引擎运输绝招:你见过拥有5个引擎的飞机吗? [印度媒体]


The plane for nervous flyers! MassiveQantas jumbo jet flies from Sydney to South Africa with FIVE engines as airlinedeploys rarely-used transportation method


Passengers aboard a recent internationalflight would have been forgiven if they thought they were in for an extra-fasttrip when they saw a fifth engine attached to the plane.


But airline Qantashaddecided to use one of its Boeing 747 aircraft to transport a new Rolls Royceengine from Sydney to Johannesburg, South Africa, to replace oneon another plane which had problems.


The method of attaching an extra,nonoperational engine to a wing of the plane may seem unconventional, but therarely used technique was deemed to be the most efficient way to transport thelarge spare part.


A Qantas media spokesman told Daily Mail Australia that if the engine had beenshipped by sea it could have taken weeks to arrive.


Instead, less than 24 hours after flightQF63 left Sydney on January 6, it had arrived in Johannesburg and had beenfitted.


Although all Boeing 747's have the ability to transport a fifth engine, thepractice is not common.
Qantas said the last time it employed thetechnique was in 2011.


While the planes are designed to carry anextra engine, there are still a few things that engineers and pilots have totake into consideration with an extra six-tonnes of weight attached.


Qantas said the 747 had special anchorpoints for the engine to be securely fitted below the left wing, between thebody and the usual inside engine.


The added weight meant more drag, more fuelconsumption, and a lower amount of carried fuel in order to achieve the correcttake-off weight.


During flight, the fifth engine did notoperate.


seafarer47, Vung Tau, Vietnam, 1 day ago
On several occasions during the 1980's Irecall working on different Qantas flights with a "fifth pod"attached to one of the wings. It was deemed to be the most cost effective andfastest way to transport an engine. I did not realise this practise had all butceased- and I can't quite imagine why.


TyrantGeorge, Utopia, United States, 19hours ago
Probably fuel consumption. Gets expensive.Especially when most of the time they can just wait it out.


K Lonsdale, Oxford, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
Not often needed these days because of theway spares are resourced and distributed.


AeroJack7, Highland California, UnitedStates, 15 hours ago
Hmmm....maybe they could attach a pod inthe same location for unruly passengers. Air jail.


Dmcnee, MidRight, United Kingdom, 11 hoursago
I remember during my time in the RAF thatwhere designing a pod for the Harrier to carry downed Aircrew! Don't think itreally took off.


Abel Garcia, san benito, United States, 19hours ago
Never knew a 747 had that ability.


Blue_Bottle_3, Dorchester, United Kingdom,13 hours ago
747 has had that ability since it 1st flew


mikef, Coventry, United Kingdom, 2 hoursago
All aircraft have this abilkity


K Lonsdale, Oxford, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
I used to fly 747s. This method oftransporting spare engines has been a feature of the design almost from theoutset. It came about because it was the first commercial aircraft to usehigh-bypass fan engines (the Pratt & Witney JT9D was an integral part ofthe programme) that, unlike previous engines, would not fit inside a standardfreight aircraft. It is not a common sight because of the way spares are pooledand distributed these days but, apart from burning a bit more fuel due to theextra drag, it is an unremarkable procedure.

我之前是波音747飞行员。运输引擎部件的功能几乎在飞机设计之初就已经有了。之所以会有这个设计,是因为747首款使用高分流涡轮风扇发动机的商业客机(Pratt & Witney公司的JT9D是该项目不可分割的一部分),和之前的发动机不一样,这种发动机无法装入标准的运输机。如今的引擎在装配和运输上都方便多了,所以这种现象如今看起来很稀有,但是除了让飞机消耗更多油料外,这种运输方式并没有什么特别之处。

ray weaver, baltimore, United States, 10hours ago
Still an interesting story.

