Why is the Philippines still richer and look a lot more modern than Vietnam为什么菲律宾比越南富裕,看起来也更摩登呢?以下是Q
我一直在 2020-06-24 阅读(114)
India's Coronavirus Death Toll Is Surging. Prime Minister Modi Is Easing Lockdown Anyway印度新冠死亡病例激增,
你真难懂 2020-06-24 阅读(62)
Why is half of everything made in China?为什么全世界有一半的商品都是中国制造?以下是Quora读者的评论:Momen Gola, lifelong learne
她说我死老头子 2020-06-24 阅读(148)
If India does Boycott China, its startups will lose more than just funding如果印度真的抵制中国,印度初创企业损失的将不仅仅是
换回你 2020-06-24 阅读(106)
Chinese Breakfast and Bullet Trains | Travel Within China吃中国早餐,坐中国高铁以下是youtube网友的评论:视频:https://www.y
明月多情 2020-06-20 阅读(339)
How India's Economy Will Overtake The U.S. By 2050印度经济将如何在2050年之前超过美国经济以下是美国youtube网友的评论:DOOK_NUKEM_
入戏太深 2020-06-20 阅读(228)
Long March-2D launches Gaofen-9 03 and HEAD-5 satellites中国高分九号03星发射成功A Long March-2D rocket launched
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In pictures: World's largest shipping container arrives in UK世界上最大的集装箱货轮抵达英国 The world’s bigg
她说我死老头子 2020-06-19 阅读(234)
Comparing the Russian and Chinese economies, the Russian economy is heavily dependent on natural re
瞬间的永恒 2020-06-19 阅读(158)
Why China can build its own space station?为什么中国自己建造空间站?China Aerospace started from scratch, and by
习惯沉默 2020-06-18 阅读(496)
What prevents Russia from having an economy akin to modern China?是什么原因让俄罗斯无法拥有现代中国式的经济规模?以下是Quora读者的
山河永慕 2020-06-18 阅读(211)
Atlanta burning: More racial tensions in US after another white cop on black man shooting亚特兰大火上浇油:又
想你夜 2020-06-18 阅读(112)
Which country will be the world's leading economic power in 2050 and why?到2050年,哪个国家会是全球第一经济强国,为什么?以
普通小姐 2020-06-15 阅读(237)
Tiny Singapore replaces U.S. as India's top market for engineering exports小国新加坡取代美国成为印度最大的工程配件出口市场
不回头 2020-06-14 阅读(78)
New high-speed railway begins test run in Guizhou, China中国贵州一条新高铁开始试运行A new high-speed railway in Gu
我一直在 2020-06-14 阅读(142)
China is planting upland rice on the eighth largest desert in the country中国正在本国第八大沙漠(乌兰布和沙漠)上种植旱稻 作为
世界只因有你 2020-06-13 阅读(261)
纪录片:中国—世界强国的重生(一)youtube评论 [美国