(译者:chuhao123)HMS Richmond scrambled to the English Channel to shadow three Chinese ships皇家军舰里士满号紧急前
HMS Richmond scrambled to the English Channel to shadow three Chinese ships
Trio of Chinese destroyers passed through the Strait of Dover over the weekend
Warships later spotted sailing through the North Sea ahead of drills with Russia
The warships (one of which is pictured) were escorted by the Dutch Navy sailing through the North Sea ahead of drills with the Russian fleet
HMS Richmond, a Type 23 Duke Class frigate, was scrambled to escort the Chinese. The ship is pictured observing aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov in October
照片拍摄于去年十月,该军舰正在观察库兹涅佐夫上将号航空母舰。The Royal Navy escorted a flotilla of Chinese warships through English waters as it prepared to carry out drills with Vladimir Putin's forces.
HMS Richmond was scrambled to the English Channel to shadow three Chinese ships as they made their way for the Baltic Sea.
The destroyers passed through the Strait of Dover over the weekend having carried out training exercises in the Mediterranean.
On Monday, the warships were also escorted by the Dutch Navy sailing through the North Sea ahead of drills with the Russian fleet.
The episode of reminiscent of similar show of strength in October, when a fleet of Russian warships sailed along the British coast on its way to Syria.
Russia's flagship Admiral Kuznetsov and seven additional vessels passed the UK on their voyage to bomb rebel forces in Aleppo and were escorted by the Royal Navy.
The fleet also out practice bombing north of Scotland before sailing down the English Channel - a mile off the coast of Britain.
It comes amid rapidly escalating tensions between the west and Russia, as the Kremlin looks to give a show of strength right on the doorstep of the UK.
At the time, Russian spokesman Igor Konashenkov said: '[Sir Michael Fallon's] statements and shows of escorting our warships are geared to divert attention of British taxpayers from the real state of the Royal Navy.'
当时,俄罗斯发言人Igor Konashenkov说:“(Michael Fallon爵士的)表述和与我方军舰伴航的作秀是为了将英国纳税人对皇家海军实际状况的关注转移开来。”
(Michael Fallon:英国国防大臣,保守党政治家,七橡树国会议员。)Upon its return UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon responded: 'We will keep a close eye on the Admiral Kuznetsov as it skulks back to Russia; a ship of shame whose mission has only extended the suffering of the Syrian people.'
作为回应,英国国防大臣Michael Fallon爵士回答说:“库兹涅佐夫上将号偷偷返回俄罗斯,我们会对其密切关注;这是一艘耻辱的军舰,它的任务加剧了叙利亚人民的苦难。”
eddie, sunderland, United Kingdom, 5 minutes ago
Scrambled ! Did they sneak up on us ,what a ridiculous headline by a rubbish journalist“紧急出动”!他们偷偷接近我们了吗?垃圾记者的荒谬标题!
dearOdear, Fairbanks, United States, 14 minutes ago
Why no French boats, I mean it's French waters too the channel为什么没有法国军舰?我的意思是海峡也是法国的海域。
——R Jackson, England, United Kingdom, about a minute ago
They're never around when it comes to conflict.... you should know that as you always come knocking on our door for help..发生冲突的时候,他们绝对不会出现在战场上……大家都知道法国人总是找我们求助。
Darth Vader, Death Star, 21 minutes ago
Their ships look a lot better than our rust bucket!他们的军舰比我们的锈铁桶好看多了。
why do I bother, England, 26 minutes ago
Ships sail in international waters , DM has hysterical breakdown again.中国军舰在国际水域航行,每日邮报再次歇斯底里的崩溃了。
Big Dan_1, Sydney, 27 minutes ago
This just highlights the fall from grace of the Royal Navy. It is about time they doubled the size of the Navy to meet all contingencies.这件事只不过强调了光荣的皇家海军已经日渐衰落。为了应对所有意外事件,他们应该把海军规模扩大两倍,不然就晚了。
——why do I bother, England, 25 minutes ago
How does it do that exactly ?但这要怎么实现呢?
Bubby3, London, United Kingdom, 42 minutes ago
Wondering what's the strategy behind bombing Scotland? Need to pull out my Settler of Catan board. ;)很好奇轰炸苏格兰背后的战略考量是什么?来玩一把Settlers of Catan吧。
(Settlers of Catan一款模拟建设类小游戏。)why do I bother, England, 6 hours ago
Ships sail in international waters , DM has hysterical breakdown again.中国军舰在国际水域航行,每日邮报再次歇斯底里的崩溃了。
Darth Vader, Death Star, 6 hours ago
Their ships look a lot better than our rust bucket!他们的军舰比我们的锈铁桶好看多了。
eddie, sunderland, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Scrambled ! Did they sneak up on us ,what a ridiculous headline by a rubbish journalist“紧急出动”!他们偷偷接近我们了吗?垃圾记者的荒谬标题!
The 4th Horseman, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
I count five modern, new, sleek Chinese warships in the photograph, not three. And one old, decrepit rust bucket in a seperate picture. Was it able to keep up with them?在照片里我数了数,一共有5艘现代、崭新、整洁的中国战舰,而不是3艘。在另一张照片里只有一艘陈旧、老朽的锈铁桶。我们还能赶得上他们吗?
——Wrathscar, Manchester, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
Just three: 052D destroyer Hefei (174), 054A frigate Yuncheng (571) and 903A supply ship Luoma Lake (964). The picture of the fleet with five ships was taken somewhere in South China Sea years ago (they've never been to Europe). Apparently DM journalists think no viewer is going to pay attention to details so just post whatever picture is at hand.这次的舰队只有三艘军舰:052D合肥号驱逐舰(174),054A运城号护卫舰(571)和903A型骆马湖号补给舰。有5艘军舰的舰队那张照片是多年前在南海某地拍摄的(这些军舰从未到过欧洲)。很显然每日邮报的记者认为没人会注意细节,所以就把手里的照片胡乱放了上去。
a3333, cardiff, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Their Destroyers look modern and effective , unlike our tired old Richmond ( that is the best we have to protect our shores ? ) . Drake and Nelson must be turning in their graves ! Wake up people , you have been betrayed !他们的驱逐舰看起来既有现代感又威力强大,不像我们的陈旧古老的里士满号(这就是我们用以保护我们海岸的最强战舰?)。德雷克和纳尔逊都要从坟墓里跳出来啦!醒醒啊,你们已经被背叛了!
【弗朗西斯·德雷克(Francis Drake)(1540-1596)是英国著名的私掠船船长、航海家,也是伊丽莎白时代的政治家,曾击退过无敌舰队。
霍雷肖·纳尔逊(HoratioNelson)(1758-1805),英国18世纪末及19世纪初的著名海军将领及军事家,在1798年尼罗河口海战及1801年哥本哈根战役等重大战役中带领皇家海军胜出,他在1805年的特拉法尔加战役击溃法国及西班牙组成的联合舰队,但自己在战事进行期间中弹阵亡。】Big Dan_1, Sydney, 6 hours ago
This just highlights the fall from grace of the Royal Navy. It is about time they doubled the size of the Navy to meet all contingencies.这件事只不过强调了光荣的皇家海军已经日渐衰落。为了应对所有意外事件,他们应该把海军规模扩大两倍,不然就晚了。
Honest Jo, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
The channel is what - 22 miles wide. Has anyone else noticed that it there is never a mention of a French Escort vessel?英吉利海峡有22英里宽。有没有人注意到从没有提到过法国的护航舰?
askquestions, Warrington, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
There really is no need to publish this each time non-Nato navies sail through the Channel. Actually, it would be more newsworthy if it was the Royal Navy sailing a "flotilla" through. It would be unexpected to see that many British ships in one place these days.真的没有必要非北约海军每通过一次英吉利海峡就报道一次。实际上,如果是皇家海军的小型舰队通过,更有新闻价值。这些年很少见到这么多的英国军舰出现在同一个地方
dearOdear, Fairbanks, United States, 6 hours ago
Why no French boats, I mean it's French waters too the channel为什么没有法国军舰?我的意思是海峡也是法国的海域。
——Scotty Mac, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 5 hours ago
LOL do the French actually have a Navy? The last time they lost it all at Trafalgar?哈哈哈,法国实际上有海军吗?他们的海军上次全军覆没是在特拉法加吧?
The Truth Tell, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
What the hell are Chinese warships doing in the English channel? Last time I looked China was on the other side of the World next to Russia. This is an act of provocation.中国军舰在英吉利海峡搞什么鬼?中国不是在地球的另一面跟俄罗斯挨着吗?这是一种挑衅行为。
mikevienna, wien, Austria, 2 hours ago
If these Japanese think they can scare us they can think again.如果这些日本人觉得他们能吓到我们,他们应该再想想。
Ronnie.Blue, Essex, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
The Russians and Chinese forging military alliances. NATO on its last legs. The EU having their own army. Little england will be all alone and insignificant.俄罗斯人和中国人正在缔结同盟。北约已经奄奄一息。欧盟有他们自己的军队。小小的英格兰将会孤立无援并越来越无关紧要。
Barnabyrudge, london, United Kingdom, 34 minutes ago
Funny to see are old ships against the modern advanced Chinese ships You then ask yourself why have we left the EU, we're not a superpower we have the slowest advanced economy in the G7 since the vote We can't be isolated better to be protected within the EU. The only thing that can happen is we have to join up with the US and that's a really stupid idea I don't want bleached chicken and crap food in my supermarket And let's be honest small business won't thrive in Britain after leaving that type of mentality sounds like socialism to me, the tories want turn Britain into a tax haven by lowering corporate tax, corporations however are leaving Britain in droves.一艘老旧的军舰对比中国现代化的先进军舰,很有趣吧。现在反思一下为什么我们要脱离欧盟,我们不再是超级大国,我们是G7里发展最慢的发达国家。自从脱欧公投以来,我们变得无比孤立,更不能获得欧盟的保护。唯一可能发生的事就是我们必须与美国联合起来,但我觉得这是个非常蠢的主意,我才不想我们的超市里充满了(来自美国的)漂白鸡肉和垃圾食品。我们要实话实说,小型经济并不能振兴英国。保守党想通过降低公司税来把英国变成避税天堂,但公司排着队离开英国。
MJunot, Burnham-on-Sea, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Should have blasted them right out of the water.应该彻底把他们炸沉。
udo4get, Hull, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Like most of their takeaways I expect. All fancy on the outside but a cesspit behind the scenes.我觉得这些军舰跟他们大多数的外卖食品一样。外表鲜亮亮,里面臭烘烘。
Benny Fitz, London, United Kingdom, 28 minutes ago
Not a very friendly gesture by the British Government.英国政府做出了不太友好的姿态。
RyanChester, Chester, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Sink them炸沉他们。
Global Ambassador, Norwich, United Kingdom, 44 minutes ago
Should've sunk em...应该炸沉他们。
Duffer1970, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
We should put some mines in the water!我们应该在水里放点水雷。
——LONGBOW, somewhere, 1 hour ago
Now why Duffer, would anyone wish to put mines in the water, prey tell?为啥会有人想在水里放水雷?求解答
——Duffer1970, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 56 minutes ago
If any Chinese ships knew about them, they'd think twice about coming too close.Saving us the bother of scrambling warships!如果中国军舰认识水雷的话,他们会对接近英国领土这个想法考虑一二的。也免得我们紧急出动军舰。
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