
Boost to net connectivity: Isro's heaviest satellite GSAT-11 launched from French Guiana提升网络连接::ISRO

Boost to net connectivity: Isro's heaviest satellite GSAT-11 launched from French Guiana


NEW DELHI: After months of wait, the country’s heaviest satellite Gsat-11 weighing 5,854 kg was finally launched from the European spaceport in French Guiana at 2.07 am on Wednesday. Arianespace’s Ariane-5 rocket successfully lifted off with communication satellite Gsat-11 and South Korean geo satellite Geo-Kompsat-2A.

新德里经过几个月的等待,印度有史以来最重的卫星Gsat-11终于在周三凌晨2点07分从法属圭亚那的欧洲太空站发射升空,重达5854公斤。亚利安太空公司的阿丽亚娜-5运载火箭成功搭载通信卫星Gsat-11和韩国Geo卫星Geo - Kompsat - 2A升空。

Twenty nine minutes after the lift off, Gsat-11 separated from the rocket and was placed in the geo-transfer orbit. The Korean satellite was released four minutes after Gsat-11 separation. Arianespace kept the time gap of around four minutes in separation of two satellites from the rocket in order to avoid a collision between the two in space.

升空29分钟后,Gsat-11与火箭分离,进入地球转移轨道。4分钟后,韩国Geo卫星Geo - Kompsat - 2A也完成了分离。为了避免两颗卫星在太空相撞,亚利安太空公司将两颗卫星与火箭的分离保持了大约4分钟的间隔。


Gsat-11 is a high-throughput satellite that carries 40 transponders in the Ku-band and Ka-band frequencies and is capable of “providing high bandwidth connectivity” with up to 14 gigabit per second (GBPS) data transfer speed. The satellite’s designed lifetime is more than 15 years.


Soon after the successful launch, Arianespace chief executive Stephane Israel congratulated Isro chairman K Sivan and P Kunhikrishnan, director of Bengaluru-based UR Rao Satellite Centre, who were present at the Arianespace control room to witness the launch. He said the "cooperation with the Indian space agency went back to 1991 and today's launch has boosted that relationship".

发射成功后不久,亚利安太空公司首席执行官蒂芬•伊斯雷尔向Isro主席K Sivan和总部位于班加罗尔的UR Rao卫星中心主任P Kunhikrishnan表示祝贺。他们亲临亚利安太空公司控制室见证了发射。史蒂芬表示,“与印度航天局的合作可以追溯到1991年,今天的发射加深我们的合作关系”。

Thanking Arianespace for the launch, Isro chairman Sivan said, "Six days after the successful launch (on November 29) of India's first hyperpectral imaging satellite HysIS, today's launch of the country's heaviest satellite Gsat-11 is a major milestone for the country. This satellite has been designed in most innovative ways by Isro centres and the credit for its success goes to Team Isro." He said that "Gsat-11 is the third in a series of four highthroughput satellites (Gsat-19, Gsat-29, Gsat-11 and Gsat-20) that will provide the country broadband connectivity of over 100 gigabits per second (Gbps) and will link rural areas and bridge the digital divide under the Digital India programme." While Gsat-19 was launched in June last year, Gsat-29 was launched on November 14 this year.


The chairman said, "The master control centre of Isro (at Hassan in Karnataka) has taken control of Gsat-11. In the coming five days, the satellite will be manoeuvred to its final geo-stationary orbit. Thereafter for the next 10 days, the payloads will be tested." He also congratulated South Korea for the successful launch of Gsat-11's co-passenger Geo-Kompsat-2A.

Sivan说:“Isro的总控制中心(位于卡纳塔克邦哈桑)已经掌控了Gsat-11,并在未来五天,这颗卫星操控到地球同步轨道。此后10天,将接受载荷测试。同时,他向韩国成功发射“Geo- kompsat - 2a”卫星表示祝贺

Sivan also recalled that Gsat-11 was earlier scheduled for the launch on May 25 from French Guiana but due to certain circumstances the launch had to be delayed. The communication satellite, which will help increase internet speed in the country, was earlier recalled from French Guiana by Isro as the agency suspected an anomaly in the satellite. Isro felt the need to take the unusual step of recalling the satellite as a precaution measure especially after the failure of the Gsat-6A mission around the same time. Gsat-6A satellite went out of control and signal from it was lost soon after its launch on March 29




Pakistan Ki Maa Ki - Pottistan - 10 hours ago -Follow

Congrats ISRO, I think the time has come, Indian government need to reconsider and Increase budget of ISRO.

What I mean to say is We need to catch up with other in this race. ISRO has proved itself to be potential in technology demonstrator and also revenue generator for government. So time as come to increase budget of ISRO to minimum 4 to 5 times of current budget so that they can catch up with countries USA, ESA etc... central government must think wisley, Instead of investing in other govt ... Read More

祝贺ISRO,我认为印度政府是时候需要重新考虑增加ISRO的预算。我们需要在这场赛中赶上其他国家。ISRO已经证明了自己技术实力以及为政府创收方面的潜力所以现在是时候将ISRO的预算增加到目前预算的4 - 5倍,这样他们就赶上美国、欧洲航天局等


Amit Sehgal - 10 hours ago -Follow

ISRO is making India proud - World Wide



Mohan K Sainikpuri - Hyderabad - 10 hours ago -Follow

I take a bow and greet every scientist at the ISRO for their relentless try to gain expertise in space supremacy and today India can claim the super power status on space exploration



Magesh Vel - 9 hours ago -Follow

It is a proud moment not only because ISRO made the heaviest satellite but also because it had the prudence to launch its satellite by paying France''s Arianespace. Instead of succumbing to Nationalistic pressure to launch on its own, ISRO leadership proved maturity by taking help of France. This proves ISRO leadership is good and puts science above politics.



Madhav Bhide - 7 hours ago -Follow

Look at frequency of launches as compared to previous govts..then you will realise the importance of this govt. Why are people jealous of MODIJI



Shashi Srivastava - 9 hours ago -Follow

Great achievement ISRO. So so proud of you. Congratulations again.



Whadafa - Here - 9 hours ago -Follow

Good going - congrats ISRO, and best wishes for future that you may do this on your own soon. :-)



Surinder S - NA - 7 hours ago -Follow

Isro has built its own momentum regardless of which govt is in power. The govt has to provide what they need and stay out of their way.



Pgdel - New Delhi - 8 hours ago -Follow

ISRO is the pride of our nation. Hats off to all the people involved



Arun Choudhary - 9 hours ago -Follow

Big success of ISRO. ,,congrats. Sir ji ,,,



Ramakant Gupta - 10 hours ago -Follow

Great work by ISRO. Congratulations ISRO, Congratulations INDIA.



Nagaraja - 7 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations to ISRO team Gsat-11 successfully launched. ISRO is working and planning continuously with future plans, off course government is supporting also



Rohit Khosla - 7 hours ago -Follow

Misleading headline. It was launched not by ISRO but by European Space Agency.



Reader M - 5 hours ago -Follow

ISRO probably has taken out India''s 3rd world tag single handedly. One more achievement. Congrats Team ISRO



Madhav Bhide - 7 hours ago -Follow

The stupid anti modi will never understand the strategy of such programmes for benefit of the country.This is vision which sadly no congressman has. Give credit where it is due



Bajrang - 6 hours ago -Follow

The best launch would be when all these useless politicians are packed in one satellite and sent to Mars and let some better people run this country.



AJAY chadha - 6 hours ago -Follow

Salute to ISRO Scientists community for making us feel proud



Sanjoy Pandey - 7 hours ago -Follow

A very good news for all Indians in general and the crores of net users, in particular. Thanks to Modi government.



Bharatvasi - Chennai - 7 hours ago -Follow

A proud moment for every Indian. Hats off to the entire team



Rajindra Jain - 5 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations to PM and ISRO for this great achievement. Hope with the projected speed digitalisation in India takes a faster pace and consumers get the data at cheaper rate.



Truth Hurts - 7 hours ago -Follow

Americans never gave Nasa'' s success credit to Trump, obama or Bush. Lol whats wrong with Potti khau bhakts ��



Praveen - 9 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations...best of ISRO is yet to come.



Sanjay Bhattacharya - 5 hours ago -Follow

India today is world''s 6th power house and credit goes to Modi. Pakistan which called Man Mohan Singh as dehati aurat, is licking feet of Modi to speak.Such is the power of this great man. It is time to pack Sonia and Pappu in a wooden crate and send them back to Italy to rid India of a curse. She almost deatroyed India.



Surinder S - NA - 7 hours ago -Follow

Not launched by india. But still good job.



Suryanarayana Krishnamurthy - 9 hours ago -Follow

Poor reporting. The launch was not by ISRO, but by rocket made by ESA. ISRO made the satellite.



Dayanand - 5 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations ISRO!!! Great step forward.

Beautifully supporting Modi's vision of digital India.

祝贺ISRO ! ! !伟大的完美地支持莫迪的数字印度愿景


Ramu Shukla - 5 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations to ISRO team. You make India shine. We are proud of you....



Ajaykumar Patel - 6 hours ago -Follow

Havent heard launching this many Sats in 70 years which they launched in last 4 years.



vijay thommandra - 6 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations to ISRO for the fabrication of satellite indigenously. It is time ISRO must develop suitable rockets to launch heavy weight satellites indigenously instead of depending upon foreign countries for launching



Ashok - 7 hours ago -Follow

Proud moment for India. Every INDIAN should feel proud.



Ishrat - 3 hours ago -Follow

Jai Modi Jee.



Bculas - 4 hours ago -Follow

You dumb idiot it is the work of hundreds of ISRO scientists not MODI OK? Understand you are a BJP propaganda spot but your statements only make people sick of Modi. try some better ways to promote your party!!



True - Pune - 6 hours ago -Follow

Digital India...so one more promise coming to reality...seems governments are modernizing... Congrats Isro and Government of India



Thinker - India - 7 hours ago -Follow

Now that bandwidth is not an issue, the Govt can unblock the porn sites!! :D :D



Drnavinkiran - 9 hours ago -Follow

Great success for Indian ISRO scientists

hats off to u



ashok yadav - 3 hours ago -Follow

Some people who are against modi will say it is work of ISRO it has nothing to do with pm. Nobody can change the mind of these halala born people. They only want modi should not be the next PM.

They will say only gandhi and Nehru had fight for independence. Har har modi ghar ghar modi ....



Subba Iyer Mani - Chennai - 3 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations BJP. The satellite lifted off after being ordered to do so by BJP. Thanks BJP.



TSR The Urbanist - Namma Bengaluru - 3 hours ago -Follow

Congratulations to Team ISRO and all those who have toiled at the back for this marvellous gigantic payload to make India technologically advance...Kudos & keep it up and usher more laurels to our great India in the World front

