Don't Blame Us, Says Ammunition Maker After Army's 35-Crore Gun Explodes“不要怪我们,”在军方价值3.5
Don't Blame Us, Says Ammunition Maker After Army's 35-Crore Gun Explodes
M-777 ultra-light howitzers are the first artillery guns imported by the army in more than three decades. The new guns were being put through field trials in Pokhran in Rajasthan using ammunition made by the Ordnance Factory Board or OFB, which is run by the Defence Ministry.
When the barrel of India's brand-new ultra-light and long-range artillery gun exploded during a field trial a few days ago, the damage was attributed by army sources to home-made ammunition.
But today, in a statement to NDTV, the state-owned manufacturer which supplies at least 90 per cent of artillery shells in use with the Army, seemed to suggest that the failure was not unusual. "The number of rounds successfully fired during user trial with ERFB BT ammunition from [the] M-777 howitzer gun were more than 1,100 and the round in which malfunction occurred was [the] 1164th round," said Dr U Mukherjee, a spokesperson for the manufacturer.
但今天,国营制造商在NDTV发表的一份声明似乎暗示这次失败很正常。该公司供应了印度陆军至少90%的炮弹。制造商发言人Mukherjee 博士说:“在试验中,M777成功发射了超过1100枚国产增程全膛炮弹,而在第1164枚发生了故障。”
When asked if this failure rate was acceptable, Mr Mukherjee said "Ideally, this is not acceptable."
当被问及这个故障率是否可以接受时,Mukherjee 说:“理想情况下,不能接受。”
Senior officers of the army told NDTV that the manufacturer's explanation was unacceptable and that they expect consistency in the quality of ammunition supplied to them. Experts from the Ordnance Board have visited the site of the trials and interacted with executives from BAE Systems, the manufacturer of the M-777 to determine what went wrong.
India received two M-777 ultra-light howitzers in May, each worth around Rs. 35 crore. This was the first time that the army imported an artillery gun in more than three decades, when the Bofors scandal erupted over kickbacks allegedly paid by the Swedish manufacturer to politicians and others. The new guns were being put through field trials in Pokhran in Rajasthan using ammunition made by the Ordnance Factory Board or OFB, which is run by the Defence Ministry.
(1986年3月,印度政府突然改变已酝酿三年之久的从法国购买大炮的计划,匆忙与瑞典的博福斯军火公司签约,购买了价值达13亿美元的榴弹炮。博福斯公司为得到这批订货,向印度有关人士行贿高达4620万美元,由于印度有关部门未对这批武器进行检查和提出质量要求,事后发现这批军火质量低劣,射程、威力、寿命等都不达标)The army has received two howitzers as part of an order for 145 guns for nearly 5,000 crores. Three more guns are to be supplied to the army next year for training. The guns will be introduced in 2019 in stages. The order is to be completed by the middle of 2022.
While 25 guns will come in off-the-shelf condition, ready for use, the rest will be assembled in India by the BAE Systems in partnership with Mahindra Defence.
The gun, which can be slung under a helicopter, is meant to be deployed at high-altitude locations along the China boundary.
The Ordnance Factory Board also refuses to take full responsibility after the barrels of two prototypes of the indigenous Dhanush artillery gun were also damaged by faulty shells in May and July. According to the OFB, "Any such failure is attributable to a complex phenomena pertaining to internal ballistics since the shell moves at a very high speed inside the barrel. Failure can have multiple causes. Quality of shell is not the only reason for failure." The Dhanush, which is based on blue-prints of the Bofors gun, has cleared trials with the Indian Army and has a proven ability to strike targets 38 km away. The army plans to acquire 414 Dhanush guns with each gun reportedly costing 14 crores.
This is not the first time that the Ordnance Factory Board and the Indian Army have openly disagreed on the quality of weaponry produced by the public sector company. In July, the OFB said its indigenous new assault Rifle "functioned flawlessly without any stoppages" despite an army report stating that the weapon "requires comprehensive design analysis and improvement."
Why is this public news ?!为什么要把消息公开?
Why not bhakt ?为什么不爱国?
Because nothing in India is confidential. Our press must print everything no matter how sensitive the information is. Those people think democracy means exposing all our weaknesses to the world.因为在印度,没有什么是保密的,再敏感的消息我们的媒体也要刊登,这些媒体认为民主就是向全世界曝光我们所有弱点。
What strengths ? Give one sample.说得就跟印度有强项一样。
Because public tax was spent to purchase those ammo and the guns. it''s called public accountability.因为这些弹药和火炮是用纳税人的钱买的,公众有知情权。
When world sees us defecating in open and our jogis in varanassi, do you think they would sell us quality stuff当全世界世界看到我们公开大便、轮奸时,你觉得他们会卖给我们好东西?
Because this is India and not authoritarian China who controls the media or military controlled Pakistan which conceals it's failures.....因为这里是印度,不像毒菜中国那样控制媒体、军队以及巴基斯坦,还隐瞒巴基斯坦的失败。
Nothing is perfect, even with careful production. Its like iphones, not all iphoes are prefect there is a small percentage which malfunctions.无论生产过程有多谨慎,也不可能达到完美,即便iPhone也有一小部分次品。
Tell that in the battlefield说给战场上的人听吧。
If news of faulty Indian ammunition has not come out, OFB will keep making it, resulting in Indian casualties. Do you want another disaster like Pulgaon that killed 19 soldiers?如果不曝光印度国产弹药的问题,那么兵厂委员就会不停制造次品,导致印度人伤亡。你像再经历一次杀死19名士兵的Pulgaon事件吗?
Use the right Ammunition for the right Guns, Was howitzer consulted on the Type of Ammunition and the Specification for use,火炮要用合适的弹药,军方使用之前看说明书了吗?
Nothing to worry about mechanical faults. It happens to all too!! Let few idiots laugh on it. Only govt. needs to adopt secrecy from media, who makes security of nation more vulnerable and dangerous in the name of freedom.不必担心军械问题,哪个国家都会发生,就让那些傻瓜嘲笑吧。政府要做的是让媒体保守秘密,这些媒体打着自由的名义,置国家安全于危险脆弱之地。
Now this is problem with desi ammo not the gun现在问题出在国产弹药上,不是火炮问题。
Was all ammo desi? (Or was it Chinese?) Then there is a strong possibility.所有弹药都是国产的?难道就没有中国造的?我觉得很有可能。
gujjus will sell India for sure古吉拉特人会把印度卖掉的。
yes, next is your mother on the block, your sisters, daughter and wife got sold in the morning是啊,你老妈,妹妹,女儿和老婆明早也会被拍卖掉。
Your parents raised you in a pig sty in are not a Hindu for sure.. Hindus are refined and debate with facts...你爹妈是在猪圈里把你养大的吧?你肯定不是印度人,印度人是有教养的、讲道理的。
And Italian Gandys will save India .意大利甘地会拯救印度的(索尼娅甘地有意大利血统)
Muzzies are the real threat and no other religion or faith. Muzxies only religion to kill millions of people worldwide every year and marry and rape small girls. Musalman are the lowest form of life.只有穆斯林才是真正的威胁,他们每年在全世界杀害数百万人,强奸、强迫幼女结婚。穆斯林是最低等的生物。
Must be an American gun made in China这肯定是中国制造的美国炮。
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Is this problem of a Gun or an ammunition ?说清楚啊。
到底是炮的问题还是弹药问题?IRESQC ITIZENS
After 30 years we buy a gun and then this...30年以来买的第一门火炮,就是这个结果……
After 30 years, OFB is still manufacturing defective ammunition. That''s why.....那是因为,30年之后,印度兵工委员会还在生产残次弹药。
you can't buy M777 howitzer from USA and use ammunitions bought from dera sacha Sauda,we are asking for trouble.你不能买美国的M777榴弹炮,却买国产弹药,这是自寻麻烦。
Buy all scrap from US as India is prefered dumping ground gor them !买吧,买所有的美国垃圾吧,因为印度是美国的垃圾倾销地!
next time army should not fire 1164th round...
after round 1163, they should fire round 1165, so that mishap at 1164 can be avoided军队下次应该跳过第1164发。
@HM: As per Modiji, India history of 70 years should be removed from history. During those 70 years Modi was ashamed of himself being Indian. In his knowledge India became independent on 2014在莫迪看来,被跳过的应该是印度70年的历史,在这70年里,莫迪一直耻于做一个印度人。在他的认知中,印度是2014年才独立的。
@HM: Modi is selling India to American private interests . and also to Ambani/Adani.莫迪正在把印度卖给美国私人利益集团,还有安巴尼家族、阿达尼集团。(两者皆为印度大财团)
Vivek Bopiah
When I was in the Army we did not have ammunition malfunctioning. How can one afford to lose a gun costing 35 Crores for a shot costing a wee fraction of it? Can we get free replacements of the gun from the manufacturers? Disband Ordnance Factories and some of the inefficient DRDO establishments. When we fight a war we fight to win it with efficient guns and ammunition not to favour inefficient Govt Defence organisations who have let us down time and again.我在军队的时候,根本没有什么弹药故障,现在倒好,3.5亿卢比的榴弹炮被几百块的弹药毁了,这让人如何承担得起损失?我们能从火炮制造商那儿免费换新吗?应该解散那些低效的军工企业和研发机构。我们需要的是能提供有效武器的部门,而不是现在那些一次次让我们失望的国防组织。
Shameless body is actually defending their incompetence. Basically they are saying that after a malfunction after 1100 rounds is acceptable. This means that Indian guns in a war can only work up till 1100 rounds after which we should surrender. Army should import ammunition as well. Bloody loser governmental organisation. Why don't they bring in more reservation? That will be good for the country无耻的狡辩。他们的意思是,1100发之后发生故障是可以接受的,这意味着在战争中,印度火炮只能发射1100发,然后我们就该投降了。
Rathi Raj
M777 is an excellent gun system. Only the OFB to be blamed for poor work and quality control. I have personally experienced it during a trial when only 368 rounds were found fit for firing out of 4,000 made. It seems that there is no accountability on part of the OFB. Rightly 13 senior officers were sackedM777是极好的火炮系统。要怪就怪兵工委员会差劲儿的工作和质量控制。
insas223 .
@Rathi Raj: Let us get facts straight. The M777 ,like other arty is subject to stresses and firing pressures. Incidents do happen. 2 US soldiers were killed and several injured when a US M777 suffered similar barrel burst just this August in 2017.
The M777 is a slow,manual .non-auto operations gun. Its main USP is its light weight and suitability for mountain warfare.我就直说吧,M777 也会遇到点火压力问题,就在今年8月份,美国也发生过一次类似的事故,杀死了两名美国士兵,伤了好多人。
Indian Budy
Our Politicians be it from Congress or BJP are not capable of handling ammunition issue, we are lacking behind. Recently we got a surprise when a report presented in the parliament that we have only 10 days ammonisation with us. Feku team is also worst.我们的政客,不管是国大党还是人民党,都连个弹药问题都处理不撩,我们落后太多了,最近惊闻我们的弹药储备只有10天。莫迪团队一样糟。
Vijay Gopal
Congress to be blamed....国大党的锅。
Jaishankar Tholasingam
don't worry, it is congress misdeed this has happend, any failure, you can blame congress as they were in power for last 70 years. but is PM vajpayee congress man?别担心,这都是国大党的错,你可以把任何失败怪罪到国大党头上,因为他们在过去70年一直掌权,不过,瓦杰帕伊总理(人民党创始人,多次出任总理)也是国大党的吗?
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