阿桑奇:美国激起与朝鲜的冲突以证明萨德部署的正当性【卫星新闻网】 [俄罗斯媒体]


US Provoking Conflict With North Korea to Justify THAAD Deployment - Assange


Wikileaks founder Assange said that Washington's escalation of rhetoric toward Pyongyang amid North Korea's multiple missile launches and the latest nuclear test could be aimed to serve as a pretext to achieve a US foreign policy goal.


MOSCOW (Sputnik) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that the United States might be provoking a conflict with Pyongyang to justify the deployment of US-made THAAD missile systems in South Korea, and China would respond to these actions.


"South Korea is China's Cuba. By provoking conflict with the North, US is creating cover to place THAAD etc. on China's border… Is the ultimate goal to get U.S. nukes into South Korea? If so, expect China to act. It has plenty of economic and military levers," Assange wrote on Twitter.


Commenting on the North Korean nuclear test, US President Donald Trump called Pyongyang's actions "hostile and dangerous," emphasizing that the "talk of appeasement" would not work. He also reaffirmed the US readiness to protect the US and its allies by "using the full range of diplomatic, conventional, and nuclear capabilities at our disposal."


Moreover, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis said that any threats to the United States or its allies would be met with a massive, "effective and overwhelming" military response. Mattis also said that Trump had been briefed on various military options available to the United States.


In her turn, US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley said at a UNSC emergency meeting earlier in the day that North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un is "begging for war" by continuing defiance of UN resolutions on the country's nuclear and missile programs. Haley also slammed Russia's and China's so-called "double freeze" plan to resolve the nuclear and missile crisis on the Korean Peninsula, calling it "insulting". Meanwhile, Seoul announced that it was boosting the THAAD systems deployed on its soil.


In July 2016, Seoul and Washington agreed to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea's Seongju County amid growing tensions spurred by North Korea's ballistic and nuclear tests. The THAAD system is designed to intercept short, medium and intermediate ballistic missiles at the terminal incoming stage.


Moscow and Beijing oppose the THAAD deployment, saying it could further deteriorate the nuclear crisis and provoke North Korean aggression. Russia, alongside China, also criticized the increase in South Korea's joint military activities with Washington as a danger to the peace and stability in the region.


MaDarby · 20:44 04.09.2017
Spot on! THAAD and many more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
The arms industry could see close to a trillion in revenue over the next 10 years just from this false conflict. They clearly are willing to risk nuclear war for the sake of their cash flow.
It really is all about the money.


michael · 23:20 04.09.2017
makes sense but the question remains why is he in the limelight again?


carlos deblanco · 01:23 05.09.2017
the usa is so used to trowing stones and hiding their hands, they project constant psychological war drills in the Korean peninsula in order to intimidate the north Koreans, and instigate them in which it prompts them to fire missiles into the sea .and ones the north Koreans fire missiles into the sea they lambast them for doing so.


Plamen Petkov · Sep 5, 2017 2:33am 
translated for the Greek challenged:
The Americans are playing in many tambourines. THAAD missiles are their first pursuit, second is to sell their guns to their allies, the Japanese and South Koreans, and third to create a wedge in China and North Korea and in Russia with China and North Korea with a more drastic plan to collapse North Korea and grab the rich deposits of metals that this country has. At the same time, it will aim closely with THAAD for any other weapons in the quake of the US China and Russia.
China and Russia will have a good look at their politics and will not leave North Korea alone, because they will soon have the same luck.


Plamen Petkov · Sep 5, 2017 2:32am
so he is not "alleging" this time eh? he is simply saying it. 
Im SICK and tired of Sputnik tryign to bend backwards and always using "alleging"


Harm Haringsma · Manager at Self-Employed · Sep 5, 2017 4:00am 
Of course the real truth is completely different. But as always the civilians and soldiers are the losers.


Stephen Douglas · Owner at Self-Employed · Sep 5, 2017 6:57am 
The lonely voice of One bestolling The Truth, Hallelujah my friend.


Michael Lewis · Sep 5, 2017 6:47pm
Well yes of course that sums up the current reasons for the false tension in this region. Little by little they are.extending their military influence across the globe.
Do you want your country to be ruled by Americans?
Then stop buying their products, stop supporting these warmongers.


Tan Chee Hong · 18 hrs
Maybe North Korea was bribed a lot of money by USA to do this. I think China knows this.

