今日俄罗斯邀请John Bosnitch和政治作家Dan Glazebrook参与朝核问题的讨论。Dan Glazebrook认为朝鲜不是威胁,他们没有领土野心,他们首要考虑的是生存和独立自主。这也是驱动他们发展核武的原因。John Bosnitch说中国和俄罗斯提出解决朝核问题的“双重冻结”方案,要求朝鲜停止核武和导弹测试,做回回报,韩国和美国停止在朝鲜附近进行联合军演。然而,美国拒绝了这个提议。
‘N.Korea hopes to avoid tragic fate that befell disarmed Iraq & Libya’
Pyongyang is not a threat. They have no territorial ambitions. Its priority is survival and independence, and that has always driven the North Korean nuclear program, Dan Glazebrook, political writer, told RT. John Bosnitch also joins the discussion.Russia and China offered their solution to the crisis calling it the 'Double Freeze' initiative.It calls for North Korea to stop its nuclear and ballistic missile testing. In return, the US and South Korea would halt their joint exercises near North Korea.However, the US dismissed the proposal.
概述:今日俄罗斯邀请John Bosnitch和政治作家Dan Glazebrook参与朝核问题的讨论。Dan Glazebrook认为朝鲜不是威胁,他们没有领土野心,他们首要考虑的是生存和独立自主。这也是驱动他们发展核武的原因。John Bosnitch说中国和俄罗斯提出解决朝核问题的“双重冻结”方案,要求朝鲜停止核武和导弹测试,做回回报,韩国和美国停止在朝鲜附近进行联合军演。然而,美国拒绝了这个提议。
RT: How much of a threat does North Korea really represent to the US? Presumably if left alone, would it attack any other state?
Dan Glazebrook: No, I don’t think they are a threat. They clearly are not a threat. They have no territorial ambitions. Simply their priority is survival and independence, and that is what has always driven the North Korean nuclear program. As they have pointed out, they have seen what happened to Iraq after Iraq allowed itself to be disarmed by the UN. They saw what happened to Libya after Libya gave up its nuclear program. They are determined to avoid the same fate. They also remember what happened to them during the Korean War, when over three million people were killed in that war. More towns and cities were destroyed by US bombing in North Korea during the Korean War than in the whole of Japan or Germany during WWII. In fact, the US dropped more bombs on North Korea in the Korea War, than it dropped in the entire Pacific theater during WWII.
Dan Glazebrook:我不认为朝鲜是威胁。很明显,他们不是威胁。他们没有领土野心,他们首要考虑的是生存和独立自主。这也是驱动他们发展核武的原因。正如他们指出的那样,伊拉克允许联合国进行武器稽查,利比亚放弃了核武计划之后都发生了什么?这些他们都看在眼里,他们下定决心避免重蹈伊拉克和利比亚的覆辙。他们也都记得朝鲜战争期间发生了什么,300多万人死于战争,美国扔下的炸弹比二战太平洋战场扔下的还多,炸毁的城镇比二战炸毁德国或日本的还多。
So Britain and the US may have wiped this from their historical memory, but the Korean certainly haven’t. There are a large number of Koreans alive today who lived through that. They are determined to make sure that nothing like that happens again. And it is working because the US is backing off. Where is Trump’s “fire and fury” now? The best he seems to be able to do is to say that he is considering trade restrictions. He is looking like an irate clown, who’s just discovered that his flower won’t squirt. Even Nikki Haley – you know her belligerent sounding comments that North Korea is “begging for war.” That sounds to me like they [US] are setting themselves up for a huge climb down by saying North Korea is begging for war. Therefore we are not going to give it to them. The truth is: they have realized that their bluff is being called – they are not able to do anything about Korea. And the whole world is learning a very valuable lesson by comparing the fate of North Korea, which has its nuclear weapons program, and countries like Iraq and Libya, which gave it up…Kim Jong-un is not being paranoid. He is basing his policy on a very concrete, realistic analysis of the history of his own country, and the history of other countries who have been on the US hit list.
RT: Do you think the US should tolerate a nuclear-armed North Korea?
DG: Yes, absolutely. The US and Britain have no stomach for wars where they might actually have any real repercussions. They only like to fight wars with impunity. They like to fight wars. Look at Iraq in 2003. They spent 12 years systematically disarming that country before they felt prepared to take on; Libya – they persuaded to give up its nuclear weapons program and so on. They don’t have the stomach for this kind of fight. They simulate these kinds of wars year in and year out with North Korea, and they always conclude that the casualties will be too great. And that was before there was even a nuclear weapon. There is no way they would have the stomach for that kind of fight.
RT: Do you think the US is right to impose this 'Double Freeze' solution put forward by Russia and China?
John Bosnitch: I think that a normal fair-minded person would ask why the US is opposed to that solution in honesty. The US already has intercontinental ballistic missiles pointed not only at North Korea but at dozens of countries around the world. When North Korea says that it wants to exercise a policy of “peace through strength” – that is not a translation from the original Korean – that it is the original talk coming out of Washington some fifty years ago. When North Korea is just copying Washington’s policy of peace through strength, I find it very difficult to understand the US response.
John Bosnitch: 我想任何一个诚实有正义感的人都会问美国为什么要否决那个方案。美国有大量的洲际弹道导弹,不仅对着朝鲜,而且还对着全世界的许多国家。当朝鲜想要实践实力换和平——这不是朝鲜发明的政策。这是华盛顿50年前发明的。我发现当朝鲜想要学美国的”实力换和平“时,美国的反应让人惊呆了。
RT: Nikki Haley said that North Korea is "begging for war." Is that a strange choice of language to use?
JB:"Begging for war” is the kind of phrase you hear the schoolyard bully using. I heard it in my youth and “you’re begging for a fight,” and so on. I don’t think that is the correct language to use if you’re attempted to achieve a diplomatic solution with respect to North Korea. Once again, we do have saber-rattling on both sides. Most people need to remember one very, very important thing: saber-rattling only makes a big, big noise when the saber stays inside the scabbard. And that is what is happening here: nobody is shooting anybody, nobody is launching any missiles at anyone. What we’re seeing is the setting of the stage for negotiations.
Only a country with a nuclear deterrent can survive American influence, dictates and ensure its truly independent survival !
We Aussieones support North Korea in the battle against the Zio US government.
Thats untrue. US and Aussie are blood relatives. They support us 95% of the time. Just like we would support them if the Japanese planned to invade.
Wait.. We already did.
hope yellowstone will explode soon and wipe out america from map
North Korea learned a valuble lesson from Russia's actions in Ukraine. Give up your nukes, and a bigger army will invade. Had Kiev kept their nukes, they would still have Crimea.
Delusional much? They make threats to nuke their neighbors all the time. They desire to unify the two peninsulas under the Northern banner. Who is this guy?
"Give up your pepper spray and I won't rape you" said the rapist.
haha and kim is a benevolent leader lifting his people higher and higher while their average length is shorter and shorter because of lack of food.
Lack of food etc, is a result of us sanctions, NK would be foolish in the extreme, togive up its nuclear defence capability.
Not only Iraq and Libya ... How about Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Serbia, Panama, Grenada, Vietnam, Korea, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and installing US-bootlicking dictators everywhere?
Aqua a
There goal is independence they already have that . Kim needs killed , he makes his own people suffer and worship him like a god .
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