China's army conducts military exercises 'to strike awe in India'印媒:中国解放军高原演习震慑印度NEW DELHI: China's
China's army conducts military exercises 'to strike awe in India'
NEW DELHI: China's People's Liberation Army's (PLA) conducted military exercises in an unknown location to "strike awe in India", said the state-backed Global Times on Monday, citing a China Central Television report and another Chinese newspaper report from late last week.
Global Times made sure to mention that the drills were conducted "amid tensions in Doklam" to "lay the ground for plateau warfare".
More than 10 PLA units from the 'western theater command' participated in the drills. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is closest to India, is where the 'western theater command' is most prominent. The units included aviation and armoured forces, said the TV report.环球时报确信演习是在洞朗紧张局势期间进行的,“为高原战争打基础”。
In the first week of August, China Central Television broadcast video it said showed an army unit in an unidentified part of Tibet carrying out live-fire firing exercises, reported the Associated Press (AP). The report, which was also carried in other state media, didn't mention the dispute with India and said the unit has been training for three months, said AP.
Vsgr-Bangalore-2 hours ago
China, India is not Pakistan.中国呀,印度可不是巴基斯坦。
Amit Dhoka-Mumbai-2 hours ago
China is playing a well defined Psychological Warfare, India should not heed to such exercise and should well prepared for any misadventure.中国打的是一场意义明确的心理战,印度不该留心这些演习,应该为迎接任何坏事做好准备。
Dinesh Kumar Gupta-Goa-2 hours ago
China is acting stupid. It is about to shoot itself in the foot.中国表现得真蠢,会砸了自己的脚。
Himanshu-2 hours ago
TO STRIKE AWE IN INDIA OR BECAUSE IT IS AWE STRUCK BY INDIA? OH fool of a Dragon you surprise us by your naivete !震慑印度还是因为忌惮印度?愚蠢的中国哟,你的天真令我惊讶!
Deep-2 hours ago
As usual Gimmicks from china中国还是像往常一样制造噱头。
Ww_apps-Location-2 hours ago
so what... people & countries who flex muscles are never the strongest..they just use this as strategy...but are cowards那又怎样……拳头大的国家或人从来都不是最强的,他们将这个当成策略,但还是懦夫一个。
Atanu-Kolkata-2 hours ago
Exercises doing for how to defend themselves when attack Brave INDIAN ARMY,演习是为了在勇敢的印度军队打他们时如何保护自己。
Amit Trivedi-Jhansi-1 hour ago army which is immovable, believe in stone pelting to defeat its enemy...真遗憾,一支不可动摇的军队信奉的是用石头打敌人。
Sujit Shetty-1 hour ago
Hehehe.. whatever exercise chinkis do.. they cant take steps of attacking Indian army. There are deeper diplomatic, geopolitical and business interests involved. Modi is smart. Chinkis have experienced new India. Next time they will think 100 times before taking unilateral bullying steps against neighbours呵呵,不管中国搞什么演习,他们都不能进攻印度军队。
Vikas Vaidya-Mumbai-1 hour ago
Chinese have no brains and no maturity as how the international relations are to be handled.在处理国际关系上,中国人真没脑子又不成熟。
Jeyo Sargunam-2 hours ago
All I Can Say is So What....... india have been conducting military exercises every day thanks to kashmir and other terrorist activities...
China Need to be aware that India is more prepared and does not need fun and games to prepare for a war我只想说那又怎样。
Shanmugam-2 hours ago
china should behave friendly with neighbour countries.. else it will go behind 1978 position..中国应该和邻里和平共处,否则地位会落后于1978年。
Sanjaya Ganesh-Bangalore-1 hour ago
Most mature response so far from India. As media on both sides bark at each other, our government is silent and mature in its response. Good. Keep it up.迄今印度的反应最成熟。双方媒体相互指责时,政府在回应中保持沉默和成熟。很好,继续保持。
Santu-2 hours ago
INDIA still Not impressed with the exercise conducted by China.
INDIA will be impressed only when the chinkies withdrew it's soldiers from Dokhlam sector.印度不为中国演习所动。只有中国从洞朗撤出,印度才会动容。
Nitin-New Delhi-1 hour ago
Now one thing is clear , Chinese are just a LIZARD which was made to believe as Dragon.现在有一件事很清楚,中国其实只是一只被误会成龙的蜥蜴。
True Indian-BANGALORE-13 mins ago
China is sounding more by each day like Germany pre 1939 wanting to dominate Eruope with Its lies rants and half truths propaganda中国听起来更像是1939年前夕的德国,想用谎言和真假参半的宣传统治欧洲。
Ranvir Mehra-3 mins ago
We dont need exercises we are prepared let them come.我们不需要演习,我们已经做好准备,让他们来。
akbar khan-22 mins ago
who cares of this Chinese army drill.....we will defeat them........谁管中国的军演,我们将打败他们
Deepak Vohra-42 mins ago
when china is doing its drill India should do its own drill & drop one nuclear bomb on chinese drill & one nuclear bomb on Beijing中国军演的时候,印度也应该进行自己的军演。然后扔一颗核弹到他们的军演上,再丢一颗到北京去。
San-Location-1 hour ago
Chinese planes and soldiers will be destroyed and All Of China will be flattened. Fock off. Why fight mock war? Start real o e and see what happens. India must hold their ground and when time comes rip the heart out of the Chinese.中国的飞机和军队将会被摧毁,中国将被夷为平地。
Ameya-1 hour ago
If chinese will wage war, surely it will break in parts same as USSR. India doesn't have many things to loose. But china will loose many.如果中国发动战争,肯定会像苏联一样分裂。印度不会失去很多,但中国会损失惨重。
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