China unveils vision for 'Polar Silk Road' across ArcticBEIJING: China on Fridayoutlined its ambiti
China unveils vision for 'Polar Silk Road' across Arctic
BEIJING: China on Fridayoutlined its ambitions to extend Pre*re Belt and Road Initiative to the Arctic by developing shipping lanes opened up by global warming.
Releasing its first official Arctic policy white paper, China said it would encourage enterprises to build infrastructure and conduct commercial trial voyages, paving the way for Arctic shipping routes that would form a "Polar Silk Road".
"China hopes to work with all parties to build a 'Polar Silk Road' through developing the Arctic shipping routes," the paper, issued by the State Council Information Office, said.
China, despite being a non-Arctic state, is increasingly active in the polar region and became an observer member of the Arctic Council in 2013.
Among its increasing interests in the region is its major stake in Russia's Yamal liquefied natural gas project which is expected to supply China with four million tonnes of LNG a year, according to the state-run China Daily.
Shipping through the Northern Sea Route would shave almost 20 days off the regular time using the traditional route through the Suez Canal, the newspaper reported last month. COSCO Shipping has also previously sailed vessels through the Arctic's northeast passage.
China's increasing prominence in the region has prompted concerns from Arctic states over its long-term strategic objectives, including possible military deployment.
"Some people may have misgivings over our participation in the development of the Arctic, worried we may have other intentions, or that we may plunder resources or damage the environment," Vice-Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou said at a briefing. "I believe these kinds of concerns are absolutely unnecessary."
The white paper said China also eyes development of oil, gas, mineral resources and other non-fossil energies, fishing and tourism in the region. It said it would do so "jointly with Arctic States, while respecting traditions and cultures of the Arctic residents including the indigenous peoples and conserving natural environment".
China's Belt and Road initiative aims to connect China to Europe, the Middle East and beyond via massive infrastructure projects across dozens of countries, reflecting Xi's desire for China to take on a more prominent global leadership role.
End Of Many
Once that''s done, it will be the end of Singapore and all Indian Navy power will become useless.End Of Many
With the "Polar Silk road" and the "Belt and Road Initiative", now, China is everywhere to make this century as the century of Asia,while India, sadly is trying to play the backstabbing USA''s fiddle pawnJuror
3-MRan Ravindran
they will occupy a portion of it and say it was theirs from time immemorial-MRan Ravindran
4-Indian Dan
Chinese give 2 hoots to environmental impact - they have polluted their part of the world, now they want to spread like a cancer all over the globe. Hope other Nations see sense.Indian Dan
Instead of helping fight climate change, china wants to take commercial advantage of the melting ice to sail their boats to secure more riches for itself. They were also a party to such high quantities of carbon emission in the environment, with their compulsive coal-burning practices. I wonder if they have any conscience at all. Fishing in the muddled water.SugathPalan-
打着帮助改善气候环境的幌子,中国希望利用这一工程来捞取更多的财富。在海洋环境中大量的碳排放和强制性燃煤做法, 我想知道他们是否有良心。 一旦海洋环境遭到破坏,这是不可逆转的。
Global warming must be controlled not to be commercialy exploited byopening new shipping routes. By the time China completes this project many small island countries may be partly or wholly under the sea..UmamaheswaramSuram
改善全球变暖并不能通过开辟新的航运路线这样的商业开发来完成. 等到中国完成这个项目时,将会有许多小岛国可能部分或全部沉入海底。
Looks there are some people believed this strange fake news. â White peopleâ ï¼ The Chinese officer never use this kind words. For attract sight of peopleï¼ the mean India media agency reproduce different fake news about China. Iâ m curiosï¼ is there any excellent news agency served for elite indianï¼Eric
看来还是有人会相信奇葩新闻,中国官方部门肯定不会这么说的。为了吸引别人的眼球,印度的媒体机构总是报道一些有关中国的假新闻。 我好奇到底有没有优秀的媒体为精英印度人服务
9-Max Baloch
This will burn chaddis holesMax Baloch
古达斯普尔,卡利斯坦 6天前10-Jnknws
The real issue is India ignored for too long the manufacturing sector, the real bread and butter for a country, at the altar of services which can be simply equated to IT services. That was a short sighted policy and every one at that time was simply eulogizing it rather than spotting the limitations. That is why we are struggling today, being forced to import so many manufactured goods - be it light or heavy engineering from China instead of giving stiff competition to them. However the biggest setback due to such a policy of neglecting manufacturing (and excessive encouragement to agriculture and vote bank approach to land acquisition) is that we have lost the cutting edge in terms of Research and development and manufacturing techniques, especially on high tech items and heavy engineered goods and have to start from beginning. It will take 20 to 30 years and more to start to manufacture on a meaningful global scale, even if we go now on a war footing. One of the reasons for such a long lead time is due to the fact all our engineers have gone into the trap of IT industry finding there was no job opportunity in other conventional areas. So we now have to create the work force by educating them in these areas and then allow them to gain expertise and experience. Total mess in the past for which we have to pay by being second fiddle to CHinese manufacturing mightJnknws 6天前
China is dying for expending his business all over the world. But he should understand the era of globalization has over now. and under the guidance of Trump world is going back to protectionism again. all such effort may go vain.RakeshGoel 6天前
中国正急于在全世界开拓业务,但他应该意识到全球化的时代已经过去了。 现在在特朗普的指导下世界正回到贸易保护制度。 所有这些努力可能是徒劳的。
Sound impossible, why they dont let those rare Siberians be?SarjanaLastname
英国 7天前听起来完全不可能,为什么他们不把眼光投向西伯利亚?
China has too much money. That''s the cause of all these global plans bordering on expansion. In the old days they went for war .I guess the Chinese don''t want it but build and conquer. The Americans still want to develop to destroy. It''s better for India to join China and look to equal participation based on actual investment. To do that Modi must get back to total Hindu way of doing things not sucking the spent force USSarjanaLastname
加拿大 7天前中国现在很有钱,我想这是他们四处扩张的原因。 要在以前,他们估计就挑起战争。
16-Now Then
Lets drug the whole lot of them once again. Thats the only way to stop them. DDT wontNow Then
17-Now Then
Not a singal completed project all over the world but they seem to be coming up with much more c r a p to flood the purest of palaces.Now Then
Lets see if the Chinese can build these Infrastructure , use fossil fuel/electric /nuclear/hydrogen fuel in transportation and still ensure preservation of natural ice cap and ecosystems of the North Pole. They will need real responsible weather/climate trained and responsible citizens to man those routes to conserve environment. Interesting indeedKONFUCIUS KEN
7天前让我们看看中国人是否可以在交通运输中使用化石燃料/电力/核燃料/氢燃料,还要保证天然冰层和保存北极生态系统的基础上建造这些基础设施,他们将需要真正负责任的天气/气候培训和负责任的公民来搭建这些航线以保护环境。 确实有趣
21-Dinesh Kumar Gupta
China wants to have the same dream that Alexander had and will meet the same fate. And, everyone should leave the Arctic well enough alone, any interference there would be disastrous for the Earth.Dinesh Kumar Gupta
22-Ash Man
Wherever china builds a road it is not an ordinary road it is always some silk road.Ash Man
24-Jorge Gonzalez Larramendi
Malak: the poor MaoChinese are tired of paying muzz for traffic through an English-built canal. Plus: lots of interesting animals to kill and eat!: Mandarin polar bear. Won''t be One left.Jorge Gonzalez Larramendi
Malak:可怜的中国人已经不想继续向英国建造的运河通道支付费用, 附: 很多有趣的动物都被杀死吃掉!,北极熊也不会例外。
Why China is repeatedly denying India''s NSG membership? Why China financially and technically supporting a country who''s integrity is suspicious? Why China expanding its military base around the neighboring countries of India? Is there any answer with you?Kartik
7天前为什么中国一再拒绝印度加入核供应国集团? 为什么中国在印度邻国扩建军事基地? 有问题吗?
A dangerous enviornmental hazard.SarabJohar
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