
when did you lose faith in India?你什么时候对印度失去信心? 【美国reddit网友讨论】[–]freakwithoutamask 247 points 1

when did you lose faith in India?




[–]freakwithoutamask 247 points 1 day ago
Last year, Chennai had floods that should have jolted the corporation and administration with overhauling the sewage and drainage of the city.
This year, when the monsoon happened, two little girls died instantly when they stepped into a large puddle of water that was electrified by some electric wires. The administration gave three lakhs to the families of the girl. Nothing else. No statements about how they'd change the situation. Blaming everything but their apathy towards the city's infrastructure.
There is not much outcry about this. That's what depresses me the most. Two small girls are dead and my friends and families reaction is, "It's to be expected during monsoon."

This country doesn't care about human life.




[–]GandBuddy[S] 119 points 1 day ago
Life is cheap in Asian countries,I read in a book once.
Not saying my incident is greater than yours,but in the Mumbai floods this year,one of the top gastroenterologists in the world from India,fell into a manhole that was unseen in the water and they recovered his body after a day or so. No promises to improve infrastructure.




[–]awkward_pause_ 150 points 1 day ago
Since I started working, my commute has made me lose all faith in this shit hole of a country.



[–]vaibhav1011 161 points 1 day ago
It goes away part by part, never all at once. And not because of some events like riots but due to events in daily life. Example - Your 10yo old sibling going to best school and someone else’s 10yo old sibling coming to wash your car.



[–]uday11Earth 31 points 1 day ago
Today morning happened at my home. My sister's son stays at our home who is studying in 1st class KV. Daily morning a lady comes to our home for the left over food..
Today morning her kid came for the food who is of same age I was devastating to see that... Gave him 100rs and 2 books and pencil box..
My sister kid was going school and that kid was begging...





[–]the_rman 57 points 1 day ago
Haven't lost faith, I wholeheartedly want the country to move forward for the better.
However, I despise the police. One institution which is supposed to be for the people is so, so apathetic. There are a variety of reasons - the attitude of apathy we've cultivated, human life being cheap, police Dept being severely understaffed and underpaid, no checks and balances. Yes there are good police personnel, but what we lack is intent. It is as if a culture to subscribe to mediocrity and lack of intent. I hope we as a country come out of this.
Homelessness, unemployment, safety issues for women, casteism are real and tangible issues which have to be addressed, but nope, the media and the politicians are only focused on distraction tactics by making stupid, communally fuelled statements or focusing on non issues.





[–]GandBuddy[S] 20 points 1 day ago
The police in our country are directly formed from the policing system set up by the British. As in,the way they function is more like overseers rather than social safeguards. It's really surprising for all our hate for colonialism,we still haven't dismantled one of their more damaging control mechanisms,and use it to control each other.



[–]babaweedeshwar 105 points 1 day ago
That incident when rape victim got raped again by the same men.



[–]GandBuddy[S] 40 points 1 day ago
After he got out on bail,to intimidate the family? Yeah,that was fucked up.



[–]Adduadwani 25 points 1 day ago
I have lost faith on humanity many times.Does that count?



[–]NewStart793 98 points 1 day ago
Read a news article today about a 19 girl being raped by 4 men for 3 hours.
Felt extremely nauseated. I understand reporting the truth, but why report every single graphic detail.
Like she was stripped and raped right next to a busy highway, her clothes were shredded and she begged for a change of clothes, then the guy gave her clothes and brought some more friends to rape her, they went on tea breaks and came back again to continue.
I felt so disturbed after reading it. I hate reading such graphic rape stories. Don't get why newspapers like narrating the entire ordeal. It's like they want to sell more papers, so they night as well sell her dignity. These thing make me happy that I never had a sister.
I am openly saying this, my country has failed it's people. My country has made me scared to send even my mother out alone at night.






[–]GandBuddy[S] 74 points 1 day ago
Any other country,the rapists would have atleast moved away from scene of crime. In our country,these guys stuck around because she probably wasn't the first girl that they did it to there and they were waiting for another,probably.



[–]Raj69_71 34 points 1 day ago
after getting straight a+ ,first term in a canadian college,I got homesick and and decided to come back,with no chance of going back. Joined and left 2 Indian colleges ,since then.They all failed me in my favouriate and best subjets.
so I gave up to start my own business

在一所加拿大大学一年级得了A+ 后,我想家了,并决定回家,没有回去的机会。我进入又离开了两所印度大学。自那时起,他们辜负了我的喜欢和最好的学科。



[–]tempstem5 34 points 1 day ago
Any communal riot.
It pains me that some of our countrymen think that the belief in something they've never seen before is enough to take someone else's life.



[–]kenadamas 15 points 1 day ago
Demonetization. The silence of the lambs was frightening.



[–]Bluethf 22 points 1 day ago
In the last 2 years.
Everything is being connected to religion and patriotism from the past 2 years. It really started affecting me when National Anthem was made compulsory and then lynching happened which was the final blow to my faith in India.



[–]psych_csgoskins- 10 points 1 day ago
When I saw a random women rub fresh cow dung on her head



[–]csb261 5 points 1 day ago
I have lost faith in this country long time ago, like, look at our politician, half of those assholes are uneducated fools or have a criminal records. Most of them are goons who had no career so they jumped into politics , cause you know they have "connections". I don't know if it was always like this but nowadays People are trying to make India "hindu" exclusive country .


