A mother's love isunconditional.Hao Lina, a policeofficer in China, has melted the hearts of million
A mother's love isunconditional.
Hao Lina, a policeofficer in China, has melted the hearts of millions after breastfeeding thefour-month-old baby of a suspect.母爱是无私的。
中国警察郝利娜,母乳喂养犯罪嫌疑人四个月大的孩子而感动了数百万人。The infant's motherwas attending a trial and could not nurse her crying child. She had givenpermission to Ms Hao before letting her baby be fed.
The touching incidenttook place on September 23 at the Shanxi Jinzhong Intermediate People's Courtin central China.
The baby's mother wascharged with fraudulent fund-raising, illegally absorbing public deposit andcrime concealment with 33 other people, according to the court.
Ms Hao, a motherherself, said the baby had been left under her and her colleagues' care beforeits mother went for the trial.
'The baby wouldn'tstop crying and we were all worried,' said Ms Hao.这感人的一幕发生在9月23日,山西省晋中市中级人民法院。
“孩子一个劲地哭,我们都很担心。”'I am a new mother, Icould feel how anxious the child's mother would have been. All I thought aboutwas to try my best and comfort the tiny baby.'
After gaining thepermission of the baby's mother, Ms Hao found a quiet corner in the buildingand breastfed the baby.
The baby's gender hasnot been revealed.经过孩子妈妈的允许,郝利娜找到了一个安静的角落,喂孩子吃奶。婴儿的性别未知。
The scene was capturedby one of Ms Hao's colleagues.
The pictures wereposted by the court to its official website and social media account beforebeing featured in various Chinese publications.这一幕被同事拍了下来。法院将这张照片发布在法院官网和社交账号上,马上就占据了中国媒体头条。
According to thecourt, the baby's mother, surnamed Li, was so touched by Ms Hao's behaviour shecouldn't help but cry after leaving the court.
Commenting on thepraises she had received from the public, a humble Ms Hao said: 'I believeevery police officer would do the same. If I had been the mother, I would havehoped someone to help my baby too.'
Give the pretty Policeofficer credit, she was helping the best she could, what a lovely lady !!为警察赢得了信任,她给与了最大的帮助。可爱的女人!
The sound of adistressed human being is hard to turn away from, especially an infants.无法无视痛苦的声音,特别是孩子的。
Mother hood iscertainly one very exclusive club, a beautiful gesture by a kind woman.母亲绝对是高级群体!善良的女人,干得漂亮。
Could they not havegot baby formula? Seems abit inappropriate especially if the mother didn't giveconsent for the lady to do that.他们为什么不准备婴幼儿奶粉?这么做似乎不妥,特别在是没有征得孩子母亲同意的情况下。
She did give consent Ibelieve.我相信孩子母亲肯定同意了。
Suddenly feed a breastfedinfant formula and you risk some serious tummy issues. The proteins areentirely different and some babies have allergies to some formula ingredients.突然给孩子吃婴幼儿奶粉,可能会引起肠胃不适。蛋白质完全不同,而且孩子可能对奶粉的配料过敏。
Wow some of the comments.My grandmother during the depression fed loads of babies that were not her ownNursing for her was easy and she had plenty of milk. I did not breast feed anyof my children because I did not want to, but if the mother gave consent thenwhy is it a big deal to some people. If all you had was another woman's milk Idoubt you would let your baby starve.有些评论简直不可思议!大萧条时期我奶奶就喂过别人的孩子,她奶水很多,没觉得有什么不妥。我没有母乳喂养过我的孩子,因为我喜欢。但是如果孩子的母亲都同意了,你们还在纠结什么呢。如果你们在担心别的女人的奶水,那还是让孩子饿着吧。
Reporting more acts ofkindness anywhere in the world is better news than we are getting now.多报道世界各地正能量的事是好消息。
I would NOT allowanyone to breastfeed my child.我不会让任何人母乳喂养我的孩子。
Every country has touching tales!每个国家都有感人的故事。
Taurus on the wild
Such a touchingmoment. Inspiring.太感人了,很激动。
No. You don'tbreastfeed another woman's child.不认可。不能母乳喂养别人的孩子。
Sure you do当然可以!
Have you not heard ofwet nurses?你没有听说过奶妈?
That's very awesome ofher to have such compassion for this child.幼吾幼以及人之幼,她真棒。
And she didn¿t flop itout for all to see like the mammary mafia do these days !她做得完全正确,看看“乳房黑手党”的所作所为吧。
Dex Tex,
Huh who knows whatthis woman have or could transfer to a baby!谁知道这个女人有没有病,会不会传染给孩子。
Willie Torrenhead,
She should be fired.You dont do that.应该把她开除。就不能这么干。
The mother gaveconsent, it's mentioned twice in this article... Don't drag down people who donice things for others.孩子母亲同意了,文章了提到了两次。别让做好事的人寒心。
Willie Torrenhead
Feeding anotherpersons child is demonic at best. Nothing right about it.母乳别人的孩子是恶魔行为。这么做一无是处!
Nothing right aboutyour user name. Wet nurses have been nourishing other's babies for hundreds ofyears.你的用户名也不一无是处。奶妈母乳喂养别人的孩子,这已经有几百年的历史了。
Never give up
I never get thistreatment from the policewomen when i been to China for the last 20 years,normally I have to pay up every time for such service我在中国20年了,从来没有女警这么对我。一般这样的服务我都得付钱。
luvitt, f
What a lovely gesture,and how lucky the policewoman was a young mother too, to help.. Poor baby wascrying.好可爱的姿势。可怜的孩子在哭,幸亏这位女警也刚做妈妈。
Never give up
Did it taste differentthen the mothers one, I am just wondering味道是不是和妈妈的乳汁不一样呀,我就是好奇。
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