Desperate single women spend £180 a day renting a fake boyfriend to meet their pushy parents in Chin
Desperate single women spend £180 a day renting a fake boyfriend to meet their pushy parents in China
Single women go to specialised hire-a-boyfriend websites to find service
The pretend partners can meet the their parents, kiss them and stay the night
Demands for fake beaus have increased as the Chinese New Year draws near
Chinese woman are under great pressure to get married under the age of 27单身女性在专门的租赁男友网站寻找服务
Single women in China are renting fake boyfriends to appease their pushy parents during family gatherings.
Demands for rent-by-day boyfriends have peaked as the Lunar New Year, the most important holiday in the Chinese tradition, is less than two weeks away.
The price for a pretend partner can run up to £180 per day and services on offer range from meeting parents to staying the night.
'Rent a boyfriend' is a trending keyword on most Chinese search engines, as well as online shopping site Taobao.
Chinese rental websites offering male candidates include and The men's profiles usually state their age, height, weight and occupation.
They also state the services they are willing to provide.
According to a report on People's Daily online, rental princes are up to 60 yuan (£7.13) per hour or 1,500 yuan (£178) per day.
Some male candidates offer free service as they say to have no one to spend the holidays with anyway.
The list of services are flexible and are mainly decided by the men.
They can include meeting the parents, having dinners with them, watching films, kissing and spending the night.
Some men require the women to pay for all the expenses, including the train tickets and meals.
To attract more customers, some candidates offer what they call a 'green lease' , which is an agreement signed by both parties to make sure there are no grey-areas or violation of rules.
'Green lease' holders are not allowed to sleep with the woman in the same room.
The Chinese tradition often see marriage in a very high priority and single women aged 27 and over are considered as Shengnu, the 'leftover women'.
Some Chinese single men see that as a chance to earn quick money and rent themselves out to the desperate women and soon it becomes a trend.
Single women also see it as a way to stop their parents pestering them about their love life and pressuring them to have babies.
Li Hongzhao, vice secretary of Criminal Law Committee of Beijing Law Association, told a reporter from People's Daily Online the rental agreement could be considered as a legally binding contract as long as both parties performed what was stated on the agreement.
However, Li added that there could be violations of laws if one party had an indecent intention. Li said that could lead to sexual assault.
Shengnu or 'leftover women' are unmarried women who are older than 27 years old. It signifies that a woman has missed her window of opportunity for marriage. The derogatory term was popularized by the state-sponsored organisation the All-China Women's Federation.
China's Ministry of Education added the sexist term to its official lexicon in 2007.
In 2011 the Women's Federation website posted an insulting article about women who decide to get a higher degree instead of marrying.
It read: ' women age, they are worth less and less, so by the time they get their M.A. or Ph.D., they are already old, like yellowed pearls.'
A similar derogatory term is 'female Ph.D' which is an unmarried woman who chose to pursue a Ph.D and did not marry young. In an online question forum, men debated whether or not they would consider marrying a woman who was in school for a Ph.D.
In 2016, an advertisement for the beauty brand SK-II went viral and revealed the cruel things people have said to women who were unmarried by 27.
One woman said in the advert: 'I don't want to get married just for the sake of marriage. I won't live happily that way.'
steve1512 西班牙
I would be happy to play the full part Po Kum problem我很乐意扮演全部角色,没问题。
Bishop II英国
I'm a single 31 year old girl is be a right loser in China then Neigggh我是31岁的单身姑娘,在中国是真正的失败者。
Um, what?恩?什么?
El loro loco美国
I can see why you'e 31 and single. You don't appear to have a firm grasp on the english language.看得出来你为什么31了还单着。你的英语似乎掌握得不怎么好。
If these were women being "rented" everyone would be calling them p r o s t I t u t e s.如果“租赁”的是女性,那么每个人都会叫她们ji女。
Only pros if there is sex involved.只有涉及性才是ji女。
@cami even without, they would still be called so.即使不涉及性,他们也会这么叫。
I was 29 when I met my husband and got married at 30. Whenever my dad mentioned my singlehood during my twenties, I'd say I'm waiting to find a man like you dad. That would keep him quiet for a while.我遇到我老公的时候29岁,30岁结婚。每次我爸爸提起我20岁的单身期,我都会说我是在等待一个像爸爸你这样的男人。然后他就能消停一会。
Love it!喜欢你的故事!
I said the same thing to daddy. Except i said...its impossible to find someone like u daddy!我跟我爸爸也是这么说的。只不过我说的是:不可能找到像爸爸你这样的人。
Call me Papi....叫爸爸……
I'll do it for half. I dig Chinese chicks.我只要半价,喜欢中国小妞。
services included?包括服务?
Japan is a lot like China in regards to marriage. I lived there for a few years and had many women friends over the age of 25. If you were past the age of 25 and still a single woman, you were considered "Christmas cake" since no one wants to have cake after the 25th.在看待婚姻方面,日本很像中国。我在那里住了几年,有很多超过25岁的女性朋友。如果你是过了25岁依然单身的女性,你就会被看作“圣诞蛋糕”,因为过了25号就没人想吃蛋糕了。
Desperate! Perfect description of these poor unfortunate fools.急切!完美描述了那些可怜的不幸的傻瓜。
there is nothing wrong with chinese girls. a delight.中国姑娘们没有任何错,要开心。
Interesting. In China I would expect men to be "renting" girlfriends. Who would have thunk恨有趣。我以为中国会是男人“租赁”女友的,没想到恰恰相反。
Kardashians Suck美国
who cares! I do like some good A-shun women though! but usually have to be frmn central A-shuh with a Russian accent.谁在乎!虽然我喜欢某些亚洲女性!但找到的往往是带着俄国口音的中亚女人。
China is a mess.中国一团糟。
You should go there for a visit : beautiful countryside, friendly people and a whole LOT safer than the USA.你应该去那里访问一下:美丽的乡村,友好的人,并且比美国安全得多。
there are plenty of beautiful destinations with friendly people...but China is still a mess. This article says a lot ha人们友好,风景美丽的目的地有很多,但中国依然是一团糟。这个文章就很说明问题。
No thanks. They are cruel to children, women, animals, the poor, the environment, flood historical landmarks for progress, destroyed thousands of years of art and writings for comm.u ism, and years ago the government indirectly created an environment where millions of female babies died. Beautiful countryside or not, I will never travel there. You have it, it's all yours.谢了,不去。他们对儿童、妇女、动物、环境都很残酷,为了发展而淹没历史地标,为了共产主义而破坏几千年的艺术品和书法,几年前政府间接创造了导致数百万女婴死亡的环境。无论他们的乡村是否美丽,我永远也不会去那里。你自己享受吧,都是你的。
Actually, the USA is quite safe. As long as you stay out of the big cities. I've never been mugged in a national park or had someone try to carjack me while hiking.实际上,美国是相当安全的。只要你远离大城市。我在国家公园里从来没有被抢劫过,徒步旅行的时候也没人抢我。
Those parents were cold, yeah, our daughters not too pretty, lol.那些父母真是冷血,是的,我们的女儿不太漂亮,lol
With China's "one child only policy" , women will have their pick .随着中国的“一孩政策”,女性会有她们的选择的。
That only existed in major cities and has ended everywhere.那只存在于大城市,别的地方都结束了。
These women could bag a western man quite easily. Chinese women are in great demand in the USA. They're hot.那些女性能够轻易捕获西方男性。中国的女性在美国很抢手。她们很火辣。
Norman Ebanks美国
Why do you think they desire a "western" man?为什么你觉得他们想要“西方”男人?
This is so sad, if you're over 27 you're considered too old and worthless, wtf??? And we claim our country is s exist, imagine what it's like to be a female in these places.真可悲,超过27岁就被认为太老没价值,什么鬼?我们还宣称我们国家有性别歧视,真是难以想象那些地方的女性是什么样子。
Reality is much darker. There are parts of the world where the poor families sell their young girls.现实更加黑暗。在世界的某些地方,穷人家庭甚至出售他们的小女孩。
at 29 i wasn't aware i missed my window of opportunity for marriage...oh man!29岁我都没有意识到已经失去了结婚的最佳时机,我的天!
Except that as soon as you got here she would've found a Chinese man to run off with.除非你到了这里,不然她们找不到中国男人一起私奔。
what? im confused at your comment. Im also a woman. lol什么?你的评论让我懵逼。我也是个女人。lol
TROLLS INFESTATION ( Category - 0 )0型网络流氓出没中。
CPT krunch美国
A girl at a bar once asked me to pretend I was her boyfriend. I borrowed fifty bucks, and spent the evening hitting on her friend.酒吧有个女孩有一次要我假装是她的男友。我借了50块钱,花了一晚上泡上了她的朋友。
Socialism/Communist society at its best处于最佳状态的社会主义/共产主义
why do they need to rent men?? isn't China where they could only have one kid and they had like millions of boys and not too many girls?? it's the men that should be paying for a woman not the other way around... du为什么她们需要租男人?中国不是只允许有一个孩子吗?他们不是有几百万的男孩,女孩没那么多吗?男人应该为了女人花钱,而不是反过来。
yes I thought that was the statistic是啊,我觉得是统计数据说的。
It is so sad that there is such pressure on young women - !!年轻女性承担这种压力真是悲哀!
Please, you can't speak on the issue until you've been to china. They date just like any other American, and don't need their parents to find a partner. Parents do this without their children's permission, because some believe they should have a say in who they marry. It's basically a clash of two different generation, the younger gen is more westernized when it comes to dating, and the older gen is very traditional. Don't believe everything the west prints, its fake news.如果你没去过中国,这个问题你就没有发言权。他们就像美国人一样约会,不需要他们的父母帮忙找对象。父母这么做没有得到他们孩子的允许,因为某些父母认为他们对孩子跟谁结婚有发言权。这基本上是两代人的冲突,年轻一代在约会的年龄更加西方化,而老一代十分传统。不要西方媒体说什么你就信什么,这是假新闻。
Why not look for husbands outside of China?为什么不在中国以外找老公?
Not everybody are into sowing their seed in every corner of the world like you guys are habitually used to doing. Not everybody has to think the same way you and your ancestors did.并不是每个人都像你们这些家伙一样对于布种天下习以为常。也不是每个人的想法都跟你和你的祖先一样。
Nobody cares about China!没人在乎中国!
then why did you read this news?那你为啥还要读这条新闻?
i have so many worthless friends (males) looking for girlfriend...i'll tell them to get on我有很多屌丝朋友(男性)在找女朋友,我会告诉他们去Expedia网找。
Barbie Rich美国
From what I have read, humans are not really monogamous by nature. The concept of 'one person for life' may be a false myth. I am not taking any positions here.从我读到的东西来看,从本质而言,人类并非真正的一夫一妻。“终生伴侣”的概念也许是虚假的神话。对这个问题我不持立场。
You are right. Before Abrahamic religions laid out the rules and forced them on to the world.你说的对。在亚伯纳罕之前,宗教制定了规则并强迫全世界的人遵守。
I've been long under the impression there is a huge shortage of women in China due to the (former) one child policy and a disproportionate number of female babies aborted. Who would think any woman in China would need to rent a boyfriend with those statistics?我有个长期的印象:因为(以前的)一孩政策和不成比例的女婴被堕胎,导致中国女性数量存在巨大的缺口。看着那些统计数据,谁能想到中国女性竟然需要租赁男友?
They're very picky她们很挑的。
We have to stop treating women like they are diseased if they aren't married or with children past 30. It's really not easy out there and your options become limited with each passing year. Family pressure isn't helping the cause either.我们应该停止将30以后还没结婚或者要小孩的女性看作有病的人。那是完全没必要的,而且每过去一年,你的选择就会更有限。家庭的压力也无助于这个理由。
How come the focus is on what women should be and not what they want? These women were raised with the constant reminder that the world is overpopulated and now they're being pushed to reproduce?女性是否应该是他们想要的,怎么会成为焦点问题?那些女性不是在不断的“世界人口过多”的提醒中长大的吗?为什么现在他们竟然要被强迫着繁殖下一代?
They have their funny ways, which is good!!!他们的方式很好笑,这不错!
I should hire one for my gf who is in Beijing. Little do they know she's into girls我应该给我北京的女朋友雇一个。他们不知道她爱上了女生。
So what happens after the "date" and the family constantly asks where the beau is? "Sorry mother, he didn't work out..." "You're a failure of a daughter!" Seems like this whole thing would just tease enough to make everything worse.“约会”之后会发生什么事?家人不停的问那个男朋友哪里去了?“对不起妈妈,那家伙不行。”“你这个女儿真是失败!”这种事似乎会使所有事情变得更糟。
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