
Top nuclear commander says Russia and China are developing high-speed hypersonic weapons and America

Top nuclear commander says Russia and China are developing high-speed hypersonic weapons and America can't defend against them


A top nuclear commander warned that the US should add more nuclear weapons to its arsenal because Russia and China are actively developing a new high-speed hypersonic weapon.



US Air Force general John Hyten, commander of the US Strategic Command, said Tuesday that Russia and China are 'aggressively pursuing' hypersonic weapons, a type of nuclear missile that flies a a very high speed.


According to Hyten, the US doesn't have any type of nuclear weapon that can defend against a hypersonic missile so he suggests the country get to work.


'We don't have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us,' he told the Senate Armed Services Committee, according to CNBC.


译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/44463.html

Hyten said that means the US has to rely on deterrence against the hypersonic warfare.


'Both Russia and China are aggressively pursuing hypersonic capabilities. We've watched them test those capabilities,' he said, adding that the US needs to step up its nuclear weapon arsenal.



'I strongly agree with the need for a low-yield nuclear weapon,' the commander added. 'That capability is a deterrence weapon to respond to the threat that Russia, in particular, is portraying. President (Vladimir) Putin announced as far back as April of 2000 that the Russian doctrine will be to use a low-yield nuclear weapon on the battlefield.'


Hyten told the senate committee that the hypersonic weapon gets it name because it can travel faster than the speed of sound.


'A hypersonic threat is a system that starts out ballistic, so you'll see it like a ballistic missile, but then it depresses the trajectory and flies more like a cruise missile or airplane,' he said. 'It goes up into the lower reaches of space and turns immediately back down and then levels out.'


He said at that point, the missile will fly at a very high speed.


Earlier this week, Putin unveiled a new arsenal of nuclear weapons, which included a hypersonic missile and a nuclear-powered underwater drone.



The Pentagon said it in a statement that it was not surprised by the weapons Putin unveiled 'and the American people should rest assured that we are fully prepared'.


President Donald Trump also said Tuesday that he plans to meet up with Putin 'in the not-too-distant future' to discuss the international arms race.


During Tuesday's senate meeting, Hyten also said the country's efforts to conduct offensive and defensive operations in cyberspace were falling short.


'We have to go much further in treating cyberspace as an operational domain,' Hyten told the Senate Armed Services Committee.


'Cyberspace needs to be looked at as a warfighting domain, and if somebody threatens us in cyberspace we need to have the authorities to respond.'


Hyten noted, however, that the US had made some progress in conducting cyber attacks on enemies in the Middle East, such as the Islamic State group.


General Curtis Scaparrotti, commander of NATO forces in Europe, warned weeks ago that the US government was not coordinating efforts to counter the cyber threat from Russia.


Admiral Michael Rogers, who head the NSA and the US Cyber Command, said last month that Trump had not ordered his spy chiefs to retaliate against Russia for meddling in the US elections.


'We need to have specific rules of engagement in cyber that match the other domains that we operate in,' Hyten said. 'We need to delegate that authority all the way down so we can deal with threats that exist that challenge the United States.'



Russian_Inkmaker, Moscow, Russia, 11 hours ago

Russia already won arms race, and US lost. Relax, people. But, show must be continued.... Russia's real effective anti-ICBM defense (Nudol + S500) will be deployed over all important objects and cities of Russia... Coming soon. Wait till 2021... And then we wil have new talk to you. You waked the bear!

俄罗斯已经赢得了军备竞赛,美国输了。放轻松,伙计们。但是好戏还在后头。俄罗斯的反洲际弹道导弹 (Nudol + S500)会部署在俄罗斯一些重要目标和城市中。等到2021年再看看。到时候我们会跟你们重新对话,你们吵醒了北极熊!


Gerhard Storr, Moscow, Russia, 7 hours ago

They never understand that ... kids .... ))



Terry, Hastings, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

The leaders of Russia, China and America etc are all best friends working together in pretending they're not. Wake up people we're being deceived.



Gerhard Storr, Moscow, Russia, 17 hours ago

Very simply, agree. But impossible. The US never come to this simple and evident solution. Besides all other reasons the US needs to feed their military sector. That's no way.



truman77, Vatican, United States, 18 hours ago

probably best to sanction Russia hard. hit their economy.



Gerhard Storr, Moscow, Russia, 17 hours ago

It does not work, idiot. Haven't you notice that



truman77, Vatican, United States, 18 hours ago

well in that case we need more funding so we can be not just a super power, but the super duper power.



Belarmia, London, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago

Probably it's time to negotiate?!



truman77, Vatican, United States, 18 hours ago

they are not in charge anyway. it's the behind the scenes filthy rich that are really in charge. all the rest is a show, a game, pretend.



Gerhard Storr, Moscow, Russia, 7 hours ago

truman77: Yes, here I agree to you. BUT the signatures on documents are always put by THESE persons (not in charge, as you say). The rockets fall down on the heads of others (who ... really does not care by the moment). D'you feel the problem ... ??? !!!



DM-Troll, n-a, United Kingdom, 1 day ago

Stop taking our money!



DM-Troll, n-a, United Kingdom, 1 day ago

The U.S. have been the real threat to humanity. Trying to be the overlord of the planet. Rather like the First Order in Star wars. They think they are the peace makers. LOL



Michael Hutchings, Sydney, Australia, 1 day ago

So it seems that the US defence are spending Trillions on the wrong weapons. Russia spends a fraction of the amount and ends up with better equipment. Losers.



Gerhard Storr, Moscow, Russia, 19 hours ago

The matter of this case is Russia is FAR ahead in the arms race (it just has been proved by top military authority). It means you have NO defence (although your expenditures are enormously HUGE).



stanwynme, perth, Australia, 1 day ago

Keep blaming china for stealing american technology, which they don't have?



stanwynme, perth, Australia, 1 day ago

Americans will destroy themselves by their own guns already .



JunS, Sendagaya, Japan, 1 day ago

Well the us has the same weapons, sounds like the proverbial Mexican standoff.



yourflight, Nordholz, 1 day ago

Has anyone forgotten that the mere fact that its impossible to win a nuclear war is the reason we have lived in absence of another world war (call it deterrence). So its logical that world powers are capable to destroy the other to avoid actual ww3.



OhioJack, Cincinnati, United States, 1 day ago

Yeah, so let's make enemies with them. SMDH



Mazda, Boston, United States, 1 day ago

Well we took eight years off to let them catch up under the Obama plan...


