北京将开通首条无人驾驶地铁线路 [印度媒体]

援引当地官员所称,北京将开设其首条国产全自动无人驾驶地铁线。印度网友: 所有伦敦地铁都是有人的,我住在伦敦,你们在说什么鬼话伦敦有250辆无人驾驶的地铁。停止虚假宣传。


BEIJING: Beijing will open its first domestically developed automated subway line withself-driving trains this year local officials said today.


The 16.6-km Yanfang Line which is being debugged will improve convenience of transportation for residents living in the city's southwestern suburb of Fangshan state-run Xinhua news agency quoted the official as saying.



The facility is the first fully domestically developed automated subway line on theChinese mainland a spokesperson with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said.


In addition construction is expected to be completed in 2017 on two new rail lines the city's first modern tram line and first medium-low speed maglev line.


Currently Beijing has 19 lines covering 574 kms in operation. Twenty subway lines or sections spanning over 350 kms will be built this year.



KONFUSED KIREN4348Influencer Wordsmith News King 2 days ago
Innovative progress indeed. Futuristic infrastructure is the way into the future.

Shi Feng Poo373Wordsmith News King Frequent Flyer  KONFUSED KIREN-Shoal Point Queensland-1 day ago
Not really. The British introduced driverless trains on their subway system 50 years ago on the new deep access Victoria Line. This technology is now in common use on the London underground with around 250 trains with no driver in the cab occasionally an attendant roaming the train but mostly with zero staff on board. Initially commuters in 1967 were extremely disconcerted when trains emerged from a tunnel at speed to board waiting passengers on the platform without a driver up front. Nor were they happy with the fact that the doors were fully automated in opening and closing. People were just not ready for this technology and the backlash forced British rail to position a guard up front in a cabin that was devoid of any controls just to stand there as if was driving it to stop people freaking out.



Nas695Wordsmith News King Frequent Flyer  Shi Feng Poo-8 hours ago
All London Underground train run by drivers I live in London what bshit you are talking that 250 trains run in london without drivers. Stop false propaganda

Anil4618Influencer Wordsmith News King 2 days ago
Great achievement.

SALMAN KHAN1817Movie Buff Influencer Wordsmith 17 hours ago
Any great achievement that comforts to the people of CHINA then it should be appreciated for making and concerns of the People good Government.



ZipMeeInfluencer Wordsmith News King 2 days ago
Jai Hind

Shi Feng PooWordsmith News King Frequent Flyer Shoal Point Queensland-1 day ago
London Underground's Victoria line opened in 1967 was the first line operated with Automatic Train Operation ATO. Many lines now operate like that with the aim of improving the frequency of service. Since then ATO technology has been developed to enable trains to operate without a driver in a cab: either with an attendant roaming within the train or with no staff on board.



Proud IndianIndia-2 days ago
Advanced India has no need for subways let alone driverless or maglev trains. Only backward China needs them. Feel lucky and proud to be an Indian!

Godfather Senior43649Influencer Movie Buff Wordsmith Mumbai-2 days ago
Indigenious? I doubt ! Still they made it possible when many other nations are not in favor of it.
