
(译者:flyeriii)An eastern German city has imposed a temporary ban on new refugees in an effort to stem


An eastern German city has imposed a temporary ban on new refugees in an effort to stem a number of recent violent incidents.


Cottbus, about 120 kilometres southeast of Berlin, has been rocked by violence from refugees and right-wing extremists since the start of this year.


Earlier this week, Brandenburg state police reported that two male Syrian teenagers were arrested under the suspicion of injuring a German teenager in the face with a knife.


The 16-year-old sustained non life-threatening injuries in what started as an altercation between Syrian and German school acquaintances near a tram station.


The incident happened just days after a group of three Syrian asylum seekers, aged 14, 15 and 17 years old, attacked a man and his wife outside a shopping centre, according to a police statement. The 15-year-old was handed a “negative residency permit” by authorities, effectively ordering him and his father to leave the city.


Cottbus, a small university centre with a population of just over 100,000, has taken in around 3,000 asylum seekers since German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany’s borders in 2015 at the height of the refugee crisis.


Coupled with a sluggish economy, the considerable influx has fuelled anti-immigrant sentiment among locals, and the city is home to one of Germany’s largest right-wing extremist scenes. Authorities counted 145 right-wing radicals living in Cottbus last year.


A community group told local media that a group of neo-Nazis had assaulted refugees on the morning of New Year’s Day, while last weekend a group of around 100 masked neo-Nazis marched in an illegal demonstration through the city centre.


Brandenburg’s state interior minister Karl-Heinz Schroeter told German broadcaster RBB on Friday that the ban on new refugees would be in effect “for the next few months”.

勃兰登堡的内政部长Karl-Heinz Schroeter在周五告诉 German broadcaster RBB(报纸)这项难民新禁令有效期为在接下来的几个月。

The city will also take further safety measures including increased video surveillance of a central downtown square, a larger presence of both uniformed and plainclothes police officers, as well as adding 10 new social worker positions throughout local schools.


A Cottbus police spokesperson told The Telegraph that officers were being deployed on daily foot patrols of the city from late afternoon to evening “for as long as it serves its purpose... at least over the next two weeks”.


Cottbus is not the first German city to impose a refugee ban.


Last year the towns of Salzgitter, Delmenhorst and Wilhelmshaven in the northern state of Lower Saxony implemented a prohibition.


Local governments said at the time they lacked the capacity and resources to properly integrate more new arrivals.




Billy Robson 26 Jan 2018 9:17PM
No-one wants to know. It'll be too late by the time they understand what has happened to their, once relatively comfortable, life.
You simply cannot suddenly have 3% of your population come from a comparatively primitive culture and expect everything to be fine. All because most people are cowed by the stupid left who shout "racism" as a habit.


Jef Warwick 26 Jan 2018 3:06PM
Lefties you can cry and virtue signal all you like - but Merkal's open door policy was always going to move to a troubled path, and this is just the start...


Michael Harvey 24 Jan 2018 9:50AM
Best of luck, patriotic Germans!


AJR LONDON 24 Jan 2018 4:14AM
A bit too late for this, perhaps?


Daniel Hodgson 22 Jan 2018 7:23PM
The kalergi plan is working.


Russell Gee 22 Jan 2018 6:22AM
What gave Angela Merkel the right to inflict this on her great country? She might have been happy with it ....


Robert Martin 22 Jan 2018 3:06AM
Finally some Germans showing some backbone.


Stephen Putt 21 Jan 2018 9:06PM
Why nothing in the news in Germany about it?


G Owen 21 Jan 2018 6:04PM
About time too.Watch out lefties,we've had enough.


David Marsh 21 Jan 2018 6:01PM
I hope Angela Merkel stays alive for a long time so that she can be put on trial when the Muslims set German cities ablaze in their jihad.
Thanks God we are leaving the EUSSR.


Peter King 21 Jan 2018 5:28PM
Merkel hates the German people there is no other explanation other then she is truly left wing.


Iain Morse 21 Jan 2018 4:44PM
Where does Angela Merkel live?


david swift 21 Jan 2018 3:30PM
Well I for one am glad that Merkel's lunatic policy is working for the citizens of Germany...

