What are your views on the recent series of tweets by Piers Morgan mocking India’s performance
What are your views on the recent series of tweets by Piers Morgan mocking India’s performance at Olympics?
Shannu Prasad, studied at RMIT University
The average Indian thinks of the UK as a morally corrupt and decadent country that looted us for centuries, but at the same time, he craves acceptance and respect from them. This does not do India’s image any favors.
It also shows how fragile Indians’ ego is. We celebrate every achievement that the rest of the world takes for granted and outrage over minor incidents.
What Piers said annoyed me, but you know what annoyed me more?
- The fact that his follower count increased by 12 thousand; most of whom are Indians wanting to troll.
- The fact that without the reaction he got, he would not have tweeted the same bullshit another 30+ times.
- The fact that NDTV and other news channels(even The Hindu!) deemed this worthy of publishing as “news”
- The fact that he was the most trending topic in India.
I don’t get it. I thought Indians were annoyed by the “Char Log kya Kahange” factor? I thought Quorans preached “Don’t let what other people think of you affect you”? So, why are we doing the exact opposite of that?
- 他的粉丝数量增加了1.2万,其中大多数都是印度人。
- 他如果没有得到回复,他就不会把那些垃圾言论反复发30多次了
- 新德里电视台和其他新闻频道(甚至还有印度教徒报)认为这个破事值得作为新闻播出
- 他是印度最热门的话题
Deepak Mehta, Twitter - A grammar nazi's purgatory.
Answered Sep 25, 2016
He is right, of course.
There is only one part of his argument that I hated, and it does not concern India at all. I don’t agree with Mr. Morgan that Silver and Bronze are losing medals.
That is akin to saying that except for the actor and actress that win the Oscar every year for the leading performance in a movie, everyone else is a loser. Or that everyone who was nominated but did not win the Nobel prize is a failure.
You are competing in the biggest sport event in the world. To be there, you have beaten hundreds and thousands and millions of other countrymen of yours. And then, you lost the gold by a few points, or a fraction of a second, or a few meters. That isn’t losing, at least not in my opinion.
That said, he does have a point. Instead of trying to outsmart a random Brit celebrity on Twitter, Indian people and sportsperson should focus on the problem - our historically dismal performance in any sport that isn’t Cricket.
Below are some stats:
India has just around one-thousandths of a medal per million citizens.
UK on the other hand, has 1 medal per million, i.e. a performance 1000x better than India. China’s performance (whose population size is comparable to India) is 30x better. United States’ is 250x better.
Even going by the number of athletes at the events, there was one medal per 10 athletes (974 medals, 10,000+ athletes). Even by that calculation, India should have won at least 10–12 medals (considering our contingent size of 117 athletes).
In India, there is a flurry of monetary and other awards for the ones that win an Olympic medal. However, that is the extent of how much we care.
No government wants to invest in a world-class training facilities for up and coming athletes. Nope. Only once when they have weathered every hardship, and despite all odds, proved themselves at the international stage, do they shower them with praise.
India’s athletes are not to be blamed for the lackluster show. It’s the government, and the Indian Olympics Association, and the Sports Ministry.
Indians need to get better at receiving constructive criticism.
I am going anonymous because I would not like to be ridiculed and abused because of my viewpoint. I can counter you but that would be an utter waste of my time and energy so I will just right the answer to the question which is my viewpoint.
We are a bunch of Pseudo patriots. Yes, I said it, We are.
- We don’t care about sports to the tiniest of bit for entire 4 years before and after the Olympics. We don’t know names of any of our sportsmen leave apart cheering for them.
- 奥运会四年前后我们一点也不关心体育。我们不知道我们的运动员的名字,也没有为他们欢呼。
- For 99% of Indians sports is just Cricket.
- 对99%的印度人来说,体育就是板球
- The only thing wrong about the tweet of Pierce Morgan is that he said we are celebrating losing medals. I don’t believe we were celebrating losing medals. Every medal is a win but what else did he say wrong?
- 皮尔斯摩根的推文里说的错只错在说我们为丢失奖牌而庆祝。我不相信我们在庆祝丢失奖牌。每一枚奖牌都是一场胜利,但他还有其他说错的地方么?
- We are a country of 1.2 Billion people and what we have is 2 medals. GB is a country of 64 million people with 67 medals. Should I do the maths for you?
- 我们是拥有12亿人口的大国,只获得了2枚奖牌。英国是拥有6400万人口的国家,却获得了67枚奖牌。不需要我帮你们列算式吧?
- Someone says anything against out country and all our patriotism reaches to the peak but when it actually comes to doing something we are the first ones to back off.
- 有的人对国家和我们的爱国主义评头论足的时候,相当嚣张,但真要做点事来改变,我们又是第一个退缩的。
- We shower endless amount of money Crores of rupees on our Medal winners but what about the facilities provided to our athletes during Olympics.
- 我们为了我们的奖牌得主挥金如土,但是在奥运会期间,为我们的运动员提供了什么条件呢?
- We won’t provide decent running shoes for our Olympics training athletes but as soon as they win the medal they become the laurel of our country.
- 我们没有给奥运会运动员提供好的跑鞋,但如果他们获得了奖牌,他们就变成我们国家的殊荣。
- We should make the winners definitely the laurels of our country but where the hell we are before they win there medals?
- 我们当然应该把奖牌得主当做我们国家的殊荣,但他们得奖前我们在哪儿呢?
- No matter what all the answers on this question say , I believe we are a bunch of Pseudo Patriots not because we performed badly at Olympics but because we don’t have the audacity to accept it that we performed badly and then try and improve it for the next time.
- 不管这个问题的答案都有什么,我相信我们就是伪爱国者,不是因为我们在奥运会期间表现不佳,而是因为我们没有勇气来接受我们在奥运会表现不佳这个事实,并努力在以后的奥运会取得进步。
Answered Aug 26, 2016
Firstly, my views about Piers Morgan or many British sports aficionados.
They are usually, self centered, extremely proud and cocky people! When the world is watching India Vs Pakistan T20 WC match, Stuart Broad or other English cricketers would be tweeting about some music album or some trivial stuff. But the same Broad would be heaping praises if some English players hits a 10 ball 30 in some county cricket!
Just one small request to Indians:
The more we chase such people, the more mileage we are giving to such sick people. So instead we shouldnt even give the slightest of importance to such nuisance. Due to India’s online population, he got trending & became famous and most of the non-Indians are going to join in ridiculing us. All this could have been avoided!
Already many Westerners are luring our online “youth” population, by using our “weakness for west acknowledgment”, and doing reaction videos to Indian movies/songs just to increase their subscriber base and then to go ahead with increasing their social presence to earn money!
Naman Bansal, Explorer of infinity, day-dreamer,logical-learner, single by choice(her choice).
I honestly don’t think that he said anything wrong.
Although the way in which he said that is disrespectful, rude and discourteous.
It’s sharp.
But, can’t we give it a thought?
Throughout the Olympics, all the Indians were desperately waiting for a medal.
And we all suddenly became so proud of Sakshi Malik when she won a bronze. I am not saying that a bronze is not good. But is that all we can get? It’s good to cherish the little happiness that we get. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work for more.
I myself was very happy with Sakshi Malik and PV Sandhu’s medal. But, let’s aim for more!
I understand people’s views that Piers Morgan do all the cheap-stuff to gain popularity. This maybe another of his popularity stunts too. He may have failed in so many domains in his life but just because we know that he’s been a jerk doesn't mean he’s always wrong.
当Sakshi Malik获得了一枚铜牌时,我们都为她感到骄傲。我并不是说铜牌不好。但我们只能得到这些吗?珍惜我们得到的点点幸福是件好事。但这并不意味着我们不应该为了更多的成就而努力。
Shouldn’t you think we should have performed better at Olympics? Comparing ourselves to China, USA, UK, Australia.
You too think the same! We should have done better. Right?
On one hand we all appreciate the dialogue from Saala Khadoos which says “Just for once remove politics from sports. And watch champions emerging from every Indian Street.” This clearly shows that we Indians know that we lack in sports and want to improve. Then why ob the other can’t we just accept the same fact when said by some ‘hated’ guy?
Instead of taking Morgan’s words as an insult. We must try to troll him in next Olympics than on Twitter.
Although, for some people it is embarrassing. For most of the population:
It’s not embarrassing.
It’s not shameful.
BUT Still.
C’mon India!
Let’s get training!
Bala Senthil Kumar, As required
Well Piers!
If your country hadn’t looted mine for 200 years, you wouldn’t have that smirk on your face, but we would still be smiling for the two measly medals we won! It is who we are and we don’t give a shit, for it is enough for us to hammer your team in cricket whenever that comes around.
“Sport” has been for the rich nations for most part, in case you noticed. The Olympics came along and everyone went crazy, and it became a matter of pride, and everybody trained and huffed and puffed and won, and felt great. The UK is a phenomenal sporting nation, but it grew its well being by looting the rest of the world - something India isn’t exactly known for.
Of course it is funny that a country of 1.2 billion people won only two medals! We know that, and despite all my efforts to get people less anxious, some of us do get anxious about this shit.
Anshuman Chaturvedi, CEO|Founder. Offex.
1.2 billion people are not only celebrating the victory of their daughters, but have also begin to acknowledge the fact that there are other sports apart from cricket that can give reasons to celebrate.
Dear Piers Morgan (hailing from a country that has invented the sport Cricket which is their national game as well- England) is still deprived of the experience that we the same 1.2 billion indian citizens have rejoiced quite a few times by winning the World Cup.
Celebration is what keeps us united so lets not give leverage to his thoughts by discussing such trivial tweets. He has the right to state his views just like we indians have the right to not only laud players victory but “Large it” an attempt made by our other dear athelets who participated.
Akhil Kintali, Top Writer 2018
Piers Morgan’s statement is both right as well as wrong.
Let me start with telling why he is right. We are definitely over-celebrating the two medals we have won, keep in mind, we have performed better in the previous Olympics. For winning two medals, if we celebrate in such a manner, imagine how USA should be celebrating.
Now, let me come to why he is wrong. We Indians, know how corrupt the Government is, how irresponsible the Sports Ministry is and also about the worse facilities the Olympic participants are provided.
We are celebrating the win of medals which have been achieved by overcoming these difficulties.
We are celebrating the victory of hardwork and dedication over corruption.
Piers Morgan being a public figure should definitely not have commented in such a manner.
Let us wish that India performs better in the next Olympics so that we can shut his mouth. Let us hope that the Government gives a better support to the participants the next time.
Pankaj Gaikar, Loves programming stuff. Football fanatic and player. FC Barcelona & Pique fan.
He is right. Isn’t he? Aren’t we over-celebrating these two medals?
We all are talking about how shameful it is and blaming it to government for not providing facilities? Then why we are raising our eyebrows when one foreign entity saying same things?
I don’t want anyone’s fierce flames on me. I am happy that we at least have 2 medals despite our players did not have great support and I appreciate it.
But come on, let’s face it. Two medals are definitely not enough and we are celebrating like we have won everything there was in Rio.
Piers Morgan is not wrong by the way and I am agree with him.
…and here are some who thinks like me.
Sanket Rout, 2 decades in a democracy
I beg to differ and distance myself from most of my countrymen’s views. As a nation , we always had this twittering towards controversial issues involving our country on the social media. The worst part is our internet users showing overt hostility in contravening the opinion of others , not by logic but by incessant and “out of place” nationalism owing to our large presence on social media platforms.Piers Morgan must be sporting a smug smile on sticking to his point in the face of such an attack.
We should be celebrating Sakshi Malik’s and P.V. Sindhu’s achievements . It’s a good sign and is encouraging. But we shouldn’t be blinded by the glow of these medals to the point of not acknowledging the fact that our largest ever Olympic contingent brought home less medals than the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. We need to introspect what went wrong?? How come a population of 1.2 billion can’t sustain it’s players?? How come a small state like Tripura has produced a world class gymnast in Dipa Karmakar ?? How can Odisha produce sprinters, the likes of Dutee Chand and Srabani Nanda while a 190 million strong state of U.P. has almost no contribution to India’s medal hopes, leave alone tally. Our population seems a liability to outsiders and it is actually far from being an asset. Not unlike China, we need to tap in all the resources at the right time and right amount to churn out world class sports persons.
Vikrant Vaidya, Rational homo sapiens
Question as answered…
What are your views on the recent series of tweets by Piers Morgan mocking India’s performance at Olympics?
United States
Contingent = 555
Gold medals = 46
Total 'losers' = 509
Population = 324 million
'looser' to population ratio = 1.5 per million
Great Britain
Contingent = 366
Gold medals = 27
Total 'losers' = 339
Population = 65 million
'looser' to population ratio = 5 per million
Contingent = 117
Gold medals = 0
Total 'losers' = 117
Population = 1.2 billion
'loser' to population ratio = 0.1 per million
Really embarrassing maths, this guy has been taught? Or is it his logic that's more embarrassing?
参赛运动员= 555
金牌= 46
总的“未获奖牌者”= 509
人口= 3.24亿
参赛运动员= 366
金牌= 27枚
总的“未获奖牌者”= 339
人口= 6,500万
参赛运动员= 117
金牌= 0
总的“未获奖牌者”= 117
人口= 12亿
Divyajyoti Mohapatra, Just curious
That’s right, we Indians are cheerful people, we enjoy every little happiness. We are happy that we received 2 medals at Rio.
But let’s not forget the fact that sports is one of the ignored things in our country. Every parents want their kid to become a doctor or an engineer. Who cares about sports? All we really care about is only cricket. But that’s not enough. Is there less talent in sports here than any other country? straight no!! Still these talented people are not given proper opportunity.
Its the Olympics !!! The greatest stage to showcase our talents. This is OP Jaisha - a two-time Asian Games bronze medal-winning long distance runner. She claimed that she could have died due to not providing any water or any energy drink for her in regular intervals.
但我们不要忘记,体育在我们国家是被忽视的事情之一。每个父母都希望他们的孩子成为医生或工程师。谁关心体育?我们真正关心的只是板球。但这还不够。这里的体育人才比其他任何国家少吗?当然不是! !然而,这些有才能的人并没有得到适当的机会。
这是奥运会!!!展示我们才华的最伟大的舞台。这是OP Jaisha——两届亚运会铜牌得主的长跑运动员。她说,因为赛程中每隔一段距离没有提供水或能量饮料,她差点就死了。
Is’nt it really shameful? We need to ask the question to ourselves and really DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !
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