
-------------译者:北海西铜-Japan is more focused on a securing major trade deal with the European unx than


Japan is more focused on a securing major trade deal with the European unx than pursuing an agreement with a post-Brexit Britain a senior minister has said.

一位高级官员称,比起与“后脱欧时代”(Brexit,即British exit,是对英国退出欧盟的一种戏谑说法)英国间的协议,日本更重视达成与欧盟间的重大贸易协议。

Shinichi Iida minister for public diplomacy and media said his country's "first and foremost priority" was rubber-stamping its historic trade agreement with Brussels – the largest the EU has ever signed – before work could begin on establishing lucrative free trade deals with the UK.

(日本驻英国大使馆)负责公共外交和媒体事务的官员伊达慎一(Shinichi Iida)说,日本的“第一要务”是尽快签订它和布鲁塞尔间历史性的贸易协议——这是欧盟签订过的最大贸易协议。然后(日本)才能着手制定与英国间有利可图的自由贸易协议。

As one of the UK's major investors Japan has been outspoken in its concerns over Brexit with its ambassador warning Theresa May earlier this year that its firms could leave Britain if a chaotic exit makes it "unprofitable" for them to remain.


Car giants Nissan Honda Toyota and Mitsubishi are among more than 1000 Japanese firms operating in Britain employing 160000 workers in areas such as Sunderland.


In an interview with The Independent Mr Iida said Japanese businesses were "concerned" about Britain's plans to leave the bloc after setting up shop in Britain partly to secure access to the European single market.


He said his country would prefer if the UK remained in the single market – something the prime minister has ruled out – and suggested that the Government's position could change as the EU are "tough negotiators".


Offering a boost to the prime minister Mr Iida said his government welcomed her "consistency" but warned that Japan would be watching closely as it has a "big stake in the Brexit process".


Speaking at the Japanese embassy in London he said: "Frankly our first and foremost priority at the moment is the early effectuation of the Japan-EU economic partnership agreement.


"Having said that though once the Japan-EU economic partnership agreement comes into force it could provide a very good and sound basis for the future trade between Japan and UK."



Mr Iida indicated that informal trade discussions are underway between Japan and the UK at senior official level but no deal could be signed until Britain leaves the bloc.


He said: "A lot of Japanese companies to be very frank are concerned with the prospect of the Brexit because it’s not a secret that a lot of Japanese manufacturing companies in particular have invested in the country for the market access to the continent of Europe.


"It’s a very important factor for them so market access after the trade agreement is made between the UK and the EU is a very important factor for a lot of Japanese businesses operating in this country."


Some Japanese financial institutions have applied to set up businesses in Europe after it emerged that the UK would lose "passporting rights" when it leaves the single market which allow banks to sell services across Europe without any barriers.


Mr Iida said: "Since it’s been made clear by both the UK Government and also the European unx that a single passport system would not be able to apply it is true that some Japanese financial institutions have submitted the application for businesses in continental Europe."


He added: "But both with regard to Japanese manufacturing companies and also financial institutions as far as we know there is no Japanese company that has decided to move their headquarters outside of the UK.


"They have been very cautious and we haven’t had any indication from any of them [that they will] make a hasty decision in that regard."


The rights of EU citizens remains a flash point for Japanese companies who employ large numbers of staff from continental Europe in their businesses here Mr Iida said.


He said: "One of the major voices of concern if you will from the Japanese businesses is the legal status of the EU citizens.


"As I said Japanese companies overall have hired 160000 people in the UK but it’s not surprising that many of them are not British they are EU citizens therefore their legal status in the immediate future after Brexit was a major source of concern for a lot of Japanese companies."



Japan would prefer the UK to remain in the single market and the customs unx but it has accepted the prime minister's assertion that both options are no longer part of Britain's long term future he said.


"We originally wanted the UK to be part of the single market and also we indicated the possibility that UK might be able to stay in the customs unx but prime minister May was very clear that Brexit means the departure from the single market and also the departure from the customs unx" Mr Iida said.


"She has been consistent in that regard in the Florence speech [given in September 2017] and she has been consistent in that regard in the Mansion House speech [given last month] and that type of consistency is very important."

“梅首相的这一主张,和她在佛罗伦萨演讲(发表于2017年9月)时是一致的,也和她在伦敦市长官邸(Mansion House)的演讲(发表于上个月)一致。这种一致性非常重要。”

Asked if Britain could change its mind on the single market he said: "Negotiation with the EU is extremely tough. We so well know how hard a negotiator the EU is."


"Any negotiation is an art of compromise so I wouldn't be surprised at all if the UK’s original position was a little different when they reach the final agreement with the EU.


"The Japan-EU economic partnership agreement is very different from Japan’s original position that we held four and a half years ago."


Ms May sought to woo Japanese firms through a high-profile visit to the country last year as well as chairing a roundtable meeting between top Japanese investors and some of her most senior ministers including Philip Hammond the chancellor business secretary Greg Clark and trade secretary Liam Fox in February.

梅女士去年曾试图通过高调访问日本来取悦日本公司。为此她还于二月份主持了一场圆桌会议,邀请了一些顶级日本投资人和她最高阶的政服官员,包括菲利普·哈蒙德(Philip Hammond,现任英国财政大臣)、大法官、商务大臣格雷格·克拉克(Greg Clark)以及国际贸易大臣利亚姆·福克斯(Liam Fox)。

While in Tokyo she received assurances from Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe that it hopes for a copycat trade deal once Britain leaves the bloc.

在东京时,她得到了日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)关于日本希望在英国脱欧后立即签署一份维持不变的贸易协议的保证。

However the UK cannot begin signing trade deals until it has officially left the unx under EU rules.




florere 2 days ago +14
And they will drag the rest of us down with them no laughing matter.


121pop 2 days ago +5
Ha ha ha ha ha I laugh with you I’ll bring my the popcorn


BadHombreros 2 days ago +2
Can I bring the coke please ?


keefus 2 days ago -9
Standards of living will drop??? Go to the North East (which by the way has been systematically destroyed by successive governments; miners steelworkers etc) and see the "standard of living". Nothing lower than what's already there. You sit there behind your remoaner keyboards and mock them yet it is them that will sit and watch your standards of living drop. And whose fault is it really? Not BREXIT voters but the government that offered the referendum in the first place. Who are the "Tards" now? HAHA HEE HAHA HEEEE.....ahem.


-antarctican- 2 days ago +15
Oh yes we mock them. They decided one day to blame their misery on foreigners the EU and anything but their elected governments and did the stupidest thing you can do; made an uneducated protest vote without informing themselves of the consequences.

哦是啊,我们就嘲笑他们了。某一天他们决定把自己的痛苦通通怪罪给外国人、欧盟——反正就不怪他们自己选出来的政服——然后做了件蠢到无以复加的事:在自己都没想清楚后果的情况下,搞了个无知的抗议性投票(protest vote,指为了表达抗议,转而投给原本反对的政党或选项)。

They won. Hurray. Be careful what you wish for they say.


Spider 2 days ago -8
Remainers don't care their as long as they're all right.


Stefan Blommaert 2 days ago +2
No more tears are shed than over answered prayers!


Neil Godwin 2 days ago +5
So you're saying "don't blame us Leave voters blame Cameron for being dumb enough to trust us to make a sensible decision".
You're off message my friend. Remoaners like me are supposed to question the intelligence of brexiteers like you!

所以你是说:“别怪我们投票支持脱欧的人。要怪就怪笨到会相信我们能做出理智决定的戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron,英国前首相)。”

bopeep 2 days ago +12
'' Go to the North East (which by the way has been systematically destroyed by successive governments; miners steelworkers etc) and see the "standard of living".
Agreed but where you and Remainers differ is that you somehow blame Europe/forriners /immigrants
Otherwise why would you vote Brexit as a solution.


Never mind Im sure the Brexit flag bearers for the working class/poor and disabled Ian Duncan Smith Rees Mogg Redwood Farage Boris Fox and Gove etc are just chomping at the bit to help with overturning all the things the evil Europeans forced them to do. Like austerity giving Nurses and other public sector workers 15% pay drops over the last 10 years while allowing tax dogers to get away with murder and while politicians and CEOs and bankers got huge pay rises. Damn those Europeans for trying to make us bring in the bedroom tax and the rape clause For forcing terminally ill cancer patients '' to undertake face-to-face visits with a work coach''.
Have they no heart in Brussels

算了,我确信脱欧旗手们——诸如Ian Duncan Smith,Rees Mogg,Redwood,Farage,Boris Fox还有Gove等等这些代表工薪阶层、穷人、残疾人的人,都正迫不及待要帮着推翻邪恶的欧洲人强加给他们(英国底层百姓)的一切,例如财政紧缩——过去10年它使得护士等公共部门工作人员降薪15%,与此同时却允许逃税者逍遥法外,允许政客、CEO、银行家们巨额加薪。去他丫的欧洲人,还想要征我们“卧室税”、给我们立“强奸条款”、强迫癌症末期病人“与工作教练进行面对面访谈”。


Daydriver 2 days ago +15
I hear the argument regarding trading countries having trade surpluses with the UK but the bit that worries me (a lot) is that as a country the UK actually needs the vast majority of the stuff it buys from abroad and those countries providing these goods will be well aware of that fact. So in then negotiating FTAs it becomes a game of poker ie is my hand stronger than yours or to put it another way do you need me more than I need you.
This then becomes the gaming table in trying to agree free trade deals. Such deals have to be two way. My big worry is that the UK will need a deal more than the partner particularly the big player partners India China and the USA for example. Remember you agree a deal so you get some sort of free access to markets but you also give free access to your own market which inevitably gives your own businesses more competition and probably more aggressive competition at that. No doubt envious foreign eyes are priceing up the NHS already. I know I'm a bit of a cynic but I also worry that such deals will be made by UK negotiators who may then find attractive opportunities as board members in the future. The EU was pretty much the safe and natural body to set such deals as deals had to be ratified by each member a form noted and therefore being copied by other countries forming geographical trading areas this to my mind also makes the UK trading hand even weaker.

我听到了关于各大贸易国一直在对英国赚取贸易顺差这个观点,但让我(特别)担心的一点是:英国作为一个国家实际上必须从外国购买绝大多数东西,而提供这些商品的国家很清楚这一点。于是谈判自由贸易协定(FTA=Free Trade Agreement)就成了玩纸牌游戏——即看谁膀子更粗,或者说,看谁更离不开谁。于是谈判自贸协议变成了上赌桌。这种协议本该是双向的。我最大的担心是,比起谈判对手——尤其像印度、中国或是美国这样的大玩家——英国会是更需要协议的一方。
记住,当你签署一份协议时你获得了某种自由进入对方市场的权力,但同时你也交出了本国市场的自由准入权,这无可避免地增加了本国企业的竞争而且可能是更具侵略性的竞争。毫无疑问,已经有国外贪婪的眼睛盯上给英国国民健康保险制度(NHS=National Health Service)涨价了。

Spider 2 days ago -12
Do you think there may be opportunities for entrepreneurs to set up businesses here to produce things we presently buy from abroad?


-antarctican- 2 days ago +7
So in stead of buying the final products from abroad you're going to buy half-products from abroad and assemble them locally.
Same problem.


You'll need to be fully self-sustainable but the UK is too small for that. You'll end up North Korean style.


BadHombreros 2 days ago +6
Why if they can be produced in china for a fraction of the cost ?


bopeep 2 days ago +4
They would have done that already wouldnt they.


How are they going to replace my BMW and my daughters Mini?


Spider 2 days ago -8
China's Billions have competition it's called automation.
Component parts can be sourced locally.
Your daughters Minni is built in Oxford your Beamer might be a little more expensive but First World problems A?


Johnty 2 days ago +7
That Mini is assembled in Oxford but the parts don't come from Oxford do they? Anyway that assembly might move to Austria so what then?



StillGame 2 days ago +4
Oh yeah....we were soSO good at manufacturing even BEFORE we joined the EU......which is why we made cars tv's motor cycles aerplanes etc etc etc that the world stopped buying .....because we underinvested constantly for generations


.......but hey......pray tell us why with near half a century of failure in these and other emerging industries...pray tell us WHY we'll be so good at it THIS time.....and...even MORE to the point.....WHERE WILL THE TENS OF BILLIONS ( maybe hundreds) OF POUNDS COME FROM......to build these as yet unbuilt factories to make those as yet imaginary goods to sell into as yet imaginary markets to imaginary customers on as yet unknown terms............and do we further suppose that the countries currently supplying all these goods in markets today are simply going to stand aside and watch these new- ultra- super- efficient- brits steal the crust from their table and fracture customer/ supplier relations that will often go back manymany years?


Has any of these nutters out there ever TRIED to sell products to a new customer without a strong reaction...( often but not always price of course) ...from the 'sitting tenant' on such trade?
.....but I ask again....who will cough up the MASSIVE investment sums to even TRY to do this?...Why does this become...as if by magic....a good/ best investment for the financial world?
Would YOU invest all in Little Ingurlund??


Neil Godwin 2 days ago +9
We are soon to be totally exposed to punitive tariffs on our exports to the USA. Trump is notoriously unstable and has already forgotten the "tremendous" trade deal promised so long ago (in Trump time).


AreThereLumpsInTrumps 2 days ago -5
AAaaah!! I see Lebedev's 'mods' have removed my comment. They clearly hate free speech. Poor lads they have to do what Lebedev tells them poor little junkalists terrified for their jobs if they allow any dissenting voices.

啊~!!我看见亚历山大·列别捷夫(Alexander Lebedev,收购了多家英国报纸,是第一个掌握西方主流媒体的俄罗斯人)的“修改器”把我的评论都删了。显然他们痛恨自由言论。可怜的家伙们,列别捷夫怎么说他们就得怎么做;可怜的小小垃圾分类工啊,成天恐惧着要是漏掉了任何反对意见的声音,工作就不保咯。

mergendy 2 days ago +5
don't worry I saw it...do they really let people who can't use an apostrophe operate on people's brains back there these days? And these people voted leave? Do you know it's all starting to make sense now...


Gold4 2 days ago +15


LOL Brexiteers will be losing their jobs and benefits.
Brexiteers standard of living will fall
no workers rights
state pension retirement age increased to 72 soon
consequently Brexitards life expectancy will reduce.





嘿嘿 嘿嘿 嘿嘿

Lucilla 2 days ago +19
"Japan is more focused on a securing major trade deal with the European unx than pursuing an agreement with a post-BrexitBritain a senior minister has said."


That's hardly surprising. After all the EU is a lot bigger wealthier and therefore more important than 'post-Brexit Britain'.!



AreThereLumpsInTrumps 2 days ago -28
I rather doubt they sell many things to Romania Hungary Poland Bulgaria Estonia Latvia Lithuania Malta Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Portugal Spain or any of the other virtually bankrupt Eastern and Southern EU countries.


Paul Bullard 2 days ago +17
I rather doubt you've included the many countries that are collectively 10x the size of Britain.


OhAndbyTheWay...2 days ago +11
"or any of the other virtually bankrupt Eastern and Southern EU countries."

“或者其它任何实际上已经破产的东欧及南欧国家。” 呵呵~

A marvel to behold.
You actually believe your own BS.


Stefan Blommaert2 days ago +11
@Oh...: he is recycling old posts...he already posted this one (verbatim) earlier today...same thread...I told him he was talking out of an anatomical part that was not destined for speech as I live in one of these "horrible countries" and he didn′t believe me (well in view of his other posts that is not too bad!).


Neil Godwin 2 days ago +13
You forgot France and Germany not to mention the rapidly recovering Irish Republic. Also that the Eurozone is growing at a much faster rate than the UK and has been for some time.


BadHombreros 2 days ago +5
It's ok if they don't sell many things to those countries maybe they buy many things from those countries.


Trish Wilson 2 days ago
Have you studied the Australian trade figures yet?


Thoso 2 days ago +9
Most Eastern European nations are nowhere bankrupt as you claim. Bankruptcy means insolvent not being able to pay your debts and obligations. Most of these nations have comparable low Government debts. They might have low standards of living and low wages but they aren't bankrupt.


PaulHW 2 days ago +13
You are abolutely right. Those Eastern European countries still use Soviet-made fridges stereos and cars.


Estonia is the most digitised country in Europe Slovakia produces most cars per capita in the world - they make almost as many as Britain whilst having 5 mln people.


And brexiters complain about being called stupid.



portsanity . 2 days ago +21
Welcome to project "don't listen to the Japanese expert telling us how it is"


JustThisGuy 2 days ago -10
Well the Japanese PM has pledged to a trade deal immediately post Brexit to guarantee a minimum of continuoty


I mean who to believe. The man who actually runs the country or an unknown who supports your prejudices? Tell you what go with your prejudcies. Ignorance is a difficult illness to overcome and facts can make it worse.


OpalFruits 2 days ago +5
"I mean who to believe. The man who actually runs the country or an unknown who supports your prejudices?"


Your lix is to an article in the Guardian from last year and there is no 'pledge'.
Japan is under no legal treaty or obligation to support the UK's brexit experiment through trade or financial deals of any kind - a fact I'm pretty sure you are already aware of.


portsanity .2 days ago +2
I wonder what this "unknown" is doing with the PM?


They let anybody in these days......


portsanity .2 days ago +8
I have no doubt we will get a trade agreement with Japan absolutely 100% garanteed


However it is also garanteed that we will not get as good of a deal as we had before and if we leave the single market we will lose up to half million Japanese related jobs


Thanks mate

