
The world's most expensive shot of a '139-year-old' whisky sold to a Chinese millionaire for £7,900

The world's most expensive shot of a '139-year-old' whisky sold to a Chinese millionaire for £7,900 has been revealed as a fake made in 1972.


Zhang Wei, who was staying at at Waldhaus Hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland, paid 9,999 Swiss francs for a glass of Scotch believing it had been made in 1878 by the revered producer Macallan.


It was thought to have been the only remaining unopened bottle of the celebrated vintage until Wei, a martial arts fantasy writer, ordered a measure of the precious contents in the hotel's Devil's Place Whisky Bar.


However, doubts soon started to emerge about the authenticity of the drink after experts noticed discrepancies in the bottle's cork and label.


The hotel, which served the two-centilitre drink in good faith believing it to be real, asked experts in Scotland to check the contents and it has now been revealed to be a fake. Manager Sandro Bernasconi flew to China to reimburse Wei after it emerged the bottle was made between 1970 and 1972 and that it was most likely a blended Scotch and not a single malt.

这家酒店坚信自己卖给张威的那杯酒(20ml)是真的,并邀请苏格兰的专家们进行了检测,结果被证明是假酒。这瓶酒产于1970-1972年间,且非纯麦芽威士忌,而是兑和型的。Sandro Bernasconi 经理已飞往中国,向张威支付了赔偿。

Zhang Wei (centre), who was staying at at Waldhaus Hotel in St. Moritz, Switzerland, paid 9,999 Swiss francs for a glass of Scotch believing it had been made in 1878 by the revered producer Macallan. Manager Sandro Bernasconi has since refunded him after tests revealed it was a fake

经理 Sandro Bernasconi 已经将这笔钱退还给了张威。


The luxury Swiss hotel said in August it would carry out tests on one of its rare bottles of whisky amid claims it wa a fake after Wei paid £7,900 for just one shot (pictured)



The guest at Waldhaus Hotel in St. Moritz (pictured) paid 9,999 Swiss francs for a glass of Scotch believing it had been made in 1878 by the revered producer Macallan

入住圣莫里茨 瓦尔德豪斯酒店(如图)的客人花费了9999瑞士法郎,喝了一杯据信是1878年麦卡伦酒厂酿造的苏格兰威士忌。

According to the BBC, Bernasconi said Wei was not angry and 'thanked me very much for the hotel's honesty.'

据英国广播公司报道,Bernasconi 说,该顾客并没有生气,“并且对酒店的诚实非常感谢。””

In August this year Bernasconi told the 20 Minuten newspaper the allegations that the drink was fake would be investigated in an attempt to determine whether they were true.

今年8月,Bernasconi 向《20分钟报》表示,这瓶酒是真是假需要检测。

The bottle had been purchased 25 years ago by his father for a five-digit sum and had been valued at 50,000 Swiss francs (£40,000).


At the time, the hotel said it would take legal action against whoever sold them the bottle if was found to be fake.

Bernasconi 早些时候曾告诉过《20分钟报》,他从未想过要打开这个特别的宝藏。

The Devil's Place Whisky Bar has been honoured for its 2,500 bottle collection, including by the Guinness Book of World Records.


Bernasconi had earlier told 20Minuten he never expected to open this particular treasure.


After entering the bar with a group of people, the client expressed particular interest in the Macallans - the hotel has 47 options, ranging from seven to 10,000 Swiss francs


'I told the customer that the most expensive Macallan was not for sale', Bernasconi was quoted as saying by the website.

根据Bernasconi 在网上的说法,他曾告诉过该名顾客,最昂贵的那瓶麦卡伦是非卖品。

The client persisted, so Bernasconi called his father, who had run the hotel for more than two decadess and never had a client order the 1878. The elder Bernasconi told his son to go for it, even if the customer was not going to pay in advance.

但这名顾客坚持要购买,所以Bernasconi 打电话询问了他的父亲,虽然他自己经营这家酒店的时间超过了20年,但从未有人要买这瓶1878年的威士忌。老Bernasconi 告诉他的儿子满足顾客的要求,即使该顾客并不打算预先支付。

'I was nervous,' Bernasconi was quoted as saying, explaining that he was concerned the ancient cork would disintegrate.

“我很紧张,”Bernasconi 解释说他担心的是古老的软木瓶塞会解体。

But everything went down smoothly, including the two-centilitre (0.66-fluid-ounce) measure, Bernasconi said.

但Bernasconi 表示之后一切都顺利地进行着,包括量出其中的20ml(0.66盎司)酒液。

Before it was uncorked, the bottle had been valued at 50,000 Swiss francs, a relatively modest price compared to recent record sets by whisky bottles at auction.


A special collector's blend of Macallan's sold at auction in Hong Kong for nearly $630,000 in 2014.



a3333, cardiff, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
So , if you cannot taste any difference what is the point of paying more than a bottle from the corner shop ?


John, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3 days ago
Showing off to his mates. "Look at me, I can afford 10 grand a shot, aren't you all impressed?" HASC....... ;)


Crocket, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Could say the same for watches and cars. A new car costing £8k will take you from a-b and drive at 70mph on the motorway the same as a £50k Mercedes. In the case of this guy he could afford it and bought it largely for status, is that any different to someone who buys an expensive car or watch.


Selwynfires, London, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
No you can't say the same about cars at all. Cars even in the same price bracket can be completely different experiences. Status has a lot to do with it sure but no one buys say a supercar or luxury 4x4 and can't tell the difference between that and a supermini even at the same speeds.


OnesOpinion, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
I understand the comparison with cars. You can tell a difference (due to qualities) between a less expensive car and an expensive one. Same as a sofa. And I'm sure same as this whiskey IF it was the real one. Majority of the time you can tell the difference between luxury items and not. However, is it worth it? In my opinion no. I think the


Mike, London, 3 days ago
I was really proud of my 1970s Seconda watch from Argos - just £7.98 and lasted 30 years. Although I did have to replace the leather strap a good few times.

我为我上世纪70年代在Argos 买的手表感到骄傲——只要7.98英镑,而我用了30年,虽然我在这期间换了几次表带。

Andrew, Broken Britain, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
A better comparison is the wine snobbery and ludicrous prices some pay for the 'best' vintages. While it certainly is possible for the very best experts to taste the differences in quality, even sommeliers have been caught out in blind taste tests.


Lee Dunn, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
A true Scot would know the difference


fair2middlin, MiddleUSA, 3 days ago
He didn't notice the difference, and he felt superior being able to buy it, so maybe not a total loss - until he was outed for the fool he is.


SoCalSurfer, San Diego, United States, 3 days ago
They better check that Hong Kong bottle too.


cov72, coventry, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Just shows all these expensive drinks are just a con. All that paying ridiculous amounts for fine whisky or wine does is boost that persons ego. There is a short tale for such people.....the Emperors New Clothes.


Gooood, Morning, Vietnam, 3 days ago
I think its mainly about diminishing returns. Yes - a drink THAT expensive is unlikely to taste much difference to say a £100 bottle - but a £50-£100 whisky is likely to taste much better than a £20 bottle


Recce, Durham, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
I saw a bottle of " Scotch" whiskey in Tokyo over 30 years ago, it stuck in my mind because the lable said " Distilled in Scotland from the finest Scotish grapes "


Mary, Toronto, 3 days ago
Maybe it was made in China. Wouldn't THAT be the ultimate irony? LOL!


David, Nuneaton, United Kingdom, 3 days ago
Anyone who is stupid enough to pay that much for a glass of whisky deserves to be conned. How this idiot became a millionaire is beyond me.


Gigitty, Quahog, United States, 3 days ago
I have a 300 yrs old Dundee cake if that guy is interested ?




