(感谢译者投稿)印度政府开枪打死农民Several vehicles were torched during the agitation in MP (PTI photo)多辆汽车在印度中央邦的人民起
Several vehicles were torched during the agitation in MP (PTI photo)
NEW DELHI: The five farmers who were killed during violent clashes in Mandsaur, MP, on Tuesday died due to police firing, the state government has said in a report sent to the home ministry.
The report clears up the air over the firing as the state had initially claimed that police had not fired on the agitating farmers. It says police resorted to firing after the protesters turned violent.
Police tried to control the mob with a lathicharge and by lobbing teargas shells, the report says, but the farmers continued to indulge in "arson, vandalism and destruction of public property". The police firing thereafter left five dead and eight injured in the Piplia Mandi area .
报告中说,印度警察企图用电棍和催泪弹控制起义的印度农民。但是农民们继续“沉迷于放火和破坏公共财物”。警察随后开枪,打死5人,打伤7人。地点位于Piplia Mandi地区。
The farmers, who were demanding a loan waiver, had allegedly set 25 trucks ablaze and two police vans along the Mhow-Neemuch highway on Tuesday.
In its report on the ground situation, the state government told the home ministry that after Tuesday's incident, seven people were arrested by police for allegedly indulging in violence.
The state government said violence had broken out in seven areas of Mandsaur in Madhya Pradesh - Dhar, Jhabua, Neemuch, Ratlam, Dewas, Shajapur and Sehore - and it is taking all possible steps to restore peace.
邦政府说农民起义已经被分割在了中央邦曼达索尔的7个地区。分别是Dhar, Jhabua, Neemuch, Ratlam, Dewas, Shajapur 和 Sehore。它们会尽一切手段恢复和平。
The state government said the protesters tried to damage railway tracks and block the highway. Prohibitory orders have been imposed in the disturbed areas and 11 companies of central paramilitary forces and RAF are already assisting state police.
Farmers in western Madhya Pradesh have been protesting since June 1 demanding higher crop prices and debt relief. MHA officials said they are monitoring the situation and will respond to any request for additional forces.
译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/2017062301.html
Bishwa Bishwa - Delhi - 12 hours ago
Believe me, I hail from Vidisha and came just today driving all the way to Delhi for over 500Kms. This is not farmers agitation, this is hooliganism and I went to Sehore as well and stayed there for a day. Yes there are problems, but this is happening all because of polictics.相信我。我从Vidisha过来,今天刚开车到德里。开了500公里。那里不是农民暴动,都是小流氓。然后我到Sehore也是。我在那呆了一天。是的,那里是有一些问题,但是发生这一切都是因为政治。
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Bishwa - 1 hour ago
Farmers protesting for 50 percent increase in minimum support price and LOAN WAIVE OFF as promised by Modi BJP. Selfish India doesn't care about poor bharat farmers. BJP Police killed 5 farmers in MP. SHAME!农民们为了农产品最低收购价格增加50%和免除债务而进行抗议。这些都是莫迪保证过的。自私的印度毫不关心穷苦的农民。BJP(人民党)的警察枪杀了5名农民。羞耻啊!
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vinay verma
POOR FARMERS vs BJP - 1 sec ago
and where is 1.5lakh?15万在哪?
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Bishwa - 3 hours ago
Biswa this is known to all. Anti BJP people are trying all their best to destabilize BJP government before 2019 elections.Biswa先生(指上面说农民全是小流氓的那个评论者),这是众所周知的。反BJP(人民党)的人会在2019年大选之前尽一切所能破坏BJP(人民党)的太平。
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Raag Ragini
Raag Ragini - 11 hours ago
Khangress has only one motive - destroy India's progress!国大党只有一个动机-破坏印度的进步!
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Saranathan Lakshminarasimhan
Saranathan Lakshminarasimhan - chennai - 12 hours ago
Farmers agitation turning violent as it is mishandled by the sponsors由于发起者的胡乱操纵,农民起义变成了暴力骚乱。
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Samuel J
Samuel - 8 hours ago
after demonetization the government force the public to go through the banking system yet they charged extra levies on these transactions this is mean attack of government on the public在废钞运动后政府强制要求公众必须通过银行系统进行交易。然而政府却在银行交易时收取额外的费用。这是政府对公众的抢劫。
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Naveed Khan Naveed Khan - Chennai - 12 hours ago
Shame on Modi for being so Arrogant and so Oppressive.真为莫迪姬如此地傲慢和如此的压迫印度老百姓而感到羞耻!
20赞 12踩Sasi
Sasi - India - 11 hours ago
India is being ruled by a dreaded gang of thugs and hypocrites who specialize in fake encounters.
Remember Gujarat.印度已经被精通虚假冲突的暴徒和伪君子组成的恐怖帮派所统治了。
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Ahmed Memon
Ahmed Memon - 9 hours ago
Thanks god!!! No cow was killed谢天谢地!!!没有神牛被射杀。
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manumaster - Mumbai - 10 hours ago
True image of BJP--its a bloddy partyBJP(人民党)的真面目-血腥的党派。
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Amit Thackrey
Amit Thackrey - Mumbai - 7 hours ago
Modi is doing a jalianwala bagh in his brutal regime just like the British !莫迪姬正在它的像大英帝国一样野蛮的政权里进行jalianwala bagh(这个是印度语,不知道什么意思,反正不是好词。)
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Ayub Khan
Ayub - 8 hours ago
Shame ... Utter failure of intelligence...Was MP govt sleeping on this issue. Huge loss of property and life.太羞耻了。。。完全丧失了理智。中央邦政府在这个问题上装睡。巨大的财产和生命损失。
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Papa - 12 hours ago
Why don't BJP govt give subsidy or some financial support to the farmers in MP, Maharashtra and Tamilnadu. As they did in UP. After all, it's tax payers money. If you do it in UP for political gains then you must all do that for all other farmers of the country. Maharashtra and Tamilnadu govt gives double amount in taxes to centre than UP state. Be fair BJP !!!为什么BJP(人民党)政府不给中央邦、马哈拉施特拉邦和塔米尔纳德邦的农民们一些补贴或金融支持?就像它们在北方邦做的一样。总之,这都是纳税人的钱。如果你在北方邦为了政治利益而这么做,那么你必须对全国所有其它农民们也这么做。马哈拉施特拉邦和塔米尔纳德邦政府向中央上缴了比北方邦多一倍的税。BJP(人民党),公平些!
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vg2012 - 9 hours ago
If police was not going to fire, these opposition goons hinding behind real farmers and so called farmers were going to do lit more loot and devastation. If I were the CM, I was going to shoot all who were involved in loot, fire of community property, danger to people including peace officers. I was going to order all netas irrespective of their party affiliations who just add fuel in the fire like RaGa, Diggy and beimaan Yadavs.如果印度警察没有开枪,这些躲在正真农民背后的反对党雇佣暴徒会怂恿农民们进行更多的抢劫和破坏。如果我是这个邦的首席部长,我会下令向所有参与抢劫和焚烧公共财物的人开枪。不管他们是属于哪个政党,只要他往火上浇油,就像RaGa, Diggy 和 beimaan Yadavs那样。
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Neelesh Mansharamani
Neelesh - Dammam, Saudi Arabia - 8 hours ago
All stupid political gimmicks. .. 95% protesters are Congress goons. ..所有都是愚蠢的政治诡计。95%的抗议者是国大党雇佣的暴徒。
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gamechanger - Location - 9 hours ago
Now there will be more fake encounters of Muslims to divert the attention of public from M.P...现在,会有更多的MSL虚假冲突出现用来转移公众对中央邦农民起义的注意力。
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Moderator sahee - 10 hours ago
Cows dying eating plastic by the road side too feel used and betrayed by this government神牛们因为吃了路边的塑料袋和政府的背叛而死(不太明白这句的意思)
9赞 2 踩Kashif
Kashif - 12 hours ago
Farmers are dying and modi busy with Shariff. Seems ache din is for adani ambanis only农民们正在死亡的时候莫迪正忙着和谢里夫会面(巴基斯坦领导人)。看来莫迪的口号“好日子就要来了”只是对阿达尼和安巴尼们(印度超级富豪)说的。
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Kashif - 12 hours ago
Namo namo where all bhakath now莫迪啊莫迪,你的追随者们都在哪?
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Jack Johnson
Jack - 12 hours ago
MP bjp government knew from day one , that the five farmers died by police firing. why did they lie in the first place. LIERS. .中央邦的BJP(人民党)政府今天可出名了。警察射杀5名农民。为什么他们第一次声明时要说谎?骗子!
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Dushyant - 8 hours ago
First the shameless Govt., tried to conceal the cold blooded murders through police firing and was misleading the Media through denials terming such reports as rumour mongering. But when the Police Chief himself came on record to.confirm these murders, then this shameless Govt., had no.other option but to insinuate that the Congress was behind this violence.史上最无耻的政府(印度)。试图通过警察开枪和误导媒体来掩盖冷血的谋杀。但是当(印度)警队首长自己承认这些谋杀时,无耻的政府(BJP人民党)没有其它的选择,只能暗示是国大党在背后操纵农民起义。
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Kiran Reddy
Kiran Reddy - 7 hours ago
Bhakts are busy defending this move.莫迪的狂热追随者们正在忙于为这件事情洗地。
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Dushyant - 8 hours ago
It is time Modi pays heavily for his egregious bluffs. This epitome of evil is trying desperately to distract the attention on his failures on the economic and administrative front by taking up such issues as regulation of beef slaughter which would affect the farmers even more badly as they are already grappling with an agrarian crisis of epic proportions.这是莫迪为他极端愚弄印度民众付出的沉重代价。这邪恶的缩影正绝望地试图用禁止牛肉屠宰这样比已经缠上印度农民的史诗级农业危机对农民危害更大的问题来分散公众对它经济和行政管理上的失败的注意力。
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Dushyant - 8 hours ago
At one end, you have this evil Modi trumpeting his so called achievements camoflauging his complete failure through the cloak of Propoganda by carpet bombing visual and print media with bombastic claims and statistical jugglery to deceive the masses and at the other end you have this cold blooded murders of farmers committed by his State Govt., only because the farmers were demanding the Govt., to live up to its promises by ensuring delivery for the past three years and just ran out of patience in desperation.一个结局是,邪恶的莫迪通过地毯式轰炸般的宣传,在电视与纸质媒体上夸夸其谈和虚假的统计数字把戏,误导广大民众,把自己彻底的失败包装成它自己所谓的成就。另一个结局是,这些邦政府曾经对其承诺的农民,会被冷血地谋杀。仅仅因为这些农民要求邦政府兑现它们过去三年里做出的承诺。
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Balakrishna Sharma Balakrishna Sharma - Singapore - 11 hours ago
State home minister gave a torally wrong statement without verifying the facts and this lapse was enough to instigate angry farmers. Bjp leadership miserably failed in this instance and handed over an issue to RG who is itching to get space in media before he is declared president of congress party. Jai Hind. B.K. Sharma, Singapore邦内务部长在没有验证事实的情况下给出了完全错误的声明。这个疏忽足够激怒那些愤怒的农民。BJP(人民党)领导人在这个问题上可悲地失败了,并把问题抛给了RG。RG正苦于寻求在宣布其成为国大党总统前能登上新闻媒体的机会。印度必胜。B.K.傻妈,新加坡
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Priya Bimal - Zozar, Kashmir - 12 hours ago
How govt write-off 110,000 Cror loan to 50 big men of Dhanga Party. Why not write-off loan and interest for poor Kasaan. Expell these poor Kasaan to Bangladesh or Sri Lanka but do not shoot. Already 125,000 poor Kasaan suicided.印度政府怎么能够免除Dhanga党50位大佬1万1千亿卢比的贷款。为什么不免除穷苦农民的贷款?就算把这些穷苦农民驱逐到孟加拉或斯里兰卡也不要开枪射杀他们啊。已经有12万5千名穷苦农民自杀了。
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APARIJITH - 12 hours ago
Farmers who were once backbone of our Indian economy are killed for asking for wavement of loans. Shame on the present government. Same government goes begging for votes at the time of elections and makes false promises. Now where are those politicians ?作为我们印度人经济支柱的农民们因为要求免除债务而被杀了。太为现印度政府感到羞耻了。同样也为政府只顾着在选举期间乞讨选票和作出虚假承诺而羞耻。现在那些政客们上哪去了?
7赞 0踩Kartic Krishnan
Kartic - 6 hours ago
Why pellet guns are being used only against Kashmiris and not against these meduvaas? Its no doubt sort of being cruel to be kind, but I support Karat in what he says. It is proved herein that BJP govt has got a communal outlook.为什么非致命的弹珠枪只用于对付克什米尔人却不用来对付中央邦人?虽然有点忠言逆耳,但是我支持Karat说的。它证明了BJP(人民党)政府得到了众所周知的前景。
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Dushyant - 7 hours ago
Why wouldn't the poor farmers not get enraged when they see a man like Adani who has defaulted about Rs. 74,000 crores to State run Banks and yet is not only roaming free further expanding his business empire with public money but accompanies the PM in most of his foreign junkets to bag bulk of the Overseas Contracts. I presume the farmers are not aware of such grave injustice, unfairness and ethical perverseness of humungous proportions happening all around, if only they are aware, Madhya Pradesh would have been completely burnt by now with their fury.为什么穷苦的农民们不应该在得知像阿达尼这样的人(印度超级富豪)拖欠了7400亿卢比邦银行的贷款后还用公众的钱陪着莫迪全世界公费旅行后而感到愤怒呢?我想农民们没有意识到在我们周围有多么巨大比率的非正义、不公平和违背道德的事正在发生。如果他们意识到了这些,中央邦早就已经被他们的怒火完全烧毁了。
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syed abdul Wasay
syed - india - 8 hours ago
rahul gandhi already met farmers not reported in too yet probably not approved by bjp IT yet拉胡尔甘地(国大党领导人)已经会见了起义农民但是没有被媒体报道。也许是被BJP(人民党)的网络人员屏蔽掉了。
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Naveed Khan Naveed Khan - Chennai - 12 hours ago
Only most Arrogant and Most Tyrannical rulers kill Farmers, the people who put the food on the Mat/Table for the Million. Shame on Modi. Shame on his existence只有最傲慢和最残暴的统治者才会杀害喂养百万民众的农民。真替莫迪害臊。真替莫迪的存在感到害臊。
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Malik Assani
Malik - 12 hours ago
Poor farmers.穷苦的农民们
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Sumesh Gai
Sumesh Gai - .. - 5 hours ago
Demonetization has destroyed the Farmers income, but it made BJP extremely rich, they bought prime land in all the states capitals and making their multi-storied commercial buildings as Party offices. Modi and Jhootly have scam backgrounds.莫迪的废钞运动已经毁掉了农民的收入。但是却让BJP(人民党)变得极度富有。它们在所有邦的首都购买最好的地段并修建高大的商业建筑作为人民党的办公室。莫迪和贾特里(印度财政部长,领导印度废钞运动的那位)有欺诈背景。
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Sridhar Natarajan
Sridhar Natarajan - Chennai - 7 hours ago
Wah! What a fantastic opportunity for Congress and Communists! RG rushed immediately to the spot to ensure that the trouble is alive and spread fast!哇哦!对国大党和GongChanZhuYi者来说真是梦幻般的机会!RG立即就冲到了出事地点并确保了麻烦保持鲜活和快速传播!
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FekUji Flops
Fekuji - Jumaalgutta - 7 hours ago
BJP always happy to do murders and never shy away from chest thumping about it. With many murders Chauhan is raised to the ranks of Modi.BJP(人民党)总是很乐于谋杀并且从不羞于承认这点。由于谋杀事件过多,Chauhan(印度政客)正在作为莫迪姬及其手下的对手迅速崛起。
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rjkmail2004 - 8 hours ago
Initially the Police said that no firing was done just to escape adverse repercussions. It was out of nervousness. If thePolicemen know that the administration has the backbone they will never deny use if force. The trouble is that the police are not sure if political bossed and hence they indulge in vague verbiology.起初,警察为了逃避不利影响,撒谎说没有开枪。这不是神经质。如果警察知道管理者有决心时他们是从不会拒绝使用武力的。问题是领导人下达的命令是模糊的。(后面这句英文原文里有错字,所以不知道这么翻译对不对)
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rjkmail2004 - 8 hours ago
It is seldom that the Police get the credit for doing the right thing.警察因为做了正确的事情而被赞誉是很罕见的。
5赞 3踩Sasi
Sasi - India - 11 hours ago
Soon BJP's guns will turn towards Bhakts.不久以后,BJP(人民党)的枪口会对准印度教徒的。
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Naveed Khan Naveed Khan - Chennai - 6 hours ago
President should dismiss VYAPAM Criminal Shivraj Chauhan Government on Law and Order.总统应该下令解散犯罪的Shivraj Chauhan政府。
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VIJAY KUMAR Chopra - Delhi - 7 hours ago
This is BJP rule in MP. First CM did not listen to genuine demands of farmers and then ordered police to kill farmers and then said no farmer was killed. Now after the investigation it has come out that farmers were killed by unprovoked firing by police. Shame to BJP. Undeclared emergency has been imposed by BJP by goonda elements like ......这就是BJP(人民党)统治的中央邦。首先,邦首席部长不听取农民们真挚的要求并且开枪打死他们,然后撒谎说没有打死农民。现在,经过调查后发现,是警察无缘无故地开枪打死了农民们。羞耻啊BJP(人民党)。
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owaishasanp hasan Khan
owaishasanp - 8 hours ago
Yesterday i tried to remove hindu bro misconceptions against islam n Pakistan but instead of accepting the fact some guys asked a new question that why did hindus population decline in pakistan?? And here is what a pakistani hindu answered on quora website"At the time of independence, Pakistan did have 22% and present number is nearly 2%. But, you forget one important thing- Pakistan had two parts at time of the partition, namely East and West Pakistan. East Pakistan, which is now Bangladesh, had a higher number of Hindus - hence, raising the entire country's Hindu population percentage. Individual percentages of Hindu population was 22% and 2% for the East and West respectively with the combined percentage being around 12%. When Bangladesh gained independence, the percentage of modern-day Pakistan fell to 2% as would be case since the Hindus in East Pakistan became citizens of Bangladesh. Proof time! What follows are excepts from foreign books for the 1951 Consensus of Pakistan. Source: A Survey of Pakistan Society, 1956 by Maron, Stanli. Source: Pakistan - A compendium, 1961 by Platt, Raye Roberts. Now, I'm not trying to downplay the discrimination faced by the minorities. Yes, Hindus are persecuted, but the numbers are way, way off to account for that - we are talking about something at a genocidal level, perhaps even the biggest of its kind. There is a difference between fact and fiction and we should keep it that way.",bros sorry i m unable to paste proof here, you can see that on quora's website in agam saran' s answer.....,昨天,我试着消除印度兄弟对YSL和巴基斯坦的误解。这些印度人不肯承认事实而且有提出了新的问题“为什么巴基斯坦的印度裔人口在下降?”这里在Quora网站上的回答。“在独立的时候,巴基斯坦有22%的印度人,现在是接近2%。但是别忘了一个重要的原因-巴基斯坦包含两部分。东巴基斯坦和西巴基斯坦。东巴基斯坦就是现在的孟加拉国,拥有更多的印度裔数量-因此提高了整个国家印度裔人口的百分比。东巴基斯坦和西巴基斯坦各自的印度裔人口比例分别是22%和2%。综合在一起就是大约12%。当孟加拉获得独立,今天巴基斯坦的印度裔比例下降到2%是因为东巴基斯坦的印度裔都变成了孟加拉人。以下是记录1951年巴基斯坦情况的外国书籍。资源:《巴基斯坦社会调查》,1956年,作者:马龙,斯坦利。资源:《巴基斯坦刚要》,1961年,作者:普拉特,雷罗伯特。现在我不会试着贬低少数族裔所面临的歧视。是的,是有少量印度人遭受过迫害。但是数量规模完完全全是错误的。不是印度人之前所说的那种大屠杀级别的数量,也许甚至是所有大屠杀中最大规模的。事实和小说是有区别的。我们会一直坚持保护真相。”兄弟,不好意思我不能把证据粘贴过来。你可以自己到quora网站看答案。。。
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MADAN MOHAN - Mumbai - 8 hours ago
No one has a right to destroy a nations property private or public - so if people are involved in violence and destruction - IT IS RIGHT THING TO DO - IRRESPECTIVE OF CAUSE HOWEVER GENUINE IT IS . SEE SO MANY STATES LIKE ANDHRA PRADESH many died in police firing during separation movement - because they involved in destruction .All are motivated and instigated by POLITICiANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES . as such so much of agriculture support in terms of subsidies are given to Fertilisers for many years . This loans are never paid back even in good times .Middle class lower middle class when they do not pay housing loans , or two wheeler loans what do financial institutes like Bank do ?没人有权利破坏国家的公共或私有财产。所以如果有人卷入了暴力与破坏,这样做(开枪打死)是对的-无论动机有多么正义。看看像安德拉邦那样,许多邦的警察都开枪打死了许多印度人民,因为他们参与了搞破坏。这些全都是受政客们和政党教唆的有动机的行动。多年来,通过化肥补贴,农业受到了巨大的支持。那些农业贷款,就算在收成好的年份也从来没有还过款。当中产阶级拒绝还房贷,或双轮车夫拒绝还贷款,金融机构会怎么做?
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Nair Nair
Nair Nair - Kerala - 9 hours ago
Kill the dirty cunning politicians !!!!杀死肮脏狡诈的印度政客们!!!
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Indian famers Indian famers - UK - 11 hours ago
Protests and killings of poor farmers are more dangerous and hopeless than Kashmir separatists demanding independence. Indian Army can kill all Kashmir Muslims but not all farmers in India. Praise Modi.反对并杀害穷苦的印度农民比克什米尔独立还要危险和无望。印度军队能够杀死所有克什米尔的MSL,但是不能杀死所有的印度农民。赞美莫迪。
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Jay K
isaacbenjaminraj - Canada - 12 hours ago
This is the way they can exploit sentiment, and win ........... too bad, gullible voters end up losing ..这是他们发泄情绪的方式,并且赢得。。。太肏蛋了。容易受骗的选民们最终会失败。
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Jay K
Jay K - Canada - 12 hours ago
Controlling such large population, is not easy, especially, when politicians are busy, trying to deliver good governance, however, reality shows, it is BAD governance! People need to live, survive, and poverty - a well known issue控制如此巨大的人口可不容易,尤其是当政客们忙于尝试着实行好的统治时。但是,事实证明,这是坏的统治!人民需要生活,生存。贫穷是众所周知的问题。
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Tapas Chakraborty
Tapas Chakraborty - 12 hours ago
Hope the Farmers' agitation does not snowball into a nationwide event.希望这次农民起义不会像滚雪球一样传遍整个印度。
4赞 0踩Srikanta Behera
Srikanta - 5 hours ago
who is benefited ? 5 people killed and no reaction from govt .if 5 cows were killed story would have turned to something else....谁是受益者?5名农民死了,邦政府仍然无动于衷。如果是5头神牛死了,剧情会出现重大翻转。。。
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rjkmail2004 - 8 hours ago
Man on the spot has no time but to decide quickly.当事人已经没有时间了,必须快速决策。
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rjkmail2004 - 8 hours ago
Buses and other motor vehicles were burnt and travellers were harassed. The Police had no option but to use force.大巴车和其它汽车被烧毁,过路的旅客被袭扰。警察没有别的选择,必须使用武力(译者:那就直接开枪打死吗?不愧是世界最大皿煮国家。呵呵)
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rjkmail2004 - 8 hours ago
If you use force you are accused of using excessive force . If you do not use force you are accused of inaction.如果你使用了武力,你会被控告使用极端武力。如果你不使用武力,你会被控告不作为。
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Sasi - India - 5 hours ago
Earlier Govt said farmers didn't die in police firing.
Such falsehoods have brought great fortunes to Modi's BJP.早期,印度政府曾说没有警察打死农民。如此的弥天大谎已经给莫迪的人民党带来了一份大礼。
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americandickk - 5 hours ago
Believe me, I hail from Vidisha and came just today driving all the way to Delhi for over 500Kms. The situation is horrible, so many farmers are killed I went to Sehore as well and stayed there for a day. Yes there are problems, but this is happening all because of BJP polictics and they are diverting the topic.相信我,我刚从Vidisha过来,今天开了500公里的车到德里。当时的情况太可怕了,好多农民们被杀了。我也曾到Sehore并且在那呆了一天。是的,那里的确出了问题。但是发生的这一切全是因为BJP(人民党)的政客们想转移主题。(译者注:这位是模仿第一个发言者的口气进行讽刺)
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S S Shaktawat
S - 5 hours ago
This is all due to loan waiver politics. All political parties are trying to get vote on account of such waiver and now it has become Bhasmasur这些全是因为免除农业贷款政策引起的。所有的政党都想通过免除农业债务获得选票。现在这变成了一场灾难。
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Kartic Krishnan
Kartic - 6 hours ago
Farmers should themselves be blamed for not rotating their crops after three years, because the law of diminishing returns operates and they will get lesser and lesser crops with each succeeding year. The only crop which will continue to grow as usual for five six years is sugarcane, but ironically, they will uproot it after six months. 'Hai kisan' (not 'Jai kisan').农民们应该怪自己在三年后没有轮替他们的农作物。因为根据递减律,在每一个丰收年之后,收成都会越来越少(译者:可能类似于中国农民说的大小年)。唯一能够不受影响持续生长五六年的农作物是甘蔗。但是讽刺的是,农民们六个月后就会把甘蔗连根拔起。(最后这句没太明白什么意思)
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Pkm - 6 hours ago
Farmers behaved worse than the stone pelters and terrorists in Kashmir.农民们的表现比克什米尔朝印度军队扔石头的人和恐怖分子更糟糕。
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Menukala Chashmaiah
Lagawelu - Tuni - 6 hours ago
Dual face of Peacefuls in India. They always advocate undemocratic countries like Saudi/ UAE/ Qatar are better administered. On the other hand they complain the few loopholes of Indian government always as undemocratic. Why this dual face?印度和平的两面性。它们总是鼓吹像沙特/阿拉伯联合酋长国/卡塔尔这样的非皿煮国家治理多么好,另一方面,它们又总是抱怨没有漏洞可以钻的政府不皿煮。为是么如此两面派?
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Debasish Das
Debasish - 6 hours ago
The state has CM who is responsible for all decisions so where and how PM responsible for this incident?PMO never gives order to police in case of any law and order situation.邦首席部长应该为所有的决定负全责。所以为什么总理要为这次意外负责?总理从没有对警察直接发布任何指令。
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Allrounder - Others - 7 hours ago
I was member of khangress for 25 years.Has this party gone so rotten .Shame on Khangress .Can't this party indulge in clean politics.His last ng can it loot people我加入国大党25年了。知道这个党是多么腐烂。真为国大党感到羞耻。这个党无法沉浸于清廉的政治中。他们的最终目的就是抢劫印度人民。
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Krishnanunny Nair
Krishnanunny - 7 hours ago
Congress for their political gain misuse, playing with the life of farmers. farmers are taken for a ride by Congress . how many poor msy die, we want modi down. CONGRESS CAN NEVER RULE OUR COUNTRY ANY FURTHER. THEY WILL SPOIL THEIR EVERYTHING VEFORE 2019 ELECTION国大党为了他们不正当的政治利益,玩弄农民们的生命。国大党骑在农民们的头上。有多少穷苦的农民们死了。绝不能再让国大党统治这个国家。他们会在2019年大选之前不择手段。
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Shrikrishna Padhye
Shrikrishna - 7 hours ago
Keep aside all mega projects and take up and complete in stipulated time river linking project throughout the country.先把其它宏大的计划放一边,先把整个国家的河流互连工程按时完成。
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Amber Tyagi
Amber Tyagi - 7 hours ago
It's the brain behind the trigger that matters and not the person who presses it这是后边指使的人的问题,不是扣扳机的人的问题。
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Jagan Shanmugam
Jagan - 7 hours ago
Modi sarkar whatever they do is for the development of India just like British sarkar handled jalianwalabagh莫迪姬无论做什么都是为了印度的发展,就像大英帝国一样。
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Jai Chhabra
Jai Chhabra - 7 hours ago
Modi is doing his best to tackle this situation
discussing this in China.莫迪姬正在尽力着手处理这一状况。正在中国讨论这一问题。
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Jai Chhabra
Jai Chhabra - 7 hours ago
easiest thing for BJP
blame Congress对BJP(人民党)来说最简单的方法就是全怪国大党。
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rjkmail2004 - 8 hours ago
To be or motto be is a big dilemma for the Police.干还是不干,对警察来说是个大问题。
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Sanjay Singh
Sanjay - Sydney, - 9 hours ago
it's just politics and opposition trying to build issues. Punjab ke kisaans are most prosperous but they also get loan waiver. By the way, who pays for the loans which are waived? it's actually the Tax Payers. No MP, MLA pays tax as their salaries are non taxable.... In India, Tax Payers don't have voice and they are the biggest minorities.
Help kisaans by removing middlemen and not by loan waiver....Protect their produce and make them profitable....这就是反对党和政客们在挑事。旁述普邦的农民们是最富裕的,但是却得到了贷款免除。顺便说一下,谁为免除的贷款埋单?还不是纳税人。没有中央邦的人纳税,就好像他们卖的东西都免税一样。。。在印度,是听不到纳税人的呼声的。并且它们才是最大的少数族裔。真正帮助农民的方法是消除粮食销售中间商,而不是免除农业贷款。保护它们的产品并让它们有利可图。
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Vinod Mishra
Vinod Mishra - 5 hours ago
Story of farmers all over is same, why only BJP ruled states face agitation? Are farmers in Bihar, Karnataka well off? Obviouly opp frustration at peak.农民的处境都是相同的,为什么只有BJP(人民党)统治的邦发生起义?比哈尔邦、卡纳塔克邦的农民就过得好?显然反对党在搞鬼。
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