泰米尔电视女演员普莉雅卡自杀Popular Tamil television actress Priyanka, who has worked in many serials including '
Popular Tamil television actress Priyanka, who has worked in many serials including 'Vamsam', was found dead by her maid this morning (July 18) at her Valasaravakkam residence.
The young actress reportedly committed suicide early this morning by hanging herself from a fan in her house. She is known for her role as Jothika in the serial 'Vamsam', which has actress Ramya Krishanan playing the lead role.
原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/45592.html
The entertainment industry, though it looks glamorous and highly paid, it is a drainage pit. People should try to find a respectable job even if it underpays. RIP.
Reply 19 2 Flag娱乐业看起来光鲜亮丽,报酬丰厚,其实水很深。
John - Gurugram - 5 hours ago -Follow
Now the search for a male scapegoat will start
Reply 14 0 Flag现在找一个男的作为替罪羊的把戏要开始了
Anthony D##apos##Souza - 5 hours ago -Follow
What a waste of life and talent.This pretty actress could have advertised and married any good business man.
Reply 10 0 Flag就这样走了,太浪费了。那么漂亮的女演员,本来可以嫁给富商的
Nirvana Nature - 4 hours ago -Follow
I am saying, please media, do not print suicide news, it motivate others, who are in distressed or depression to committe suicide ! Rather publish articles how to come out of depression !
Reply 7 1 Flag我要说,媒体啊,别报道自杀的新闻了,抑郁的人看了会模仿的!
Jose - 4 hours ago -Follow
Pls dont. You have only one life. Dont waste it. All other things in life are replaceable.
Reply 4 1 Flag别啊,生命只有一次。别浪费了。
Susu - 5 hours ago -Follow
Susicide is the only solution to end any kind of misery in this world..everyone who is pained from within should find easy ways to peaceful suicide..... sucide will solve every problem....
Reply 4 15 Flag自杀是结束痛苦的唯一办法。谁要是内心痛苦,可以自杀,能解决每个问题。
Susu - 5 hours ago -Follow
I too want to commit suicide by the year end..only waiting for right time..
Reply 4 10 Flag我也想在年底自杀,现在是等待时机
Sharique - 4 hours ago -Follow
There is a dark world behind the film industries. They practise satanic occult which pressurizes them to suicide. if music give peace then why maximum music commited suicide?
Francis - Dubai - 4 hours ago -Follow
Beauty always comes with less brains ..
Reply 2 3 Flag美貌和智商是成反比的
M - Mumbai - 5 hours ago -Follow
So sad.. there r ways to fight this evil world.
Reply 2 0 Flag好伤心。有很多方法可以对抗这个世界的
Abdul Ghani - Lol - 4 hours ago
Cinema television are not decent professions.
Reply 1 2 Flag电影与电视行业的工作不是体面的职业
jaishrikant dwivedi - bsp - 5 hours ago -Follow
Alarming! No sympathy for fools. Change the system. Is 2018 a suicidal year? Think solutions.
Reply 1 0 Flag不同情那些笨蛋!难道2018年是自杀年?
Altaf - Bangalore - 1 hour ago -Follow
People should never give up and face the harsh facts of life confidently. Suicide is no solution.
Reply 0 0 Flag人们不应放弃生命,应该勇敢自信地面对现实。自杀不是解决办法
Lalit - Mumbai - 2 hours ago -Follow
These top reputed people commit suicide and leave bad ideas for others to follow.
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