(译者:cnbsmt)Chinese statemedia says UK Ministry of Defence trying to 'validate its existence and grab
Chinese statemedia says UK Ministry of Defence trying to 'validate its existence and grabattention' by sending warship through South China Sea
'It appears adifficult mission for the Royal Navy to come all this way to provoke China',says Global Times editorial, taunting the UK over budget cuts
China‘s statemedia has hit back at the UK Defence Secretary after he announced a Royal Navywarship would sail through the disputed South China Sea, accusing Britain ofmerely seeking attention.
HMS Sutherlandwill make the passage on her return from Australia later this year to assertfreedom of navigation rights and challenge Beijing‘s increasing dominance inthe region, Gavin Williamson announced on Tuesday.
Speaking inAustralia Mr Williamson warned “we shouldn’t be blind to the ambition thatChina has and we’ve got to defend our national security interests”.中国官方媒体对英国国防部长进行了回击,此前他宣布,一艘皇家海军军舰将穿越有争议的南中国海,指责英国只是在求关注。
威廉姆森在澳大利亚发表讲话时警告称,“我们不应忽视中国的雄心,我们必须捍卫我们的国家安全利益”。Over the lastseveral years China has claimed and built up into artificial islands a seriesof atolls and reefs in disputed parts of the South China Sea, a vital tradinglane, and it has installed military hardware there.
The widely readstate-run tabloid Global Times said Mr Williamson needed to state clearly thepurpose of the mission.
“If not provocation, the Royal Navy shouldbehave modestly when passing through the South China Sea”, it said ineditorials published in its English and Chinese-language editions.在过去的几年里,中国声称拥有该地区主权并在南中国海争议地区建造了一系列的岛礁,这是一条至关重要的贸易通道,并在那里部署了军事装备。
它在英文版和中文版发表的社论中表示:“如果不是挑衅,皇家海军在穿过南海时应该表现得谨慎一些。”“By acting tough against China, Britain’sMinistry of Defence is trying to validate its existence and grab attention.
“As the Royal Navy has been hit by news suchas a leaky aircraft carrier and the UK government has a tight budget, itappears a difficult mission for the Royal Navy to come all this way to provokeChina,” it wrote.通过对中国采取强硬手段,英国国防部正试图刷存在感。
社论写道:“由于英国皇家海军的航空母舰漏水,英国政服预算紧张,英国皇家海军似乎很难通过这种方式来挑衅中国。”Speaking ofBritain’s plan, China’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it hoped “relevantsides don’t try to create trouble out of nothing”.
Mr Williamson didnot say whether Sutherland, a Type 23 frigate, would sail within 12 nauticalmiles of any of the islands claimed by China.
But he signalledsupport for the US’ approach, which has seen that country’s navy senddestroyers within the 12-mile marker of territorial waters. After one suchfreedom of navigation operation last summer China said it was a “seriouspolitical and military provocation”.谈到英国的计划,中国外交部周二表示,希望“有关各方不要试图没事找事”。
但他暗示支持美国接近,即派遣美国海军驱逐舰进入12海里主权水域内。在去年夏天的一次航行自由行动之后,中国表示这是一次“严重的政治和军事挑衅”。Mr Williamsonadded in an interview with broadcaster ABC on Tuesday: “It’s very important thatwe demonstrate that these are seas anyone can pass through and we’ll be makingsure that the Royal Navy will protect those rights for international shipping.
“We’ve got to ensure that any form of malignintent is countered and we see increasing challenges – it’s not just fromChina, it’s from Russia, it’s from Iran – and we’ve got to be constantly makingsure that our security measures, our critical national infrastructure isprotected.”
“The US is asking other countries to domore” in this area, he told The Australian.威廉姆森先生周二接受ABC广播公司采访时补充道:“我们必须证明,这些海域是任何人都能通过的,我们将确保皇家海军将保护国际航运的权利,这非常重要。”
“美国要求其他国家在这领域做得更多,”他对澳大利亚人说。Professor SteveTsang, director of the China Institute at London’s School of Oriental andAfrican Studies, told The Independent he believed Mr Williamson’s announcementof the Sutherland’s planned mission was indicated the UK backed the US’approach, and it was “reasonable to assume” the Defence Secretary had Britain’sspecial relation in mind when he made it.
“The Chinese monitor this important waterwayvery closely and would have noticed the British frigate sailing through itwithout having to be told in the media. The effect would have been the same in sofar as the exercising of the freedom of navigation right is concerned,” headded.曾锐生教授, 伦敦东方及非洲研究学院中国研究所主任的,告诉《独立报》,他认为威廉姆森先生宣布萨瑟兰计划的任务表明,英国支持美国的做法,“可以和理的假设”,当国防部长做出决定是,考虑到了英国的特殊关系。
“中国对这条重要水道的监测非常密切,并且会注意到,英国护卫舰在通过这条水道时无须向媒体透露。”他补充说:“在自由航行权方面,这种影响是相同的。”Donald Trump hasbeen outspoken in his past criticism of China, and earlier this month nominatedAdmiral Harry Harris, the head of US Pacific Command, as ambassador toAustralia.
Adm Harris haspreviously warned of China’s “increasingly assertive” moves in the South ChinaSea and in 2016 signed a deal with Canberra to bolster the US’ militarypresence in Australia.
Also in 2016, theUK said it would deploy the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to the Pacificand conduct overflights with fighter aircraft. Britain’s ambassador to the US,Sir Kim Darroch, said the Government ”absolutely shared” the freedom ofnavigation objectives of the Obama and Trump administrations.唐纳德•特朗普在过去对中国的批评中一直直言不讳,本月早些时候,他任命美国太平洋司令部司令、海军上将哈里•哈里斯担任驻澳大利亚大使。
同样在2016年,英国表示将部署航空母舰伊丽莎白女王号到太平洋,并使用战斗机进行飞越。英国驻美国大使金•达洛奇表示,英国政服“绝对同意”奥巴马和特朗普政服的航行自由宗旨。Of Beijing’sincreased efforts at militarising the region, Prof Tsang added: “China’sassertiveness over the maritime disputes in South China Sea is part of a moregeneral assertiveness ...
“In the past China did not have the navaland air capacity to assert control over South China Sea. Now it does.
“This assertiveness reflects more of China’sintention to assert control over areas of strategic importance to China when itcan do so and not meet with effective and strong responses.”在中国加大对该地区军事化的努力中,曾教授表示:“中国对南海海洋争端的强硬态度,是一种更普遍的强硬的一部分。”
1 day ago
Quite a fewchinese sock puppets just love our media. Must be nice being able to expressyour views eh?相当多的中国傀儡都喜爱我们的媒体。能表达你的观点感觉一定很好吧?
19 hours ago
Do you mean peoplewho disagree with you? I really don't understand the kind of warped mind thatcomes on these threads just to label everybody with a differentperspective 'russian' or 'chinese'. Bothaccusations are patently rubbish, and simply serve as a substitute for any kindof argument. If you don't like to see people better informed than you, why notsimply stay in your Drooly Heil sewer - i understand that there no dissentingvoices are even allowed你是说那些不同意你的人吗?我真的不理解回复里这种扭曲的思维方式,仅仅是为了给每个人贴上不同的“俄罗斯人”或“中国人”的标签。这两项指控都是毫无意义的废话,只是作为争论的替代品。如果你不喜欢看到别人比你更有见识,为什么不干脆呆在你的阴沟里呢——我明白这不允许有任何反对的声音。
Banned in Britain
1 day ago
The danger is thatChina has an aggressive history as demonstrated by dead sailors who driftacross the line in the water in Ha Long Bay.
Witness also theVietnamese fishing boats that have been shot at - with further deaths andinjuries - and rammed when fishing in the Vietnamese area of the SpratlyIslands.
China has no claimto the WHOLE of the East Sea (aka South China Sea) - except in it's bentdistortion of history.危险的是,中国有一段侵略性的历史,死去的水手在下龙湾的水上航线漂过证明了这一点。
18 hours ago
China has no rightto claim the S China Sea, but having watched nato reduce several countries torubble in the last few years, causing millions of deaths, we are in no positionto describe China as 'aggressive'中国无权索取南中国海,但在过去几年里,眼看着北约将几个国家夷为平地,造成数百万人死亡,我们无法形容中国“咄咄逼人”
Indiana redd
1 day ago
Trade deals, Tradedeals.All trade gone now with China post-Brexit.
Its luverly beingin the EU and not having to care about all this ,pity we are leaving.贸易协议、贸易协议。现在所有与中国的贸易都随着脱欧而结束了。
1 day ago
The Chinese thinkthat they can do anything in this region, the South China Sea region is acritical commercial gateway for a significant portion of the world’s merchantshipping and China is looking for a confrontation and its a nonsense that theseSouth China Sea islands belong to them and its Chinese territory. Thank you UKand US for trying to uphold world democracy and freedom and standing up toChina!中国人认为他们可以在这个地区做任何事情,南海地区是世界上很大一部分商船的重要商业门户。而中国正在寻求一种对抗,他们认为这些南海岛屿属于他们和这是中国的领土,真是无稽之谈。感谢英国和美国努力维护世界敏煮和自由和反对中国!
18 hours ago
Unfortunately thebehaviour of the west all around the world has reduced our credibility to zero,so nobody outside nato cares whar we think about anything any more不幸的是,西方世界的行为已经把我们的可信度降低到了零,所以除了北约之外,没有人会关心我们对任何事情的看法。
beurre de karite
1 day ago
Excellentrhetorical response by the Chinese中国的优秀修辞性回应
Tom Thumb
1 day ago
More like a caseof the kettle calling the pot black.更像乌鸦笑猪黑这种情况
1 day ago
How sad, if theChinese decided to stop the ship what could the UK do.太可悲了,如果中国决定阻止这艘船,英国能做什么?
1 day ago
There really is noneed for us to be willy waving on behalf of the Americans.我们真的没有必要为美国的利益挥舞小鸡鸡。
1 day ago
What allot ofnonsense, the Chinese have run a muck in this region, they are interfering ineverything and anything and now taking over and controlling, this crucialshipping commercial gateway. The Chinese have been found out to have anextensive espionage ring, bribing politicians and meddling in businesssabotage, especially here in Australia. They have been proven to pay bribes toour labor opposition politicians. What is next?这一切都是胡说八道,中国在这个地区弄得一团糟,现在正接管和控制这一重要的航运商业门户。中国人被发现有一个广泛的间谍网,贿赂政客和破坏商业,特别是在澳大利亚。事实证明,他们向我们的工党反对派政客行贿。下一步是什么?
18 hours ago
Frothing fakeoutrage is futile - look at the appalling crimes nato and its cronies have beencommitting in the ME . . we are in no position to criticise anybody as a resultof our war crimes假装愤怒是徒劳的——看看北约及其盟友在中东犯下的骇人听闻的罪行吧。由于我们的战争罪行,我们没有立场批评任何人。
Tom Thumb
1 day ago
Yeah, cause the UKhas no interest in keeping shipping lanes open and is just a dog on a leash tothe Americans. The Americans also patrolthe seas as well.是的,因为英国对保持航线开放没有兴趣,英国对美国人来说只是一条铁链下的狗。美国人也在海上巡逻。
1 day ago
US to the UK:Listen b**tch, do what I tell you :-)美国对英国说:听好了贱货,我让你干什么你就干什么
1 day ago
Instead of sendinga warship they could just tear up the Hinckley Point C deal. The Chinese wouldsit up and take notice of that. Sending a warship is just embarrassing.派出军舰,他们会撕毁欣克利角协议(这是中英法三国合作的英国核电站项目)。中国人会注意这一点。才派遣一艘军舰太尴尬了。
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