
(译者:凌云朵朵)Davos 2018: George Soros launches blistering attack on Trump - 'The survival of our entire


Davos 2018: George Soros launches blistering attack on Trump - 'The survival of our entire civilisation is at stake'

2018 年达沃斯: 索罗斯对特朗普发起猛烈抨击—"我们整个文明的生存都岌岌可危"

George Soros used his speech at Davos to launch a searing attack on Donald Trump and argue the President has set the US on course for nuclear war.

乔治索罗斯(George Soros)在达沃斯发表演讲,对唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)发起猛烈抨击,并辩称,总统特朗普已经让美国走上了核战争的道路。

The billionaire hedge fund manager,who is a leading Democratic donor,argued the Trump administration constituted a grave danger to the world and the survival of our whole civilisation was at risk.


Mr Soros,who ranks 20th on Forbes magazine’s list of the 400 wealthiest Americans,said he nonetheless remained optimistic that this was a fleeting situation which would resolve itself in 2020 - if not before.


“I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world but I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner,” he said during his keynote speech at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Switzerland.

他在瑞士举行的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)年会上发表主题演讲时表示:“我认为特朗普政服对世界构成了威胁,但我认为这纯粹是一种暂时现象,将在2020年乃至更早的时候消失。“

The 87-year-old said relations between the US and North Korea had worsened with Mr Trump in the White House.


Mr Soros said: “The situation has deteriorated. Not only the survival of open society,but the survival of our entire civilization is at stake. Both [Kim Jong-un and Mr Trump] seem willing to risk a nuclear war in order to keep themselves in power”.

索罗斯表示:“ 形势已经恶化,不仅是开放社会的生存,而且我们整个文明的生存都岌岌可危。 金正恩(Kim Jong-un)和特朗普似乎都愿意冒核战争的风险,以保住自己的权力。”

He added: “The United States is set on a course towards nuclear war by refusing to accept that North Korea has become a nuclear power. This creates a strong incentive for North Korea to develop its nuclear capacity with all possible speed,which in turn may induce the United States to use its nuclear superiority pre-emptively; in effect to start a nuclear war in order to prevent nuclear war”.

他补充说:“美国拒绝接受朝鲜已经成为一个核大国的事实,从而走上了核战争的道路。 这对朝鲜以一切可能的速度发展其核能力创造了强大的动力,而这反过来又可能促使美国先发制人地利用其核优势; 实际上是发动核战争以防止核战争“。

Soros,who founded international pro-democracy organisation The Open Society Foundation,argued the only sensible strategy was to come to terms with the fact North Korea is a nuclear power.

创立了国际敏煮组织开放社会基金会(The Open Society Foundation)的索罗斯辩称,唯一明智的策略是接受朝鲜是一个核大国的事实。

Soros called for the use of carrots and sticks toward North Korea – via cooperation with China - which could lead to a freeze-for-freeze agreement. This would see the US and South Korea suspend military exercises in return for North Korea demonstrably suspending nuclear weapon development.


Soros said the US president was keen to create a “mafia state” that represses individual rights but is not able to due to the US constitution,institutions,and a “vibrant civil society”.


Soros,who made substantial donations to Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful bid to be president,said he was keen to help rebuild a healthy functioning two-party system in the US but argued this was dependent on the Democrats gaining a landslide in 2018.


“This will require not only a landslide in 2018 but also a Democratic Party that will aim at non-partisan redistricting,the appointment of well-qualified judges,a properly conducted census and other measures that a functioning two-party system requires,” Soros said.


He said he had high hopes for an avalanche Democrat win in 2018 due to the anger Mr Trump has provoked in his opponents.


“I give President Trump credit for motivating his core supporters brilliantly,” he said. “But for every core supporter,he has created a greater number of core opponents who are equally strongly motivated. That’s why I expect a Democratic landslide in 2018.”

他说:“我认为特朗普总统出色地激励了他的核心支持者。”“但是对于每一个核心支持者来说,他创造了更多的核心对手,他们同样具有强烈的动力。” ”这就是为什么我预计敏煮党将在2018取得压倒性胜利。“

Mr Soros also turned his attentions to Google and Facebook and argued they were in need of regulation. Branding the companies a “menace”,he warned against the rise of “ever more powerful monopolies”.

索罗斯还将注意力转向谷歌(Google)和 Facebook,并认为它们需要监管。 他将这些企业视为一个“威胁“,他警告称,“垄断企业越来越强大“的崛起。

“The power to shape people’s attention is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few companies,” he said. “It takes a real effort to assert and defend what John Stuart Mill called ‘the freedom of mind’. There is a possibility that once lost,people who grow up in the digital age will have difficulty in regaining it.”


He added: “People without the freedom of mind can be easily manipulated. This danger does not loom only in the future; it already played an important role in the 2016 US presidential elections”.

他补充说:“没有思想自由的人很容易被操纵。 这种危险不仅仅在未来出现,而且已经在2016年美国总统选举中发挥了重要作用“。

Despite being obviously concerned about the direction the world is heading in,Mr Soros ended his speech on a positive note and said he saw hope in the endeavours of citizens.


He heaped prose on those who risk their lives to fight back against “would-be dictators” in Kenya,Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo,who he claimed had “perpetrated electoral fraud on an unprecedented scale”.


“Our goal is to empower local people to deal with their own problems,assist the disadvantaged and reduce human suffering to the greatest extent possible,“ he said while addressing the work carried out by his foundations. “This will leave us plenty to do well beyond my lifetime.”

“我们的目标是赋予当地人处理自身问题的能力,帮助弱势群体,尽最大可能减少人类的痛苦,“他在谈到他的基金会所做的工作时说, “这将使我们在我有生之年有很多事情要做。”

Mr Soros made headlines in October for giving £13.7bn ($18bn) to Open Society Foundations in one of the biggest transfers of wealth ever made by a private donor to a single institution. He has donated the majority of his estimated $24.6bn fortune to the philanthropic network.


Mr Soros,who was born in Hungary to a non-observant Jewish company,survived Nazi-Occupied Hungary and emigrated to England in 1947. He rose to fame by betting against the pound in 1992 and used Quantum Fund to bet successfully that sterling was over-valued against the Deutsche Mark,forcing then Prime Minister John Major to pull the pound out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.

索罗斯出生于匈牙利一个不遵犹太教义的家庭,在纳粹占领的匈牙利幸存下来,并于1947移居英国。 1992年,他靠押注英镑而声名鹊起,并利用量子基金(Quantum Fund)成功押注英镑,使英镑兑德国马克(Deutsche Mark)的估值过高,迫使时任英国首相约翰梅杰(John Major)将英镑从欧洲汇率机制(European Exchange Rate Mechanism)中撤出。


Calling Trump a threat to our civilisation is the clearest example of projection you'll ever see.
This is the psychopath who's trying to destroy Western Culture with is mass immigration of culturally incompatible Muslims


lefty68 :
George Soros really do you have a clue? I don't think so,the sooner you are dead the better

乔治 · 索罗斯,你真的有什么线索吗? 我不这么认为,你死得越早越好。

Trump not worried because for the next while (at least) he,and his family,have a nuclear bunker to hide in,courtesy of the American taxpayer . Bet Melania is not on the list as there won't be enough people around to admire his trophy wife.

特朗普并不担心,因为在接下来的时间里(至少)他和他的家人有一个核掩体可以躲藏,这是美国纳税人的好意。 我敢打赌,梅拉尼亚不在名单上,因为没人欣赏他的花瓶老婆。

You Took The Blue Pill:
a classic megalomaniacal boyking. Pink Floyd's Fletcher Memorial home is where he should be.

一个典型的幼稚,夸大狂,平克·弗洛伊德(乐队名)的”Fletcher Memorial home“是他该去的地方。

【注:“The Fletcher Memorial Home" 是一首歌名,是罗格 · 沃特斯写给他在天堂的父亲的一首歌,所以这话意思是乔治 · 索罗斯应该去死】

on narrative :
This economic terrorist is a parasite we could all do without.


Soros is a threat to any notion of civilisation


Trump is alienating South Korea by putting tariffs on their goods and the north is starting talks with the south,so Trump is going to get shut out.


No - no brain models like / adore him. Especially Trump's small hands tickling them....

没脑子的人才喜欢 / 崇拜他,特别是特朗普的小手挠的他们心痒痒的时候。。

Ah the evil little spider once more spouts from his web. This guy is a blight on the world.

啊,邪恶的小蜘蛛又出来吐丝了, 这家伙就是这世上的一个败类。

“Mr Soros,who was born in Hungary to a non-observant Jewish company“
family surely?


Well someone needed to say it.

If soros is so bothered why doesn't he stand for election?
I trust soros less than Trump.


In the US? you have to be born in the US to run for President.

在美国? 你必须在美国出生才能竞选总统

Then for heaven's sake encourage Johnson to have a go at it.


Good point,I forgot he was born in Hungary but he could run for the Senate.


Asking an 87-year-old to run for office is not the smartest thing.

