
Why is India's Olympic medal tally lower than that of many countries with a similar or poorer econom

Why is India's Olympic medal tally lower than that of many countries with a similar or poorer economy?




Praveen Venkiteswara Annu, former volleyball and basketball player

Alright, let us draw a graph, shall we?


41-shall we.png

Now, there are four possible scenarios here:

1.Low on talent, low on funding

2.Low on talent, high on funding

3.High on talent, low on funding

4.High on talent, high on funding





Let us look at each of these scenarios.


  1. Low on talent, low on funding

This is the worst possible scenario and definitely not the case with India. Even in such a scenario, if the competition also falls in the same category, the best of the lot wins.

The SAF Games is an example. Look at India's performance. Note the absence of developed nations and Asian giants.






Source: 2016 South Asian Games

  1. Low on talent, high on funding

This is probably the exact opposite scenario that India is facing. And there is a case where a lot of funding can sometimes outperform talent and a case where talent sometimes misses out due to lack of funding.

The Commonwealth Games is an example. India it the best performing developing nation. Some developed nations manage to outperform India purely on the basis of better funding and training available to them. Note the absence of USA, Asian giants (China, Japan, South Korea) and most European nations.

Look at how much the UK spent for each Olympic medal - How many millions eachOlympic medal has really cost Britain. That kind of funding can turn above average talent to podium contenders.

Source: 2014 Commonwealth Games

  1. 人才少,资金多






  1. High on talent, low on funding

This is probably the best fit for the state of sports in India right now. India has talent, but not enough funding to take it to a level where athletes can compete on a global stage.

The Asian Games can be looked at as an example. In terms of total medals won, Indiais joint fifth on the table behind the big three (China, Japan and South Korea) and Kazakhstan who also have the funding to go with the talent. However, the ratio of Gold to Silver to Bronze shows that India lacks that killer edge that is required to go from bronze to gold. That is partly due to the lack of funding and training facilities. Again, note that USA and Europe are not part of the games.

Source: 2014 Asian Games






  1. High on talent, high on funding

This is the ideal scenario, or the Magic Quadrant, for success. India will hopefully get there in another 20 years, if not earlier. Only when this scenario is met can Indian athletes compete and win on a global stage like the Olympics.

Source: 2016 Summer Olympics





Look at how the developed world dominates the Olympics medals tally. Also note how the Soviet Union that dominated the medals table till the 90's has lost its grip since the break of the union and presumably lower funding.


China has a dedicated program that has enabled it to get into that table. Look at theOlympics medals table before Barcelona 1992 and you won't see China in the top 10 of the medals tally. India needs a similar transformation minus the alleged atrocities that the Chinese Olympic program has dealt out to young children, if at all the reports are true.


What can India do?


  • An aspect that needs to be understood is that an athlete is in his or her prime between 20 and 30 years of age. This means that they have to attain peak performance somewhere close to 22, which requires talent to be identified and nurtured from a very young age, mostly around 12 years of age.


  • There is also a need for a support system that will enable even district level sportspersons to find a job and sustain their career without worrying about their finances. The problem right now is that a lot of talent is lost to lack of a reliable future in sports.


  • Instead of rewarding players post facto (i.e. after they win medals), there should be a support program that provides funding of at least INR 10 lakhs/athlete/year for the top 100 athletes in the country which should allow them to use better equipment, afford better coaches and get overseas training, if required.


  • India also needs to learn to embrace all sports, rather than a handful. The more talent we promote, the better are our chances to win medals. That said, we should focus our energy and resources more on some of the core sports that India has been traditionally good at – hockey, archery, shooting, wrestling, boxing and weightlifting while also developing talent in areas that have more medals on offer – swimming, gymnastics and athletics.



Aum Thakkar, Hoping to raise the tricolour some day....

India is one of the most populated countries of the world. So it would be question in everyone of our minds that it should perform great at major international events like Olympics and bag not like the US and China but at least a dozen of medals.


It would sound astonishing that India has much sports talent which is hidden in many parts of the country, which when groomed properly can surely help raising the tricolour.


The only thing which is missing here is the national hunt for this so called unfound talent. In a country where even the government is struggling to supply basic facilities to it's citizens, it is nearly impossible to achieve this mammoth task of hunting for this talent.


Hunting talent is one thing but the sportspersons who are selected for the national team also find it difficult to get proper facilities. Its main reason is that being a developing country it is very tough to spend money on sports though it is one of the most important visions of development. The sportspersons being trained for Olympics hardly get peanuts as compared to those developed nations.


Other reason for this is discouragement of the child by parents for opting sports as a career. It's a typical mindset of the Indian parents is that there's no future in sports so in order to meet the requirements, children are forced by their parents in opting for any academic field like medical and engineering. In countries like China and the US, majority of people take sports as career and each and every citizen gets a professional type training from their childhood.


Money spent per athlete in these countries is also way higher than that in India. Mainly, the athletes belong to remote areas and poor households but representing their country at international level doesn't improve their condition.


So if there's more money spent on talent hunt and each sportsperson, it can surely lead to playing of our national anthem at the Olympics many a times. This will also help encourage newer generations learn different types of sports and also improve the net quality of health and lifestyle of the citizens of India.





Eshaan Bhardwaj, studied at The Doon School

The world's second most populous nation has the worst Olympic record in terms of medals per head.

In the past three decades, it has won only one gold medal - for the men's 10m rifle in 2008.

In London, in 2012, it bagged its best haul, six medals, or one for every 200 million people.

In 2008, it got just three medals. Before that, it was lucky to come home with a single medal.





So why isn't India punching its weight?

One reason is undoubtedly money.



India, despite its space programme and burgeoning population of billionaires, is still a very poor nation in terms of per capita income, and sports(other than cricket) has never been a priority for the government.


Even the Indian Olympic Association admits the country has not always done enough to support its athletes, but says there is more to India's sorry performance than just a shortage of cash or organisation.


One of them is them is the mindset in India that the only way to excel and get ahead is through studies. Therefore, the families tend to give there children more education, and always have this basic feeling that sports doesn’t bring money that is required to run a family.


In addition to that, India's cultural and caste traditions play a role too.

Indians have traditionally seen themselves primarily not as individuals, but as members of their caste, tribe or region, he says.


Even when people excel in sport, they are often discouraged from pursuing it to top levels, by their families and wider community. And social stratification has meant different castes tended not to play sport together.


The only way to make India back up is to start paying attention to other sports than cricket as well. This way, when the government will see that the Indians are interested at some other particular sport, it will start to put money in that sport, making it better.

Hope this helps:-)



Shreyas Bilagi, studied Mechanical Engineering

The surest way to win the medal in any of the events is a good training and maintaining the health, which most of athletes do not get properly.

Most of the athletes emerge from rural areas. The problem here is that there are no proper trainers and even if the trainers are available, no proper facilities are available. The quality of the training provided should be very high. Im not blaming the trainers but the government ministers n the employees. The central government releases the fund but the middle persons are craving for that. What is left out will not even help us to win out.

One of the main strength required is Confidence. Our country sports minister wont even know the names of the athletes. The other reason why we fall low, is selection of improper players.

In others countries like usa ,china etc the funds allotted to them is very high bit it is effectively distributed and utilized.






Madhuri Sharma, Sports Enthusiast, Badminton & Football Player

Desi Food which is high in carbohydrates



Cricket killing all other sports! We Indians can’t look beyond cricket! It even killed Hockey our National Sport! And football which was very strong in North eastern states is also slowly fading (eg: Dhoni)



Of course, Politics at District/State/National level events.

No adequate Facilities for ‘Medal heavy’ sports such as Cycling, Gymnastics, Rowing, etc.

Our Education System which doesn’t recognize the need for Extra curricular activities. Western countries give universities scholarships for their athletes we make them sell golgappas




Lack of revenue generation of Olympic events.. We Indians do not watch/encourage these sports.. Show me one Sport in India(other than cricket) which has a packed crowd! Commonwealth games which were held in India had empty seats for the whole duration of games. People turn up in hordes for the Cricket matches even if it’s against a bottom ranked nation! But when it comes to something as prestigious as the commonwealth games we see empty stadiums -_-

奥运赛事缺乏创收能力。我们印度人不看也不鼓励这些运动。除了板球外,印度还有哪项运动能引得万人空巷!在印度举行的英联邦运动会在整个比赛期间都没人看。人们成群结队地去观看板球比赛,即使对手是排名垫底的国家! 像英联邦运动会这样声名远播的赛事,我们看到的却是空荡荡的体育场。


Raghav Lall, works at Studying

The culture in India is Anti-sports. Parents don’t encourage their kids in urban areas to take up sports as a career and parents in rural India either don’t have sufficient resources to fulfill their child’s dream of being a sports person or discourage them from doing sports. India never really was a sporting nation. Its all the cultural fault and peoples mindset.



Gokul Sreekumar, studied at Government Medical College, Manjeri

one of the main main reason that our athletes are not doing well is because they are not in it for the glory. Rather they are participating in it for the money. All indian athletes are given rewards in the former of money and government jobs. It doesn't matter if they don't win. Also many untalented athletes try to get into the contingent for this reason.



Shankar Lal Lunawat

The reason is may not be good for Indian sports system..

India sports councils do not give opportunity to. capabel youngster's they something like BHAI WADD

Most big reason is India have very good players in sports but gov. Do not give the opportunity to local empire of sports person.

And Indian parents think that sports have nothing scope so they don't want that there son or daughter go. In sports field….





Aakash S Jamadagni, Footballer,Movie buff,Gamer,Student and Science enthusiast.

Indians are raised with a notion that academic achievements are the only thing everyone should focus on. And at large sports are neglected.Sports facilities in the country are very poor too.


