【印度教徒报】拉胡尔:莫迪老仙让钱从古吉拉特邦消失(新增评论) [印度媒体]


PM made money vanish from Gujarat, says Rahul


Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Monday alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made money “disappear” from Gujarat through “magic” in the last two decades of BJP rule.


Mr. Gandhi’s remarks came after he watched a magic performance during his visit to Harij village where he met members of the notified and denotified tribes. The Congress leader met a former snake charmer who told him that he now made a living by performing magic tricks. Mr. Gandhi then asked him to perform some tricks and the man obliged with a few tricks including producing money from thin air.


After the performance, Mr. Gandhi told the gathering, “....Narendra Modi did magic in Gujarat for 22 years like you did. The difference is that you produced money but Modiji made it disappear.”


He then assured the tribal community that their problems and difficulties will be considered by the party and asked them to send a delegation to the manifesto committee with their concerns.



modi magic
modi magic will make congress to disappear not only from gujarat but also from India. Jai congress mukth bharat.


Congress to shed its 'pseudo secularism'
RAGA has to understand if he has to be alive in politics he has to go to Mandir and do Pooja...only wearing topi will not help him n congress regain power..


what a drama
Isn't Rahul called Hindus Terrorists?
Now Rahul is visiting temples to garner votes. 

It is Modi and UP effect.拉胡尔不是被称为印度教的恐怖分子吗?

Re: what a drama
didnt adityanath call muslims traitors? do you know adityanath wants to garner votes from muslims and what he is ready to do for them?


Re: Re: what a drama
Adityanath went to mosque? Nice story.


Re: what a drama
Rahul is compelled to visit temples instead visiting Europe.
an orthodox Christtt can be forced by political compulsions to visit temples in Election bound state .
Though he might have never visited temples in life even in his house vicinity .
Rahul these days indulging in political gimmic , as per advise of his political committee.


pawan suri
he has wealth of 270 crore has hotel like taj mahal hotel ganpati plaza his no is 9837086867 what rahul gandhi and government has to say he is follower of ramdev baba


RaGa is acting like
Rahul Gandhi is fast becoming Indian version of Donald Trump and Sara Pallin rolled into one.


Money disappearing -‘Papu style joke !
Sri Rahul ji intent is to compare the corruption of Congressmen in 720 months v/s BJP men of 120 months, which is not even a decimal. Dynasty-Congress and their slaves are getting worried on this disparity which will expose 60 years of congress malpractices.


You will not win... Any place .... Mr. Raghul
Mr. Ragul u will not get one seat in Gujarat Mr.Raghul...


But look at it this way
At least now, the money disappeared in Gujarat and went into government coffers in the form of tax. 
Congress made the whole coal mines disappear. Sugar daddys , coal daddys, 3G daddys and so on.


Pappu as usual doing time pass
What congress could do in last 60 years, except robing pockets of common man


Re: Pappu as usual doing time pass
This is high drama visiting temples just to garner Hindu votes,we know baba !You cannot fool the people with this psydo secularism.Remember Gujarath is not the only state going to polls.Gujarathis are more clever than you Rahul,they will not be carried by your drama.Mind this !


modi's magic
made money disappear from our homes and reappear in our bank accounts. money had two colours then. it has only one colour now. number of people loosing sleep decreased.it is good magic.


Media magic!
We are witnessing the media magic of not showing a single photo of Pappu's 'rallies' in Gujarat.


Jkr is passing jokes daily. Other than born in that family what other qualification he has?
