imprimatur and was signed in France on the sidelines of the Paris Air Show by two private entities.


However the agreement has its significance on several counts.


First up it will result in Lockheed winding down its production in Fort Worth Texas and moving the assembly lines to India resulting in loss of jobs in US+ and a gain for India although both companies insist that some jobs would remain in Texas.



Although the Obama administration did not baulk at the deal the current dispensation - which has not officially expressed a view on the matter - has a strong aversion to such flight of jobs. Moreover the F-16 although a fourth-generation aircraft that is generally viewed as being at the tail end of its lifespan is flown by many air forces in the Indian Ocean region that are not necessarily regarded as friendly by India-notable Pakistan.


The proposed joint venture+ which will have to be officially okayed by both New Delhi and Washington envisages the production of F-16 Block 70 fighter in India and it is not clear how it will affect the inventory and supply of the aircraft and its parts to countries such as Pakistan Saudi Arabia Turkey and other such countries that fly it.

拟成立的合资公司,必须经过新德里政府和华盛顿政府两方的同意。将在印度生产F-16 Block 70 战机,而巴基斯坦,沙特,土耳其和其他国家都在用这种飞机,所以现在还不清楚在印度生产会对这些国家的F16战机及其部件的库存和供应会产生何种影响。


Some Indian analysts have expressed reservations about the vintage of the aircraft considering many countries are now into fifth gen aircraft.


"India a dumping ground for obsolete weapon systems?" strategic affairs analyst Brahma Chellaney wondered in a tweet. Others cautioned that it was not yet a done deal just an "understanding."



Yolanda Roberts
What jobs? Lockheed is gearing up for full scale F-35 production for 11 countries. No one is buying F-16s anymore. They are almost obsolete. Only an idiotic cash cow like India will accept these planes now.


Dr Vidyadhar > Yolanda Roberts
Qatar placed order for F-15 recently stop lying here.


Yolanda Roberts > Dr Vidyadhar
Arey Dumbo. F-16-Single Engine Jet manufactured by Lockheed. F-15 Twin Engine Jet made by Boeing. Learn to count till 20 first Bhakt.

Arey Dumbo。单引擎版的F16是洛克希德制造的。双引擎的F15是波音制造的。先学学怎么数到20吧Bhakt。


Vishva Sharma
Anti-nationals will be very upset. That itself shows it to be a beneficial project.


Indian jobs
"jobs from US to India".
Wishful thinking! but Trump will never let that happen.


Priya Bimal
Dear Investors think twice before investing into India. Situation is close to neku war India-china or Pak India or Kashmir. Country is run by Gao Rukshaks and feku co. Farmers fight or Chhattisghar or darjeeling or Kashmir disputes. Terror attacks. Big Dhangas. Its high risk in the fake country system. Anytime RBI can illigely ban its own issued notes~

印度被Gao Rukshaks以及莫迪集团所掌管,充斥着各式问题:农民的反抗、恰蒂斯加尔邦、大吉岭、克什米尔争端、恐怖袭击,还有一大堆的“硕鼠”。
在印度这个虚假的国家制度下投资是有很大风险的。印度储备银行(The Reserve bank of India)随时都可以非法地废止它自己发行的货币。


Tukaram Pujari
America will outsource rocket launching to ISRO because America is saving hefty expediture.Similary this deal. America is going to gain due to huge cost cutting and yet able to reap the fruits of best Indian brains available in this world.The gains can't be measured in terms of job loss or gain.

Tukaram Pujari

Mr Gloom
So India hands over tens of billions of dollars of USA.
And India gets to employ a few thousand people amounting to tens of millions of dollars.
What a deal!

Mr Gloom



Ravindran Nambiar Menaputhiyaveettle
Welcome development though who dream commission will oppose.Plane manufacture has positive and negative effects.On positive side huge foreign exchange savings and increased job opportunity.1000s of direct and indirect jobs will be created.Plane can be sold to friendly countries which will bring foreign exchange which will strengthen rupee.Who hoarded blackmoney in foreign countries won't like rupee strengthening.Highly welcome development.

Pollution will go up effects will be felt after a few years.Positive effects will be seen immediately

Suvle Seeker
False. The plants are gearing up to produce F35s. This is an ancient version that the USAF does not order. So if they are not making it for themselves how can they have job losses?



Subramanian xxxxxx
Our news headlines are such for selling that tomorrow this will be picked up by US media and show trump and he will block it thus media with their sensationalism would put on hold the project.Our media becomes so irresponsible for gathering eyeballs that they are not bothered about economic or security issue. Even if India were to use spies to infiltrate pak terrorist organisation the media will expose and put to risk the whole operation. With a media like this there can be no progress in areas of counter-terrorism or doing a large project like the above bringing in more jobs. The ideal head line for this could be More Indian jobs to be created than sensationalizing as US jobs going out.


Sumil Jain
Mt sharma it is true it is 4th generation aircraft.usa itself does not use it.we need latest and best technology not some thing which is 2 decades old

 sharma 先生,真的是四代机,美国自己没用它,我们需要最新最好的科技产品而不是20年前的旧款。


No body knows from where these Congress cronies got the news that India is buying F-16s. India had already rejected F-16 and F-18s in favour of Rafale fighters. If Tata is involved does that mean that IAF will "have to buy" F-16s ? On top of that the plane manufactured in India is "block 70/72" and Pakis are flying F-16 "block50/52". There is no chance that India will go for F16s.


The government should try to get the latest technological products and not yesterdays' product . Ours is hard earn money by people of India please do not waste them in the name of modernisation.

