
UN hails India, China's climate change fight when 'others are failing'联合国称赞中印在对抗气候变化中的贡献UNITED NATIO

UN hails India, China's climate change fight when 'others are failing'


UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations has hailed India and China for their leadership role and strong commitment in fighting climate change at a time when "others are failing".


Arguing that countries like China and India were benefiting the most from the Paris Agreement, Trump had said that the agreement on climate change was unfair to the US, as it badly hit its businesses and jobs.




译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/44099.html

Ajay Varma-15 hours ago
Atleast India and china are together on climate change fight and can make other developed Nations to follow them these developed nation must play their part becouse they are the ones who are mainly responsible for this climate change not the developing nations or undeveloped nations
And India and china are doing what the others are not doing



Andy L-Telanagana-7 hours ago
We have more bigger role to play, lets make commitment for our future generations.



Umesh Rai-Hyderabad-8 hours ago
It was very shocking for the that a superpower like USA pulled itself out from Paris climate agreement. But developing countries like India and China is contributing and committed to contributing more in future.



Monica-New Delhi-8 hours ago
European Union countries such as France and UK are part of the Climate change war. France relies on green energy to generate electricity. UK is substantially reducing its share of the Green House Gases. Germany has increased its emission of the green house gases since its policy to stop nuclear electricity.



Ankush N-Delhi-9 hours ago
Why yearly smog at Delhi/Beijing then? UN also throw Jumlas.



Rspv Murthy-9 hours ago
India is the best in all fronts.



Sachin Kadam-9 hours ago
China and India are biggest air polluters of all, big Indian cities have no breathable air, people are burning garbage and tyres and whatever they can get thier hands on. Pollution from vehicles airoplanes and industries is different altogether. Cities like dehli are inhabitable and worst part is government is not taking any intiative to stop pollution and garbage burning, not even awareness. How is this a climate change fight. Where is UN getting their input from?





Ajit Grewal-chandigarh-13 hours ago
india is trying very hard and must try harder - mainly because of the cows - who are major green house gasses producers - but the modi is trying very hard - keep up the good work the modi - jai hind



N Renganathan-Location-17 hours ago
indeed it is a fight by growing economies and others
act now and save mankind from environmental disaster



ashis-India-3 hours ago
Surprised to hear this! Reckless mining, road building, construction of mega dams on seismically sensitive regions, displacing nomads - China is the worst offender today.



themugs-guyana-5 hours ago
No more,pollution. Signing and doing are two things. Be like US walk away but still do the best. Even China is shutting all major polluters. Will India shut down like this? SC has to rule



PakisareHomos sucks-Blackie Gandu Hateful Pakistan-9 hours ago
India and china have pollution problems affecting health of millions of their citizens. America does not. So they have to take steps to curb pollution of air primarily and also their water bodies



guru-WORLDWIDE-4 hours ago
India needs to do far more to combat pollution,Delhi is still the capital of pollution



Desibabu-7 hours ago
The most populated are together to fight climate change. This is the good news is that they are leading the world.



MrBoobs-Right Here-7 hours ago
Why praise China for starting to barely do something about climate change when it has already polluted millions upon millions of acres of land with concentrated chemical sewage that those lands are uninhabitable for at least 400-500 years.


