美国将军:中国军事现代化主要目标是在亚洲击败美国 [印度媒体]


Chinese military modernisation is focused on defeating American in Asia: US general


WASHINGTON: China has fundamentally altered the physical and political landscape in the strategic South China Sea+ through militarisation and large-scale land reclamation, a top American admiral has claimed.


Chinese military modernisation+ is focused on defeating the US in Asia by countering US asymmetric advantages, Admiral Harry Harris, Commander of US Pacific Command told lawmakers during a Congressional hearing.

通过对抗美国的不对称优势,中国军事现代化聚焦于在亚洲击败美国,美国太平洋舰队司令Harry Harris在国会听证会上如此说道。

True Indian True Indian-BANGALORE-17 hours ago
Chnia is a rogue country with its only interest is in dominating the world.The most un trustable country in the world


Akshay Pundir118Wordsmith Member  Akshay Pundir-14 hours ago
A country that attacks others on the basis of imaginary & wafer thin logic, terrorising many through its massive military,suppressing "freedom" in other nations through less than legal means all while fulfilling its own interest . right China .. thats it .. 😐. Wait , or did you mean to say USof A ?


Anthony D##apos##Souza683Wordsmith News King Frequent Flyer  Akshay Pundir-11 hours ago
Yes China of course!


Roger F Roger F-17 hours ago
China is a country which has adulterated food, fruits, vegetables, baby milk powder. they have poisoned most of the things like plastic and edibles with their adulterated, toxic materials. SCS is the least of thing to be bothered.


Naveen Kasyap Kambhatla Naveen Kasyap Kambhatla-17 hours ago
Blast those unmanned islands, China will come to terms.


Pradip Kumar Shome Pradip Kumar Shome-Chennai-15 hours ago
If US is so worried then why it does not put sanctions on China, seize its dollar accounts and assets?


JK India265Wordsmith Member  JK India-13 hours ago
china-pak r 2 biting us in sync......bad times ahead unless we unite


Tawali Kashore Tawali Kashore-16 hours ago
It is a joke that the most suprised country is not USA, not EU, but a third world country India. Even stronger African nations are applauding loudly for China's military presence in Indian Ocean.


Ved Ved-14 hours ago
China needs to be contained, precisely because it is W III catalyst. All countries of the world should come together and stop doing any kind of business and Chinese imports


roger kInfluencer Moderator Wordsmith  roger k-unknown-15 hours ago
As vulnerable neighbours of power hungry aggressive evil China, India has very little choice, other than build its defence and attacking power capabilities more than ever before ! That will make China to think seriously, before attacking India ! As we have seen, their fire power is what has kept superpowers away from wars ! Jai Hind !


Truth Truth-15 hours ago
if you American really want to counter China than start sharing your advance military technology with India so that we can benefit from it and start modernizing our army to counter any threat from China without India American can't counter China.


appudu_prabha879Influencer Wordsmith News King  appudu_prabha-Location-15 hours ago
American's in recent years only talks without any credible efforts to deter Chinese expansionist moves in South China Sea. They will act only when their country is threatened.

