当印度向火星成功发射探测器后(发生在2月份成功发射104颗卫星之前),美国纽约时报发表了一幅有贬低意味的漫画:一个印度农民带着他的奶牛去敲航天精英俱乐部的大门。这就引出了一个很关键的问题: 在印度独立70年之后,西方记者依然对印度怀有偏见吗?他们本应如实报道印度从而让他们的那些大体无知的读者有所启迪。
When India’s space agency ISRO launched a successful mission to Mars prior to the 104 satellites sent in the first week of February the New York Times ran a demeaning cartoon showing an Indian farmer with his cow knocking at the doors of the Elite Space Club.
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launching a record 104 satellites. (PTI Photo)
印度航空航天研究机构(ISRO)成功发射了创记录的104颗卫星。(PTI 摄影)
And this triggers an important question: 70 years after Independence are western journalists and correspondents still biased against India a country they are supposed to report honestly about so that their readers who are mostly ignorant get enlightened?
这就引出了一个很关键的问题: 在印度独立70年之后,西方记者依然对印度怀有偏见吗?他们本应如实报道印度从而让他们的那些大体无知的读者有所启迪。
Well from a western correspondent himself the answer is…YES.
There are four reasons for that sad fact:
1) India is never in the news in the West unless there is some major catastrophe or huge elections. Thus if you want to write and be published you have to find alternate stories that often border on the sensational the marginal or even the untruthful.
1. 除非印度发生了什么灾难,或者是大型选举,印度是不会登上西方媒体头条的。因此,如果印度新闻想要上媒体的话,你就得专门找那些近乎爆炸性的甚至是根本就不真实的新闻;
2) Your editor in New York Paris or London has often set ideas on India even though most of the time he or she has never set foot here. You need to toe the line otherwise you may not be published which is tough if you are a freelance that is paid per piece. Most western correspondents thus rein in. I had one guy like that in Paris Charles Lambroschini in Le Figaro who believed that the RSS was the most dangerous outfit in India.
2. 你在纽约巴黎或者是伦敦的主编经常喜欢替你出主意即使他们绝大部分时间根本就没有去过印度。所以如果你不按照他们的想法做的话,作为一个自由记者,你可能就拿不到你的稿费。因此大部分的西方记者就受到了约束。在巴黎就有这么一个编辑,他的名字叫做 Charles Lambroschini,在费加罗报工作,他认为印度右翼党是印度最危险的组织。
3) Three or even five years which is the usual period that foreign correspondents are posted (as well as diplomats) is not enough for understanding a country that is so vast so diverse so contradictory sometimes. In fact one needs to go beyond the appearances in India. Indeed the western sense of the hygienic and the esthetical is very different from India’s and the first contact of dirtiness slums or poverty often scars the perception of many western correspondents who then refused to go beyond that barrier.
4) Delhi where everybody is posted is physically so far from the rest of India and so disconnected. The same ideas and clichés are heard in parties and embassies’ cocktails and repeated ad infinitum till every foreign correspondent thinks they are the gospel truth: ‘secularism minorities Hindu fundamentalism human rights in Kashmir right wing saffron’ etc.
Is this why CNN or New York Times or the Independent haves been particularly nasty in the last few years against the BJP and Narendra Modi even after he was democratically elected by 100 million Indians? It felt more like a biased witch-hunt than actual reporting. For instance very few western journalists cared to mention that the 2002 Gujarat riots were triggered by the attack by a Muslim crowd of the Sabarmati train where 56 Hindus 32 of them women and children were burnt like animals.
But the pioneer of them all has got to be the BBC which has been the inspiration of much of the slant of the foreign journalists on India which seems to stem from an unconscious sense of superiority (same is true of western Indologists). I remember when I used to cover Kashmir in the late 90’s how Mark Tully then a beacon to all foreign correspondents & Indian journalists used to say all the time that it was ‘untrue that Pakistan was sponsoring arming and sheltering Kashmiri militants’. Which everybody repeated (bar this writer). He even had a Kashmiri stringer who was named Yussuf I think that informed the militants. When the army arrested him Yussuf Tully kicked such a ruckus that he had to be eventually released.
但所有西方媒体的驻印记者都受到BBC的启发,源于无意识的优越感(西方的印度学者也一样),对印度进行有偏向性的报道。我还记得当在90年代末我在报导克什米尔地区时,Mark Tully,他当时简直就是外国记者和印度记者的灯塔,总是表示“巴基斯坦资助、武装和庇护克什米尔激进分子的消息是不实的” 。每个人都这样说(除了我)。他甚至有个我认为为激进分子提供情报的叫Yussuf的克什米尔通讯员。当军队逮捕Yussuf时 Tully还大闹了一场,最终不得不被释放。
Speaking of stringers the sad fact is that most of the Indian stringers of major western media outlets such as BBC or AP or CNN toe the line that is report what their masters want them to say. In fact they go sometimes even overboard to paint a negative and clichéd image of their own country. No doubt the Nirbhaya rape was a horrible happening and the guilty should have been punished in a harsher manner (and not released like the so-called juvenile). But this was so much reported on so much hyped particularly by the BBC that every westerner thinks now that India is the land of rape. In fact when any western girl wants to travel to India now she is warned “careful – you might be raped”. Yet proportionately there are less rapes in India than in Sweden which has the maximum number of rapes in the world for instance and it is safer to walk at night in Delhi than in certain suburbs of Washington or Paris.
说到特约记者,一个悲伤的事实就是,很多西方主流媒体(比如BBC,美联社或者CNN)所雇佣的印度特约记者只报道他们主人想听的。事实上这些印度记者有时候都非常热衷于用消极和陈腔滥调的笔画来描绘自己的国家。Nirbhaya 强奸事件无疑是一个非常可怕的事件,嫌疑犯必须得到非常严厉的惩处。(而不是因为所说的未成年人被释放了)但是这个事件被过度的报道被bbc过分的大肆宣传,以至于每个西方人现在还认为印度是个强奸的乐土。事实上当某个西方女孩想去印度旅游的时候,她都会被警告小心点,你可能会被强奸。然而比例上印度的强奸率比世界上发生强奸率最高的瑞典还要低,并且你在德里的晚上散步要比一些华盛顿或者巴黎的城郊更加安全。
India should have a look at China which gets a lot more respect from western journalists. Why? Because China does not take insults lying down. Paradoxically western journalists have so much more liberty in India where they can move freely. Whereas in China they still need permission before going anywhere and need to submit the subject of their reporting. They can be censored too or their websites even blocked.
Sure there is no conspiracy that I can see and most western correspondents come to India with a sincere aspiration to report fairly and faithfully. But again the first task of a foreign journalist without being blind to India’s faults – and there are many but not more than any other country in the world – should be to report truthfully and create some empathy amongst its readers or viewers for a country that is unique and endearing and whose ancient civilization that viewed the world as One family has survived centuries of savage onslaught including by the British who are still trying to lecture India.
ajeev SR26;1164R26;Influencer Wordsmith Networker R26;Jhumri TalaiyyaR26;8 hours ago
every word in this article is 100% true except "100 million people elected modi".the western world treats india shabbily because indians lack self-esteem. i have seen indians in us behaving like puppies when they talk to whites. they roll over just to please them and some of them even badmouth india to sound western.
Zijen Tj HanR26;32R26;Member R26;21 hours ago
this is what most indian journalists do to china...lol funnyyou guys should wake up and stop getting brainwashed.
kevtradeR26;Member R26; Zijen Tj HanR26;10 hours ago
seriously! who do you think you are trying to convince ? lol we know! we all know what the reality is :-)
the pAtriotR26;15R26;Member R26; Zijen Tj HanR26;15 hours ago
? if i remember correctly i read indian news daily and i never and i stress on that never have i ever seen an indian journalist use slander against china sure some yellow journalist papers but all the professional news stations and newspapers i know of have never run a negative story on china
HEMANTA RAYR26;487R26;Inboxer Member R26;IndiaR26;21 hours ago
thanks franc very much for your honest writing. it's a pleasure for billions of indian to read positive post like this. we love you franc..
Balakrishnan HariharanR26;1120R26;Influencer Wordsmith News King R26;ChennaiR26;23 hours ago
the far bigger culprits are our very own sickular english media !!
Aditya ChoudharyR26;4822R26;News King Frequent Flyer Member R26; Balakrishnan HariharanR26;MumbaiR26;22 hours ago
true ! these like bd sd and their ilk get overjoyed by crumbs of appreciation their 'masters' thro at them ! just for a little money and boost to false ego they badmouth ! almost traitors.its like in a family out of say six siblings two get sponsored to "english' education and later they sort of look down upon the family and the mother and the father who sacrified the little they had to sponsor their education in the company of their new found freinds. such people are below dignity of self respect.indian media specially english media sucks literally too.
usofaR26;1120R26;News King Frequent Flyer Member R26;UnknownR26;1 day ago
why complain about foreign media when our own media indulges in the same?
Raneir FohnobR26;Member R26;1 day ago
this mar4k tully now an indian resident i believe is an enemy within and should be kicked out!!
Raneir FohnobR26;Member R26;1 day ago
the fact is indian don't worship the white people as much as the chinese do. in fact indians have always looked down on whites as degenerates. just go to china and see how whites are worshipped there. in many white countries indians are discriminated just because we are considered arrogant aloof and clannish and one of the reasons is that our women don't intermarry with white men at any high rates like the other asian women do.
Datta TembhekarR26;-32R26;News King Frequent Flyer Member R26;1 day ago
india throughout its history has seen more deserters among their clan (hindus) than any other country or civilisation. the trend or menace continues even today. while author has raised very genuine points it is upto india and its people to act and change the perspective and narrative. it needs very strong patriotism or nationalism (as author mentioned 'not taking insults lying down') and sadly left - centrist will never have that.
纵观印度历史,总能看到其队伍中相较其他国家或文明多得多的叛徒 (尤其是印度教徒),这种趋势和威胁直到今天依然存在。虽然作者诚恳的指出了这些,但是只有依靠印度及其人民才能改变这个局面。我们需要强烈的爱国主义和民族主义(像作者所说的那样“别对侮辱无动于衷”),但悲伤的是左派和中间派不会让这种事情发生。
ObserverR26;8990R26;Influencer Wordsmith News King R26;UnknownR26;1 day ago
francois gauteir analyzed very well about india what our own indian editors and writers failed to do. writers like arandathi cry all antinational slogans depicting india very low then that barkha datt spews venom on daily basis. wendy doniger has been portrayed great by our own media calling it freedom of speech or freedom of expression whereas she depicted india as a rapist country. i feel francois gautier need to tutor our award wapsi group so called secular parties and bolywood stars on india and india's great culture.
francois gauteir对印度的分析很正确这是我们印度编辑和作家没没有做到的。很多像Arandathi这样的作家呐喊反国家标语把印度说的很low一样,Barkha Datt整天喷粪。Wendy Doniger被我们的媒体描绘成伟大的人物,称那是言论自由,可是她却称印度为强奸国家。我认为Francois Gautier应该帮指导我们那些所谓的获奖群体,所谓的世俗政党以及宝莱坞明星,让他们更加了解印度及其伟大的文化。
ObserverR26;8990R26;Influencer Wordsmith News King R26;UnknownR26;1 day ago
please correct it narendra modi elected by 1000 million indians not 100 million.
rogerhpersaudR26;1R26;Inboxer Member R26;LocationR26;1 day ago
there is no doubt that the west always have had a unfair racist attitude towards india.hindus are murdered by muslims and for defending themselvesbuy they hindusare targeted as the wrong party.the west love to see india poor and backwards. narendra modi the pmis trying to change this false perceptionbut the racism and hate of india continues.india will continue to progress despite the racism and hate of the west.india's morality is way ahead of the west but they will never admit that.a great article hope to see more of this.
Raghu RaghunathanR26;8869R26;Influencer Wordsmith News King R26;USAR26;1 day ago
the title asks "are western journalists biased towards india?". the content of the article says the western journalists are biased against india. those are opposites. i think the author should change the title of the article.
标题问“西方记者偏向印度?”。 文章的内容说:西方记者对印度有偏见。 这是对立的。 我认为作者应该改变文章的标题。
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