惋惜苏联解体的俄国人达到十年来新高 [俄罗斯媒体]


The number ofRussians who regret the collapse of the Soviet Union has reached its highestlevel since 2009, with almost an equal share saying the event could have beenavoided.

A public opinionpoll conducted by the independent Levada Center in late November this yearfound that 58 percent of Russians now regret the collapse of the USSR.Twenty-five percent said they felt no regret about this, while 16 percent couldnot describe their feelings in one word.


When researchersasked those who regret the end of the USSR what the primary reasons were behindtheir sentiments, 54 percent said that they missed a single economic system, 36percent said they had lost the feeling of belonging to a real superpower, 34percent complained about the decrease of mutual trust among ordinary people,and 26 percent said that the collapse had destroyed the ties between friendsand relatives.


The same researchshowed that 52 percent of Russians think that the collapse of the USSR couldhave been avoided, 29 percent said that the event was absolutely inevitable,and 19 percent did not have a fixed opinion on the matter.

The share of thosewho regret the demise of the Soviet Union has risen continuously over the pastdecade, but in 2009 it was even higher than today – at 60 percent. The all-timehigh – 75 percent – was recorded in 2000.


President VladimirPutin has repeatedly addressed the issue of the collapse of the USSR in hisspeeches. In an address to the Russian parliament in 2005 he called the eventthe greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century and a cause of majordisruption for the Russian people. In September 2016, Putin said that theCommunist Party should have transformed the Soviet Union into a democraticstate rather than see it break into separate nations.


At the same time,Putin has always emphasized that he and other Russian officials have no plansto revive the USSR, and has expressed anger that people cannot accept this. Hehas also accused Western governments of deliberately confusing modern Russiawith the USSR and harming the interests of ordinary people on the pretense ofpreventing an imaginary threat.


1、In the USSR, people were kinder, there wasno such debauchery as now, people had confidence in the morrow and a decentsalary, quality products and much more. I'm soviet


Same here inPoland. Warsaw Pact was way better!


nonsense.. Polandis booming and in about 5 years poland will be a first world nation.


2、The Russians thought by gettting rid of communismthe US will love them. Now they learned the bitter truth.


Lol, this lastyear rus had 1 billion in foreign investment leave because of putin's old kgbways. Looks like another collapse again in the future.


3、I liked that time, There was balance of Power, Small countries were safe.
People were nicerthat time in soviet


I think peoplewere nicer worldwide before 2001. Certainly in America


4、Most of the people in old soviet states incentral asia still miss soviet time


5、And around 80% of the people of the worldwants USSR back to stop this menace called USA.


6、USSR gives them security, health care,jobs, education...that what normal not greedy human needs to be happy. Westdoesn't have those privileges so people are more depressed, violent, and angry。


Any governmentwith power to 'give' you anything, certainly has the power to take it away.


7、In particular I miss Papa Joe Stalin, oneof the 20th century's premier humanitarian leaders.


8、Bring back the CCCP and humanity might liveto see the 22nd century.


9、If USSR would have stayed intact world endespecially Europe would have been much better off ...


europe would havebeen better off with the axis winning.


10、Momentum is building towards a Soviet 2.0as the "empire of chaos and recklessness" collapses day by day...
And no worriessince lessons learnt - a much better re-union is on the road already... : ) )

而且不用担心因为已经吸取了教训 – 一个好得多的再次联合已经在路上了。。。:))

11、As it turns out, the ' balance of terror',nuclear stalemate and M.A.D. were better than US full spectrum domination.


12、The Red flag will fly again one day,pinkfloyd records and Levi's on the black market,you don't know how lucky you areback in the U.S.S.R. and Joe Joe is always on my mind.


13、Well, that is simple to resolve. Just votefor communists and give them legitimacy through elections. If the number ofpeople wanting USSR back is growing, their voice will be heard.


14、nationalsocialism>>>>communism>>>capitalism>>>nuclearwar>>>>international socialism


15、The way Putin is spending money on defense,it's only a matter of time before you all wish you were back in the USSR.


16、The World was indeed a safer place whenRhusssia was behind that Iron Curtain. Please put up another curtain and hidebehind it. We will all celebrate.

