
Isro develops desi atomic clock, to be used in navigation satellites印度空间研究组织成功研发原子钟,拟用于卫星导航Surendra

Isro develops desi atomic clock, to be used in navigation satellites


Surendra Singh| TNN | Updated: May 7, 2018, 01:03 IST

NEW DELHI: In a significant development, Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) has developed an atomic clock that will be used in navigation satellites to measure precise location data. The space agency currently imports atomic clocks from European aerospace manufacturer Astrium for its navigation satellites.



Tapan Misra, director of Ahmedabad-based Space Applications Centre (SAC), said, “SAC has developed an indigenous atomic clock and this clock is currently undergoing a series of qualification tests. Once it successfully clears all tests, the desi atomic clock will be used in an experimental navigation satellite to test its accuracy and durability in space.”

总部位于艾哈迈达巴德的空间应用中心(SAC)负责人Tapan Misra表示,“SAC已经研制出了一种本地原子钟,目前正在进行一系列的测试。一旦成功通过所有测试,desi原子钟将被用于卫星导航实验,以测试其在太空中的准确性和耐用性。”

The SAC director said, “With the development of the desi atomic clock, Isro has become one of the few space organisations in the world which have gained the capability to develop this highly sophisticated technology. We don't know the design and technology of the imported atomic clock. But the desi clock has been developed based on our designs and specifications. This clock is as good as the imported one. We are hopeful that it will easily work for more than five years.”


All seven navigation satellites launched earlier as part of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) or NaVIC have three imported Rubdium atomic clocks each.

作为印度区域导航卫星系统(IRNSS)或NaVIC 导航定位系统的一部分,先前发射的所有七颗导航卫星中,每颗卫星都有三个进口的铷原子钟。

On functioning of these atomic clocks, Tapan Misra said, “Atomic clocks in all the seven satellites launched earlier are synchronised. The time difference between the atomic clocks of different satellites positioned at different orbits are used to measure the accurate positioning of a navigation receiver or an object on the Earth.

关于这些原子钟的功能,Tapan Misra表示,“所有早期发射的7颗卫星中的原子钟都是同步的。不同卫星的原子钟在不同轨道上的时间差异,用来测量导航接收器或地球上的物体的精确定位。”

If an atomic clock malfunctions, the time difference calculated between it and other clocks is not accurate which, in turn, gives inaccurate positioning of an object. Besides atomic clocks, a navigation satellite also has crystal clocks but they are not accurate as atomic clocks. Therefore, if three atomic clocks of a satellite show error, we need to launch a back-up satellite with new atomic clocks."


According to a reliable source in Isro, nine of the 21 atomic clocks used in some of the seven navigation satellites launched are showing error. Isro is, therefore, planning to launch four backup navigation satellites to keep the Navigation with Indian Constellation (NaVIC) effective. These backup satellites, which are likely to have indigenous atomic clocks too, will add buffer to the desi GPS system. “Isro will first need financial clearance from the government for the backup satellites,” says the source.

据ISRO的可靠消息来源称,先前所发射的7颗导航卫星的21个原子钟中,共有9个原子钟显示误差。因此,ISRO计划发射4颗备用导航卫星,以保证印度导航系统的有效性。这些备用卫星很可能使用印度的原子钟,为DESI GPS系统T提供缓冲。消息人士表示“ISRO首先需要政服财务批准备用卫星”。

Last month on April 12, Isro successfully launched navsat IRNSS-1I to replace India's first navigation satellite IRNSS-1A, whose three atomic clocks had stopped working two years ago. IRNSS-1I thus completed the constellation of seven functional navsats needed in space to keep the NaVIC operational.

4月12日,ISRO成功地发射了navsat IRNSS-1I卫星,以取代印度第一颗导航卫星IRNSS-1A,该卫星的三个原子钟在两年前停止工作。因此,IRNSS-1I完成了太空所需的七个功能导航卫星,以保证导航系统的正常运行。

Tapan Misra said, "Atomic clocks have sophisticated technology. They could stop working because of different reasons. It's not only Indian navigation satellites, but atomic clocks in satellites of Galileo (European Union's navigation satellite system) had also failed earlier."

Tapan Misra表示,“原子钟技术复杂尖端,可能因不同的原因停止运转。不仅仅是印度的导航卫星,伽利略卫星(欧盟卫星导航系统)上的原子钟也曾失灵过。

NAVIC was approved by the government nearly 12 years ago at a cost of Rs 1,420 crore to establish an indigenous satellite based navigation system to provide position, navigation and timing services over the Indian landmass and surrounding region extending up to 1,500 km. Though the indigenous navigation system is very much operational, it is not as popular as the American GPS in the country because the receiver and mobile chipset needed to access the desi system have not been commercialised.



Gautam Kumar


Gautam Kumar-Jalandhar-10 hours ago

Great achievement from ISRO..It never fails to make us feel proud.





sridhar-Hyderabad-10 hours ago

just Because of Modi . . .



20 Jumping Indians jumping Indians-USA-4 hours ago

Jubilant Indians should Google about China''s cold atomic clock, the world''s most accurate, made in China and used in China''s Beidu system, too see how far India is behind China, before jumping up and down and praising their Modi here.



Lokendra Chauhan


Lokendra Chauhan-Akola-9 hours ago

Another step forward. ISRO never fails to surprise!! Cheers!!



Go Bajaar


Go-10 hours ago

Great achievement by ISRO and many more to come!



Raj Dudeja


Raj Dudeja-9 hours ago

Our salute to those who are building our nation and make us proud, including ISRO.



Rahul Jaiswal


Rahul-10 hours ago

well done ISRO!



Karan Kumar


Karan-India-6 hours ago

Next few decades are crucial for space exploration. While several countries and companies including China, Japan, SpaceX are changing the rules of the games rapidly and are inventing new technologies daily. Isro has to broaden its horizon and govt has to give isro more power, autonomy and money to make it a growth engine of Indian space dreams in the 21st century.



Hd Dw Hd Dw-10 hours ago

Kudos ISRO



10 Anonymous


Anonymous-Mumbai-10 hours ago

Modi Modi this is all because of you





MrBoobs-Right Here-8 hours ago

One can tell the atomic clock is vert sophisticated because it has many many wires and that too of different colors.



An Indian


An-46 mins ago

DRDO should learn from ISRO....

印度国防研究与发展组织(DRDO )应该向印度空间研究组织(ISRO )学习


15 Themugs


Themugs-guyana-10 hours ago

Indian standard time. Hope on time again again!!



Chethan Kumar


Chethan Kumar-Bengaluru-21 mins ago

India "Successful" Research Organisation



Vikas Moudgil


Vikas-42 mins ago

ISRO is proud of nation. Amazing how fast they develop things as per their requirement. They were importing these clocks and meanwhile started working on its version and they developed it fast. DRDO are you looking. Can you learn from them.



C Kant


C Kant-45 mins ago

It is all due to Modi Ji new India . Hats off



Sanjay Kumar Behera


Sanjay-2 hours ago

Another big achievement of ISRO in space technology... keep it up ISRO

ISRO 航天技术的一大成就。。。。加油,ISRO。



Gautham Krishnan


gautham krishnan-5 hours ago

Jet engine technology is the only one pending for a long time now. We need to infuse new talent into GTRE/DRDO and make sure we produce the finest engines for our LCA.



Its Me


Its Me-9 hours ago

mind your language. its not desi. its Indigenous.



Vishal Raj


Vishal-34 mins ago

wow feeling so much proud today



25 Gopi Krishna


Gopi Krishna-36 mins ago

Very Good Morning with a good news!! ISRO good job!



Godfather Senior


Godfather Senior-40 mins ago

Good news, their indigenous products will surely reduce the cost to maximum extent. That also saves a lot more on precious foreign exchange. All the best for the team ISRO.



Bhalchandra Damodar Kelkar


Bhalchandra Damodar Kelkar-Nagpur-50 mins ago

We/indians will never stop feeling proud of ISRO continue to move on

ISRO 一直是印度的骄傲,继续加油。。