Posted byu/gorillaz0e 6 days ago
[Onitsha-Nigeria, Peshawar-Pakistan, Zabol-Iran, Rawalpindi-Pakistan, Kaduna-Nigeria, Aba-Nigeria, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, Al Junbail-Saudi Arabia, Mazar-e Sharif-Afghanistan, Gwalior-India, Hamad Town-Bahrain, Allahabad-India, Shijiazhuang-China, Karachi-Pakistan, Dammam-Saudi Arabia, Umuahia-Nigeria, Raipur-India, Kabul-Afghanistan, Ma'ameer-Bahrain, Boshehr-Iran]
HotNatured United States 90 points·6 days ago
China's made significant progress for sure.
Didn't know Saudi was so fucked!
Raplaplaf 53 points·6 days ago
For Saudi you should take into account that the desert is also sending a lot of particules flying in the air.
Polder 19 points·6 days ago
There used to be a geologist in my office who had a vial of sand from Algeria on his desk. That stuff was as fine as flour. If the sand in Arabia is similar it's not hard to imagine where the particulates in the air come from.
HotNatured United States 6 points·6 days ago
Ah ok. I'd usually think of sand as pm10 but this makes sense now.
Oh shit... It is pm10 that they're measuring hahaha
Leafdissector China 8 points·6 days ago
Yeah it's somewhat strange to see that all the "major" cities on that list were all in the Middle East. I wonder what the life expectancy is in these places.
Procc 5 points·6 days ago
I haven't researched it but I'm gonna go with low
AristideSaccard 1 point·5 days ago
When you blow up on a market your lungs are just fine
whsun808 5 points·6 days ago
The rankings were pretty much always like this. 5 years ago it was the same.
__wasteman 1 point·5 days ago
Guess who's going to Shijiazhuang next week. Fuck yeah.
bylyf 1 point·6 days ago
once they decide to do something they do it super efficiently due to only one ruling party
edlebest 58 points·6 days ago
Key metric is PM10 I’d be curious to see the same but for PM2.5
humans4humans 32 points·6 days ago
Yea pm2.5 would be interesting to see because it is more harmful
gopnik_conscxt 11 points·6 days ago
Zaboul Iran tops the 2.5 list
gopnik_conscxt 1 point·6 days ago
2.5 pm can also include fine dust particles so it's not an accurate determinate of industrial pollution.
HotNatured United States 3 points·6 days ago
I thought it was the other way around - - that pm2.5 is almost universally considered the key measurement of air quality as detriment to human health. Whereas pm10 particles are too large pm2.5 particles can be absorbed into the body through the lungs.
Beijing will sometimes get wild pm10 measures (over 900) but it has nothing to do with industry. Rather it's sandstorms. I haven't heard high pm2.5 ever be explained away as 'not related to industry and therefore safe'.
BillyBattsShinebox 19 points·6 days ago
This is just for pm10. Adjust it for pm2.5 and the list will change. Adjust it for overall AQI and it will change again. Would be interesting to see how all three measurements compare.
ccc45p 35 points·6 days ago
From Wikipedia
[Shijiazhuang is situated east of the Taihang Mountains a mountain range extending over 400 km (250 mi) from north to south with an average elevation of 1500 to 2000 m (4900 to 6600 ft) making Shijiazhuang a place for hiking outdoor trips and cycling.]
gopnik_conscxt 20 points·6 days ago
Nigeria Number One
EricGoCDS 19 points·6 days ago
I spent some time in Shijiazhuang and Taiyuan China. The number (305) is totally bullshXt. In winter days Shijiazhuang should be at 1000+ (no kidding). Taiyuan is like 2X worse.
ak1368a 19 points·6 days ago
It’s an annual average. That’s pretty fucking bad for everyday
Smirth -4 points·6 days ago
People live there every single day and visitors are always "OH MY GOD I CAN'T LEAVE THE WESTIN!"
Procc 3 points·6 days ago
I can't communicate with those people they also don't have the opportunity to leave. It's not like my self or others don't have sympathy for those people either
Smirth -1 points·6 days ago
Didn't mean it personally.
The highest concentration of pollution masks in Beijing is on white men at the taxi queue in front of the Westin. It always makes me laugh.
raggedalex 10 points·6 days ago
Why Chinese cities don’t appear? There are literally thousands of city like this(如下图) where pm10 values are higher than the ones displayed here
midnightblade 11 points·6 days ago
That lix shows a pm10 much lower than this image.
Plus this image is talking about the mean for the year. Have you visited those cities to say that the ones in China are worse?
raggedalex 1 point·5 days ago
As you can see pm10 values float at the time my comment was posted it was 333 as shown by the record in the page.
Sinarum 4 points·5 days ago
It was 124 when I just clicked on it so I was a bit confused by what you were trying to prove
snicksnackwack 5 points·6 days ago
Nope. Here's one for p2.5. China has 4 cities in the top 20.
BillyBattsShinebox 7 points·6 days ago
Honestly even 4/20 cities on the list is probably way better than 5-10 years back.
C2074579 2 points·6 days ago
So if I go to one of these cities I'll literally get sick from just sitting down in a park?
lacraquotte France 2 points·5 days ago
I lived in India before coming to China. China was a breadth of fresh air the pollution in India is out-of-this-world.
irishgeek 2 points·6 days ago
I was not expecting for it not to be "China number one!"
ponyplop Great Britain 0 points·6 days ago
Honestly surprised Beijing or Chengdu didn't make the list..
smasbut 2 points·6 days ago
They're actually not that bad by Chinese standards. Beijing does have bad days/weeks but the pollution is blowing in from tier-88 industrial shitholes in the surrounding provinces....
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...