US aid to Pakistan will be used against India: Husain Haqqani
WASHINGTON:As the US prepares to sell F-16s to Pakistan, the country's former top diplomathas warned the Congress that such fighter jets would end up being used againstIndia and not against terrorists.
Describing sale of such military hardware andeven reported talk of a civil nuclear deal as an appeasement policy towardsPakistani military, the former top Pakistani diplomat has urged the US to tellthe leaders in Pakistan that their ambition of rivalling India is akin toBelgium trying to rival France or Germany.
"TheObama administration's consideration of a nuclear deal with Pakistan, just likeits decision a few months ago to sell almost USD 1 billion in US-made attackhelicopters, missiles and other equipment to Pakistan will fuel conflict inSouth Asia without fulfilling the objective of helping the country fightIslamist extremists or limit its nuclear arsenal," said Husain Haqqani,the former Pakistani Ambassador to the US.
In a prepared remark submitted ahead of aCongressional hearing on 'Civil Nuclear Cooperation with Pakistan: Prospectsand Consequences to the Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade Subcommittee ofthe Committee on Foreign Affairs', Haqqani said Pakistan's failure to tackleits jihadist challenge is not the result of a lack of arms but reflects anabsence of will.
"Unless Pakistan changes its worldview andits compulsive competition with its much larger neighbour even in violation ofinternational commitments, American weapons will end up being used to fight ormenace India and perceived domestic enemies instead of being deployed againstjihadists," he said.
Currently, director of South & Central Asiaat the Hudson Institute, a top American think-tank, Haqqani said competitionwith India remains the overriding consideration in Pakistan's foreign anddomestic policies.
"By aiding Pakistan over the years-- someUSD 40 billion since 1950, according to the Congressional Research Service--the US has fed Pakistan's delusion of being India's regional military equal.Seeking security against a much larger neighbour is a rational objective butseeking parity with it on a constant basis is not," he said.
"Instead of discussing civil nuclear dealsand selling more military equipment to Pakistan, US officials should convincePakistan that its ambitions of rivalling India are akin to Belgium trying torival France or Germany," Haqqani wrote.
India's population is six times as large asPakistan's while India's economy is 10 times bigger, and India's USD twotrillion economy has managed consistent growth whereas Pakistan's USD 245billion economy has grown sporadically and is undermined by jihadist terrorismand domestic political chaos.
Haqqani said unlike other countries, Pakistandid not raise an army to match the threats it faces. Pakistan inherited 33 percent of British India's army, raised for the Second World War, at independencein 1947 and has sought to identify threats that match the size of that army.
Asserting that since the 1950s, US policy hasended up nurturing Pakistan's military and keeping alive its dream of paritywith India, Haqqani told lawmakers that it is time, the US adopted a policytowards Pakistan that supports the aspirations of its people for a betterstandard of living instead of allowing its military and civilian hardliners inpursuing unwinnable competition with India.
"The US government has been giving thesignal that Pakistan is too important for the US to ignore, which reinforcesall of Pakistan's wrong policies. These are policies that both the US and asignificant section of the Pakistani intelligentsia would like changed,"Haqqani said.
Defeat Devil Italian (TruthPrevails)
If you studywork of Hussain Haqqani in US for last decade, he has known the truth and herepresents best interests of Pakistani people, which the hawks back home do notlike. Truth has made a home in his findings, speech and criticism of both Indiaand Pakistan.
Desi ()
India hasalmost no economic, political or any kind of relation with Pakistan. Inspite ofhuge amount of resources and strategic location on world map, Pakistan hasoffered nothing to the world but terrorism. Nobody will cry when Pakistan dieswhich is bound to happen under Pakistani army/ISI rule.
Most Agree
Pratap Singh
USA is a veryfunny country. They feed terrorist countrieslike Saudi, Qatar , Turkey &Paki and then pledge to fight terrorism.
Sand Piper (Unknown)
US does notgive a D AM N, as to where their weapons (of mass distructions) will be used.What matterfor them is that their armament industry keeps churning moolah andit keepstheir stakeholders happy with fat pay checks and bonuses. They cannotafford tolose THIS industry that gainfully employs lots of american citizensfrombecoming redundant. It is also obvious that the Captains of such Industriesofprime economic interests actually run the administration by pullingstringstheir way. It is the most self centered economy (Economy wise) onecanever find. They want to corner ALL strategic Wealth of the world by allmeanspossible which also mean by supporting despots around the globe so long astheytoe the American line.
Anil Singh ()
This is theultimate truth. US to a large extent has been fueling Pakistan's misplacedambitions to shred India into pieces. US has been aiding one Islamic country tofight Islamic terrorism worldwide. Pakistan is definitely on it's way to becomea rogue state sooner or later and unlike other terrorist states, US woulddefinitely not be able to control it by supplying it's dollars (militaryhardware and financial aid) to Pakistan at that time. It is time to put a leashon Pakistan by exerting pressure on it in all the international forums and pushit to work on it's people centeric welfare policies instead of harbouringinternational terrorists and spreading terrorism across the world. It's activitiesin PoK must be also brought under observation and effective measures must betaken to dismantle it's terrorist camps their.
Anis Ahmad Khan (Unknown)
US isdeliberately creating tension among india and Pakistan so that it can sell itsweapons to both the countries...
Bikas Pal (Unknown)
Brilliantthink tank! At least there are some Pakistanis in this world who thinkrationally. Hope the ISI & Pak Military too follow suit.
Deepak Hegde (Unknown)
How come allof Pakistani diplomats and ministers etc see sense only after retirement andnot during service with the Pak Govt ?
Sahil Singla (Unknown)
And on theother side we want peace with Pakistan. These people will never want peace asits a failed country
Sharad T (Mumbai) RepliesTo Sanjay
US is not inany way arm twisted. It is following its consistent policy of balancingregional powers so they, in future, cannot challenge US hegemony. Examples are,Saudi Arabia against Iran, Pakistan against India and ASEAN countries againstChina(South China dispute).
Soumendra (India)
US is againcommiting grave mistake...
liquid mind (Unknown)
only a blindman would not be able to see what Pakistan has been doing since decades.... US,in actuality, wants to keep fuelling this immaturity of Pakistan, so as to keepits menace towards India alive.... somehow that way, US thinks it will alwaysbe important in the scheme of things in South Asia !!
Subrata Pramanick (Kolkata) repliesto Sunil Agrawal
US iscreating another Frankenstein. They will also have to suffer for this.
Subrata Pramanick (Kolkata)
US declareswar against terrorists and at the same time helping terror country withfighters and other ammunition. This double standard is unacceptable. Indian PMModi must also note.
Ananda Padmanabhan (Trivandrum)
Pakistan isan American stooge to destabilize India and China. However China uses Pakistanas a stooge against India.
Most Disagree
Abbas khan (Pakistan)
The writer isperhaps living in fool's paradise. Although India is having superiority inconventional military strength, Pakistan possesses nuclear power that issomething to maintain the balance of power in south Asia. Another pointPakistan should not be blamed solely for having a strongest desire to keepupdating its military strength as India too is following the same footprints.It was after India's nuclear deal that Pakistan demanded for the sameagreement. And for information those who raise finger at Pakistan, all is notwell in India too. The percent of Maoist controlled territory in India is farlarger than that of Taliban in Pakistan
Abbas khan(巴基斯坦)
Abbas Khan (Peshawar,Pakistan) replies to desi
You people have an amazing phobia and that isto project India as a well developed country lolz
The Follower (Unknown)
I don't see awar
Abbas Khan (Peshawar,Pakistan) replies to Fair Mind
I too am aporky but not loathed by country fellow men as you loathe your fellows frominferior castes lolz
Abbas Khan (Pakistan)
Hate ofPakistan will do no good as has been perceived by Sushma Swaraj and visitingPak today. Hate of Muslims also will do no good as the large diaspora areliving in European countries. They can neither be expelled nor decimated. Theworld today is facing more robust issues than the conflicts among the statesi.e food security, nuclear proliferation, climate change, terrorism. Its thetime for the heads of nation states to come together converge their interestsand resolve all the issues that are haunting the world.
GM Malik (Michigan)
The writerwas ambassador of Pakistan, he pursued the same goals during his tenure whichhe is preaching against now. What a Hippo ..
GM Malik (密歇根)
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