印度网友热议: 贾坎德邦一村庄5名女子被6名男子轮奸

5 NGO workers gang-raped at gunpoint in Jharkhand village贾坎德邦一村庄5名非政服组织工作人员被持枪轮奸RANCHI: Five women w

5 NGO workers gang-raped at gunpoint in Jharkhand village


RANCHI: Five women were gang-raped at gunpoint by at least half a dozen men on Tuesday when they were on a visit to a village in Khunti district to create awareness on migration and human trafficking. It came to light a day later when the survivors contacted a social worker, who informed the police.



No arrests have been made so far. The police said they had identified suspects and have launched a hunt to nab them. The police on Thursday filed an FIR and Ranchi DIG Amol V Homkar formed three teams to probe the incident that happened at Kochang village.

Preliminary investigations point towards the involvement of people associated with the Pathalgarhi movement in tribal villages of the state, according to the police. The movement involves putting up giant plaques that declare their gram sabhas as the only sovereign authority and bans ‘outsiders’ in their area.

到目前为止,尚未有人被逮捕。警方称,他们已经确定了嫌疑人,并展开了追捕行动。周四,警方已立案调查,兰契副检察长Amol V Homkar成立了三个小组来调查该起发生在Kochang村的事件。


“The survivors, in their statement, alleged that the accused threatened them not to enter the area without their permission to propagate the government’s agenda,” Homkar told TOI on Thursday.

On Tuesday, an NGO team went to perform a street play to create awareness on human trafficking in the village. A few unidentified men came and took them away on gunpoint in the same vehicle in which the performers had reached the village, she alleged.



“The survivors said their male colleagues were beaten and made to drink their own urine before being locked up in the car. The culprits then took the survivors in the forest, gang-raped them and filmed the entire episode on their phones. The survivors said that they were held captive for four hours,” she added.

Following intervention by the police headquarters, an emergency meeting of officers was held in Khunti on Wednesday. “We have identified the survivors and the men accompanying them. All of them are adults. An FIR has been lodged and a medical board has been set up. The board is conducting medical examination of the survivors,” Homkar said on Thursday.


在警察总局的介入下,周三昆蒂区官员召开了紧急会议。周四,副监察长Homkar 称:“我们已经确定了幸存者和随行男同事的身份,他们都是成年人。我们已立案调查,并成立医疗小组对幸存者进行健康检查。”



Robin Pandey-Hyd-3 hours ago

Wherever BJP in power, there is lot of violence, hatred, rape and murder.



Sanjoy Pandey-5 hours ago

All these rapists should be hanged immediately.



Lydon Cooper-4 hours ago

Such incidents don't happen without politicians and police blessings



Ajith Benede-3 hours ago

I am surprised at this big horrible news not being the headline and reported like a small not so important news, shows that we have got used to rapes.



Hemant Gupta-5 hours ago

Animals should be treated like animals. There is no need to reform them. Let them be given severest punishment. They should be treated like animals.



Bharath Reddy-3 hours ago


National game of India



Ramesh Babu-3 hours ago

North Indian way of life. They even replaced their human mother by a cow. Expect worse from them. Opportunistic bejp is taking advantage of stupidnes of northies.



Sudhir Sugumar-4 hours ago

Most gang rape and rape held in northern Indian. Is government failed to civilization? and government failed to protect owmen in country?



Aryan Thakur-3 hours ago

Castrate these rapists.



SB -3 hours ago

Ye sare iss tarah ke news BJP rule states se hee kyun highlight hote hai??? Ye kya politically connected khule s@nd ho haye jahan bhi BJP govt aate hai .. shameless BJP govt .. no law and order under their rule..



Anonymous Anonymous-bangalore-5 hours ago

They do not even spare the NGO workers ...



Subba Iyer Man Mani-Chennai-3 hours ago

What else do you expect in Jharkhand, UP, MP etc. God, have mercy !!!



Nikhil Haridas-5 hours ago

what the hell is wrong with our country???



Ravi Ingle-2 hours ago -

Jungle Raaj..in Jharkhand, Bihar, UP, MP....who said India will be Superpower...first of all I need to eliminate these scums from the society



Ipeeel-Hollywood-3 hours ago

oh God...just kill them



Sreejit-4 hours ago

If the NGO workers were cows the mob would have hanged these rapers by now. We all are raised playing with friends of all the religions but look at us now and look at all the comments too...Hindu Muslim Christians Dalits...Become Indians guys...Jai Hind!



Bindu Singh-4 hours ago

I am shocked how can think to do social work and they were raped. Shoot n sight order to wipe out such evils out of the world.. Men donot understand the pain.



Amandeep Singh-4 hours ago

Can''t we call them terrorists?



Mudi Ji-Gujriot-4 hours ago

North indian pigs will never change.



Blockchain-5 hours ago

Cur their Pe***.....This is the only way to punish them... India is becoming horrible place where women are not at all safe...



Vishwajit Singh-2 hours ago

Without Political backing such incidents are not possible ...police will manipulate case as per their local leader oeder its better to hand over case to CBI ....state government should held responsible for such brutal acts

没有政治后台支持,这类事件是不可能发生的……警方将按当地领导的指示,操控这个案子。最好还是把案子交给中央调查局查 ....邦政服应该为这种残忍的行径负责。


Save India-4 hours ago

Send army for all out operation of such criminals before they commit more crimes and destroy lives of other innocents. don't waste time now, your inactions are killing this nation......



Roopali Agashe-2 hours ago

hang them immediately without delay... absolutely dastardly



Pkm-Lagos-2 hours ago

You expect foreign female tourists to Jharkhand Bihar and UP. Hahaha



Mahendra Sing Rajput-2 hours ago

People have been turning into wolves under BJP dispensation. It would take ages for Congress to bring them back into human state



Rational Dravidian-Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh-2 hours ago

It''s quite common in hindi belt. These guys are holding back India. Rapist northies strike again!!!



Hero-3 hours ago

please find them and there leader asap and hang them till death.



True Hindustani-Kolkata-4 hours ago

shameful to hear these kinds of news. Christian NGO worker's gang raped. nun raped. how do we show our face to the western world. all because of Muslims .our Hindustan name spoils.modi to look into this very seriously. Christianity should not feel they are not safe in this country. I love Christianity and hates Islam.



Hindustan5447 Hindustan-2 hours ago -Follow

India is not a safe place for women.



PakisareHomosandSuck -Blackie Gandu Pakistan-2 hours ago

Death penalty......no less!!!!



Pkm-Lagos-2 hours ago

Dismiss the BJP government in Jharkhand as done in Kashmir. Both of them are failed states.



Devinder Duhan-4 hours ago

equate rape with murder... death to the rapists...



Jai670 Padhi-1 hour ago

BJP wants to subjugate people in Aurangazeb style - terrorize by raping defenseless women, girls .. Shame on BJP .. Janata Raping Party!



JOKER L-Visakhapatnam-1 hour ago

BJP ruling states UP, MP, JARKHAND, RAJASTHAN,... all are now become rape capitals of India. Shame on those people who elected them.



Gstmd Kc-2 hours ago

BJPee state.



Concern Validated-2 hours ago

naxalites at it again..which NGO are they from can the paper inform..probably they went for conversion by missionaries

纳萨尔派分子又来了. .他们是来自哪个非政服组织的? 有书面通知吗?很可能他们是由传教士皈依的。

