
China gets more Indian students than Britain印媒:中国吸引的印度留学生比英国多MUMBAI: The old guard of blue-chip fore

China gets more Indian students than Britain


MUMBAI: The old guard of blue-chip foreign education, Britian, has been upstaged by an unlikely rival: China. Fresh data shows that there are more Indian students right here in the Asian neighbourhood than in the United Kingdom.


There are now 18,171 Indians in China versus 18,015 in the UK, the numbers for 2016 reveal.


In 2015, the number of Indian students in China was over 13,500. as India ranked among the top 10 nations sending the highest number of students to Chinese varsities. In fact, China has now become the third most favoured nation of international students after US and UK. It has also paced up as a host destination and is the fifth-ranked choice for Indians leaving the shores for an education.


South Korea continues to send the maximum number of students to China, but a close second is the US and Thailand comes next. Pakistan and India follow.






Allen-3 hours ago
Abuse the Chinese here and then go to their country and study.



Harry Das-N York-3 hours ago
China has a lot of substandard Universities with considerable gap between their top and low performing higher education institutions. This is clearly evident from attainment level of student coming out of the respective institutions. So be warned!



Sundaresan Balakrishnan-Location-2 hours ago
From what is indicated China is very economical and offer education in English. Indians also get to know their northern neighbor and their culture. More Indian students must avail of this opportunity. This is mutually beneficial as long as they are not brain washed about the Communist system.



M Bhargav-3 hours ago
it because Chinese education is much cheaper, it is not correct to comment Chinese education is substandard, with their education skill now flooding the world market with their product.



anup-16 mins ago
Will our Patients be safe with the treatment by the Doctors buying their Degree from China ? Will our Structures be safe on being built by the China trained Engineers ?



varada-19 mins ago
china is good for studies like medicine, engineering, parmachutical studies, naval architect etc. life is safe, people are friendly, no racial descriminatio.



Anthony Barbosa-Goa-21 mins ago
If someone becomes a doctor in China, He/ She cannot practice in India.



Rajesh-5 mins ago
Quality matters.....We all knw the quality of chinese products.



Aamir Khan-20 mins ago
Indian lunatics must realise that friendship with China and Pakistan will give them more. be part of progress and join CPEC. USA won''t give u bones forever, don''t sit in its lap.



Msr Murthy-33 mins ago
I think hereafter we have to ask the doctor from which university he obtained education and then take treatment, because China means quality not assuredly



Tejonline -Location-33 mins ago
Why study in enemy nation?



S Raj-Mumbai-34 mins ago
How many Chinese students studying in India ?



Prasert Kantimahanti-Not known-24 mins ago
Indian blood is infested with corruption, communalism and casteism. These three menaces are the essence of the core curriculum of Indian education.



Biswajit-cuttack-39 mins ago
But the quality of education for Indian students specialy in medicine is very poor in China.May be the quality for chinese students are good.



Zeeshan Alam-Bhopal-52 mins ago
Okay but has modi done so far to improve the standard of education?? Ooh wait he has reduced the scholarships and funds given to these institutes



dian Indian-world-7 hours ago
Indians may abuse China verbally all the time, but deep down they admire and fear China. Hope these next generation of EDUCATED Indians who have been to, and learned from, China can help erase the prejudice of Indians against China.



Senior Citizen-6 hours ago
China is progressing in every field , we are concentrating only on Cows, Dogs & Pit toilets !



Cams-Mumbai-4 hours ago
I might even go to study in North Korea to escape reservation system.



Suresh-7 hours ago
There two main reasons why Indian students go to China. 1) they fail to get admission in India 2) Its cheaper to study there .
it is not because the quality is much higher than India



Ice Cube-5 hours ago
Of course . This is obvious . They (china ) really have fantastic universities (I have visited a few) . India should really learn from them and try to strive for improvement rather than bashing China all the time



Harjot Singh-2 hours ago
Indians always fall for low price, even if it is Education. This is another way we are helping Chinese economy to grow,



Shui-Singapore-1 hour ago
no countries in the world will sent their kid to india being.rape. u cant walk safety at night.



Alpha Neo-NYC-5 hours ago
Wow Chinese are beating us in all rounds now even education also !!
