This month Hong Kong won the bid to host the 2022 Gay Games – the first time the Games will be
This month Hong Kong won the bid to host the 2022 Gay Games – the first time the Games will be held in Asia.
The campaign to win the Games though was organised by a dedicated team of volunteers rather than the territory’s government and Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam offered only a lukewarm response stating that she “noted” the news. She then cited her Catholic faith and stressed that she does not condone same-sex marriage.
In fact Hong Kong despite decriminalising same-sex sexual acts in 1991 has no comprehensive legislation to protect LGBTI people from discrimination. The government often uses the excuse that the topic is “controversial” and that “majority consensus” has not yet been reached. However a study I undertook that was commissioned by Hong Kong’s equal opportunities commission shows that 56% of those surveyed supported such legislation including a staggering 92% of those aged between 18-24. It seems that the government refuses to acknowledge the obvious changes in social attitudes.
And in mainland China too the government’s stance on homosexuality is not as progressive as that of other institutions. Though homosexuality was never explicitly criminalised gay men were persecuted under the law against hooliganism until it was abolished in 1997. Homosexuality was listed as a mental illness until 2001. In the past few years there have been a number of strategic legal cases on LGBTI rights in China including a gay man suing a private gay conversion therapy clinic two gay men seeking to legally marry in Changsha a student suing the ministry of education and a transgender man who sued a company for wrongful dismissal. In July a court in Henan province ordered a city hospital to pay a fine and to apologise to a 38-year-old man who had undergone forced gay conversion therapy.
Many of these lawsuits ended with results in favour of LGBTI rights and activists and lawyers managed to generate important public debates and draw international media attention. These cases show that as in other countries when the government refuses to protect LGBTI people’s rights the judiciary can be the last resort.
But while the judiciary has shown signs of supporting LGBTI rights the government has not. China has traditionally adopted a “not encouraging not discouraging and not promoting” policy on homosexuality. Worryingly however the government recently took steps to ban social discussions on LGBTI issues. Last year China’s media administrator issued guidelines on banning content on television that “exaggerates the dark side of society” which includes homosexuality. In July the China Netcasting Services Association published new guidelines banning the depiction of “abnormal sexual behaviour” which includes homosexuality in online video content. Such a step denies LGBTI people the chance to be fairly represented in effect sponsoring homophobia in Chinese society.
However the voices demanding LGBTI inclusion in society have been growing. Particularly in Hong Kong – where businesses play a huge role in society – corporations have been active in speaking up for LGBTI equality. In March this year a joint statement calling for legislation to protect LGBTI people from discrimination was supported by 75 organisations including Google and the American Chamber of Commerce.
The 2022 games will be a historic moment for LGBTI rights in Asia. The people of Hong Kong need the Games which will hopefully prove to be a catalyst for their government to reconsider its archaic stance on LGBTI issues. How can the government on the one hand claim Hong Kong to be “Asia’s world city” and on the other tell the 15000 athletes and estimated 40000 visitors to the Games that they are not welcome here?
If the government refuses to take any further steps towards equality it would send a distressing message to the world: that Hong Kong does not celebrate difference and diversity. But I look forward to the Gay Games in the hope and belief that by 2022 Hong Kong and perhaps China too may at last see significant progress on LGBTI rights.
Evamuse 4d ago
We should be promoting inclusivity and diversity in sports not segregation based upon sexual preference race or faith.我们应该促进体育的包容性和多样性,而不是基于性向、种族和信仰而进行隔离。
pleasethankyou Evamuse 4d ago
So you don't approve of Pride parades then?所以你不赞成骄傲大游行吗?
ID9494400 pleasethankyou 4d ago
A pride parade isn’t sport though is it?骄傲大游行并不是体育活动,不是嘛?
Lipsyl Evamuse 4d ago
Not to nitpick but 'preference' implies choice where there is none akin to race.
Religion though as always is and always will be a conscious choice and isn't in the same category.不是想吹毛求疵,但是“性向”意味着选择,完全不同于种族。尽管宗教信仰现在且以后也是个人的意识选择,但它们(性向、种族和信仰)并不属于同一类别。
Chipchip pleasethankyou 4d ago
I'm not overly fond. Seems to be just a chance to show off to me.我不太喜欢,在我看来这只是为了炫耀卖弄。
Bjerkley Chipchip 4d ago
“I'm not overly fond. Seems to be just a chance to show off to me.”
That's part of the point. To resist those who would otherwise see them all back in the closet or worse.“我不太喜欢,在我看来这只是为了炫耀卖弄。”这是他们观点的一部分。是为了要抵制那些想把他们塞回柜子或对他们很糟糕的人。
Chipchip Bjerkley 4d ago
And who would want them back in the closet? no one cares anymore. So you're out and proud? wonderful what's for tea?是谁希望他们重回柜子里(不要出柜)啊?没人在乎的好伐。所以你就坦然出柜且自我感觉良好?那真是不错,该上什么茶(配这个八卦甜点)呢?
Bjerkley Chipchip 4d ago
“And who would want them back in the closet? no one cares anymore. So you're out and proud? wonderful what's for tea?”
Sadly people do care (one would be tempted to say that includes those who come onto comment threads about LGBT people to sneer and mock them). There remains discrimination and violence based on being LGB and/or T and in the context of an article about a global sporting event the caring extends to killing them in some places.“是谁希望他们重回柜子里(不要出柜)啊?没人在乎的好伐。所以你就坦然出柜且自我感觉良好?那真是不错,该上什么茶(配这个八卦甜点)呢?”
SquarePegInRoundHole pleasethankyou 4d ago
“So you don't approve of Pride parades then?”
Pride parades made sense in London way back around 1970. Some of my friends marched I supported them in this but didn't march. But in 2017?“所以你不赞成骄傲大游行吗?”
同志游行在伦敦开始变得有意义要追溯到1970年左右。我的几个朋友有参加游行,我很支持他们但并没有参加。但2017年这场呢?Jfrick SquarePegInRoundHole 4d ago
You haven't been around people outside your 'bubble' recently have you? For many coming out and living their life is still as hard as ever among certain groups of faith/ethnic background it is as hard or even harder than for many in 1970. Pride parades make sense in 2017 unfortunately...你最近没有和不是你“圈内”的人共处过,是吧?对很多出柜的人而言,要想过上属于自己的生活和那些有着特殊信仰或道德背景的人一样艰难,也跟很多参加1970年同志游行的人一样艰难,或者说更甚。很不幸的是,直到2017年,同志游行才真正有意义...
pleasethankyou ID9494400 4d ago
What has the theme of the event got to do with it?所以这跟运动会的主题有啥关系?
pleasethankyou SquarePegInRoundHole 4d ago
Well they are still needed actually but even if they weren't 'needed' why not have a day of the year devoted to celebrating LGBT rights? We have come a long way. And many people have died for the cause.是的,现在的确还需要这些同志游行活动的,但如果已经不“需要”这些活动了,为什么不设定每年的某一天专门庆祝LGBT平权运动呢?我们还有很长的路要走。已经太多的人为此牺牲。
Yep. Pride marches and celebrations are needed.
Luxemburg21 Evamuse 4d ago
While having distinction between sexual preference and faith are ludicruous having race based adjustment is pretty fair given that every other element having 100% impact on sports performance - from height (basketball) to myoglobin content on muscles (athletics) are race related.虽然因性取向和信仰而被区别对待是荒唐的,但基于种族的调整是非常公平的,因为其他所有会对运动表现产生100%影响的因素——从身高(影响篮球运动)到肌肉中肌红蛋白的含量(影响田径运动)都是和种族有关的。
Featured1Teacher Luxemburg21 3d ago
What does it even mean to say that height has '100% impact on sports performance'? How can both height AND myoglobin content BOTH have '100% impact'. Meaningless garbage.我想请问楼上,你说身高对运动表现有100%的影响到底什么意思?怎么可能身高和肌红蛋白含量两者都会有“100%的影响”。简直是一堆废话。
And just tell me how this 'fair' set of adjustments would work exactly given how there is no scientific taxonomy of races available to base it on?
Luxemburg21 Featured1Teacher 3d ago
Both the factors are have 100% dependency on race aka have correlation of 1.0.
Trying too hard to find gotcha ?回复楼上:这两种因素都100%都基于种族而划分,也就是说两者之间有百分之百的相关性。
pleasethankyou Chipchip 2d ago
“I'm not overly fond. Seems to be just a chance to show off to me.”
So you are against all parades then or is it just the gay ones?
嗯?Guillaume_Cale 4d ago
Why are sporting events now being segregated on the basis of sexuality?为什么现在连体育赛事都要根据性取向来划分类别了呢?
EternallyUnimpressed Guillaume_Cale 4d ago
It looks as though you might have started to notice the regressive tendencies of some progressives.看起来你已经注意到这些进步分子身上出现的(思想)倒退趋势。
Cyrus the Great Guillaume_Cale 4d ago
To be fair LGBT can’t go to the World Cup in Qatar that year.为了公平起见,LGBT人士不能参加同年(2022)的卡塔尔世界杯。
changeisinevitable 4d ago
So it's a political demonstration masquerading as a sports event.所以这是一场伪装成体育赛事的政治示威。
Bjerkley changeisinevitable 4d ago
It’s both with a small p for political. And your obxtion is?体育(sport)和政治(political)都带个p字。而你反对的是?
everywhereventually changeisinevitable 4d ago
Absolutely. ‘The Games that change the World’ have been a key part of transforming bigoted attitudes as people accept the invitation to get on the right side of history.很明显。“这场赛事将改变世界”,它将是扭转人们偏执的态度,使接受邀请的人们站在历史正确一方的关键部分。
Kangaesugi changeisinevitable 4d ago
When our entire existence is constantly politicised by everyone else why not capitalise on it?当我们的整体存在都在被不断政治化的同时,为什么我们不能反过来利用它呢?
Leviathan212 4d ago
Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam offered only a lukewarm response stating that she “noted” the news. She then cited her Catholic faith and stressed that she does not condone same-sex marriage.“香港行政长官林郑月娥对此仅冷淡地回应“她有在关注此事”。之后,她重申了她的天主教信仰并强调她不支持同性婚姻。”
It's only a spot of volleyball love. Nobody is getting married. FFS.
Coelho Henrique 4d ago
Honest question: Wasn't lgbtq?
Hard to keep upxed on this subject...
这话题更新太快无法跟上更新速度.......现在是叫LGBTI了?!?!。(译者注:LGBTQ指lesbian(女同性恋) gay(男同性恋) bisexual(双性恋)transgender(跨性别) queer(非异性恋或不认同出生性别的人):LGBTI中以"intersex" 代替“queer”)
wskelton Coelho Henrique 4d ago
I stands for Intersex. To be honest the acronym is not always helpful and is often used because some people are not comfortable with using 'queer' as an inclusive alternative.我觉得用“Intersex(双性人)”这个词更好。说实话,首字母缩写并不总是有用但却经常被使用,因为有些人实在无法忍受将“queer”看做是具有包容性的替代词。(“queer”一词具有一定的侮辱性。类似于国内的娘炮。)
Mark222 4d ago
Very strange event I really don't understand people who want to make their whole personality about their sexuality (Or gender).好奇怪的活动,我真是不明白那些用性取向(或性别)来定义塑造自己人格的家伙。
But I hope it's a success and they have a good time nonetheless.
animaux Mark222 4d ago
Probably started off when being openly gay in most sports meant career suicide.(为什么会用性取向来定夺一个人)可能是在大多数体育赛事中,运功员公开同性恋身份,意味着他们的职业生涯就此结束。
doslemon 4d ago
Why do they have to be these kind of games? And feminists games philatelists games?为什么他们会需要这种同志运动会?难道还要有女权主义者运动会和集邮爱好者运动会吗?
Lipsyl doslemon 4d ago
Feminism and stamp collecting are choices. Being LGBT isn't.(成为)女权主义者和集邮爱好者都是自我可选择的。成为LGBT可不是。
Personfromtheworld doslemon 4d ago
If philatelists had been oppressed worldwide for hundreds of years and roughly one in ten people were philatelists many of whom didn't want to come out for fear of stigma ostracism or violence perhaps it would be worthwhile to host a positive sporting event to show philatelists in a good light.如果世界各地的集邮家们在过去几百年里都被排挤,以及大概十人中会出一个集邮家,且他们大多数因为害怕受到羞辱和排斥或许还有暴力而不敢公开身份,那么通过举办一届运动会来展示集邮家是值得的。
To show that there's absolutely nothing wrong with philately and that anti-philately causes harm and unnecessary pain. To show that a world in which philatelists could be free to collect stamps in public would be a happier better freer world. And that non-philatelists can experiment with collecting stamps without feeling ashamed. And that if your child were a philatelist that doesn't make them any different from you.
If all that then I for one would fully support the Philatelists' Games.
LePoer 4d ago
This is sexist is it not? If you are gay, you can take part in the actual Olympics. If you are straight, you cannot take part in the Gay olympics. What on earth would the headlines be if there was a "Straight white Olympics"?这难道不是性别歧视么?如果你是同性恋,你可以参加实际的奥运会。如果你是异性恋,你就不能参加同性恋奥运会。如果有一个“白人直人运动会”,那么标题要怎么写呢?
Chipchip 4d ago
So will we be seeing the fastest lesbian of all time in the record book?
Record breaking transgendered high jumper?
Arguments about would who would win a tennis match between a male & female transgendered player?那么,我们将会在记录簿上看到史上最快的女同性恋者吗?
争论谁会赢得一场男网球比赛,是男变性选手还是女变性选手?Tatolino 4d ago
well maybe now we'll have people pretending to be gay just so they can take part in the competition hehe好吧,也许会有人假装成同性恋,这样他们就可以参加比赛了,呵呵。
but honestly jokes asise... what is the point for all of this? I'd like to think that there's space for everyone in sport without the need for special editions based on sexuality.
unless this was meant for transgender people I guess this could be a way to allow transgender people to race among themselves? no idea...
wariquari Tatolino 4d ago
"I'd like to think that there's space for everyone in sport without the need for special editions based on sexuality."“我希望每个人都能在运动赛事中有一席之地,而不必因性别而设立特别版本的运动赛事。”
How many openly gay players coaches managers etc in the Premier League? Statistically how many should there be? Perhaps when gay sportspeople can play openly there will be no need for this events.
Oh and non-homosexuals can take part too - no exclusivity.
phizycat wariquari 4d ago
Perhaps because some gay people are private about their sexuality or don't see it even as an issue? I don't go around with the need to tell people I'm straight.许是因为一些同性恋者对自己的性取向守口如瓶,,或者根本不认为这是一个问题?我就不觉得自己需要告诉别人我是异性恋。
Bjerkley phizycat 4d ago
You’ve just told us.你刚刚就告诉我们了。
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