quora: 为什么印度在世界上比中国更受欢迎?

Why is India more popular in the world than China?为什么印度在世界上比中国更受欢迎?quora评论翻译:原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.san

Why is India more popular in the world than China?



原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/45673.html  译者:Jessica.Wu


Vasu Srivastava

Because people always love Dogs [the slave of masters] rather than an independent fierce wild animal.



Neo G Doma

The west need a story to show that western democracy can run in non-western country.

India is not favoured in the world, just favoured in West.




Semar Manganov, former CIA agent, Retired

In view of popularity, China is one of 5 permanent members in UN security council while India just ordinary member.



Bahubali, Engineer, writer, enthusiast

Nehru's leadership while while world was stumbling in international politics. moderation. peace. integrity.



Loga Nathan, works at Studying

Why should India try to compete with China or any other country for that matter.India should rather be better than her previous self for the sky is the limit .

Instead of asking whether India can fight with another country one should ask whether India is readier to be friendlier or cordial in maintaining harmony amongst the brotherhood of nations.

True strength lies not in the attacking mode but in the ability to absorb to change the opposing force inwardly in them.Though the end result would be far fetched yet ultimately either we learn to live as brothers or perish as fools

为什么印度要在这个问题上和中国或其他国家竞争? 印度应该比过去更好才是,因为任何可能性都存在。




Esha Erum

Most probably coz Mr. Narendra Modi (our PM) basically, literally and actually travels the whole world. No offense but that could be a reason why India is Famous



Gwydion Madawc Williams, Do them all the time, often finding unexpected links.

As others have said, it depends where.

The West remember China as a Cold War foe. Britain and the USA see it as the main rival of the Anglosphere.

正如其他人所说,这取决于在哪里做比较。如果在西方,那里的人曾把中国视为冷战对手。而在英国和美国,他们把中国视为英语圈的主要对手。(英语圈:一组被英国历史和文化影响甚深的说英语国家; 例如:英国,美国,澳大利亚,新西兰和加拿大)


Aryaman Adivya Singh, studies Science Maths & Computers at City Montessori School, Gomti Nagar 1 (2019)

India is not only popular cz of democracy. It is popular because of the type of people India has got loving, caring, and also one of the unique type of them



Vir Patel, Indian and Proud

Well Indian and Chinese diaspora are among the largest in the world. In my opinion, Indians are proud of their culture and proudly share it among everyone. When I visit some of my Chinese friends, their houses usually don’t have any cultural decorations (In my experiences, this is probably not true). Also with the rise of Indian cinema and a high demand of doctors and engineers in the world where India is the main suppliers. Indian culture is thriving all over the world which in turn makes India more popular than China.



Sree Raj

Here is why india is more popular than china.






Mark Twain admitted, “India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.”



Shiv, Senior Manager, Information Security (2009-present)

One word. Culture and Religion.

Both Indian and Chinese civilisations are the oldest in the world but China has lost it during their culture revolution. While Indians still hold the religion very close to their heart, Chinese are indifferent to it.

Chinese have lost the morality and the character which come along with the religion and culture, and hence are doing everything which might hurt people.

They are making fake plastic rice, fake cabbage, eggs etc.

They have disputes with all of their neighbours.

They have no shame in copying stuff and are very poor with IP thingy.

India on the other hand is a soft power, helping its allies whenever they asked fot it (Doklam, Bhutan) is a case in point.









Lalat Nayak, My birth country.

Simple. She’s not. China is much more popular than India in almost every regard.

This question is a either a troll by a Chinese who wants to generate some India bashing, or an Indian who is totally delusional, or a third party who wants Indians and Chinese to have a go at each other. (Could be a neighbor)




Rajkumar Chharush, ASI, CISF at Ministry of Home Affairs, India

Though there are no ways/facts to prove that India is more popular than China, but India has a significant soft power influence and beats China in this arena. India has the following things which helps it project ‘soft power’ :-


Indian culture is admired all over the world. Yoga has been a big hit in world in recent times. India is one of the oldest continuous civilization.


Bollywood from India is very popular all over the world. Its music mesmerise the one and all.


India is a democracy, China isn't. Democracy is seen as sign of openness, liberty, and guarantee of one's fundamental rights. India isn't just a democracy, but the largest democracy of world.


Recent Indian movie ‘Dangal’ was big hit in China. This shows that Indian moviemakers have better way to tell stories than Chinese.


Indians overseas today occupies top positions in big companies in US. Indian diaspora has helped build the positive image of India overseas.


India contributes generously to the development of its neighbours and African countries. India is helping to rebuild Afghanistan by all means. India is also one of largest contributor to UN peacekeeping missions. All these things have built India’s positive image around the world.



Abhishek Singh, Btech from Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (2020)

Due to India's foreign policy.


India has always adopted a defensive foreign policy (of peace), and it aims at keeping it's relationship with world in such a way which supports it's domestic development while promoting it's own national value of pularism, democracy,social Justice and secularism.


During the cold world war india was in non aligned group (third world country) while china was supporting communism. India was neither supporting capitalism nor communism it supports democracy who values it each citizens equally.


India is the country who have largest number of refugees intake and it provided shelter to Tibetans, bangladeshi, pakistani, shrilankan and whomever came to it.(except rohingya because it was enough and it needs to preserve it's sovereign integrity)


Even after having Nuclear weapons india is the only country to have “No first use policy” and did not signed on NPT because it wants peace and regional autonomy as well as provides to others.


Even India knows that it can destroy Pakistan in minutes but it is not doing it because it never wants war, it wants Peace. And india had tried many times to talk with pakistan to solve the issue diplomatically but pakistan whose sole intention is terrorism haven't supported.


When in 2014 modi government came, it further strengthen the positive perspective of world towards india because of huge number of modi's visits to world for stabilizing stronger bilateral and multilater ties as well as piece.



Vanmeet Talwar

India has given a lot more to the world than any other country in the world. It’s not fair to compare India to any other country. China is a great civilization, so this is in no means dissing theirs, rather just giving facts about my peeps. Here is what India has given to the world without asking for anything in return (the return part is the key difference between India and the rest):


1.The modern numbering system, which is much easier and practical than Roman numerals

2.Yoga - need I say more


4.Hindi Movie industry (some call it Bollywood) - these movies are shown in most countries in the world and are watched by people of all religions and races globally

5.Religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism & of course Hinduism


7.World’s first university (Takshashila)

8.Suits Cards - any poker fans?

9.Candied Sugar, which is crystallized sugar derived from sugarcane juice from the Gupta era (empire)

10.Buttons - originated during the Indus Valley civilization, where ornamental buttons were made from seashells

11.Trigonometry (and it’s functions such as Sine, Cosine, tangents) - my apologies on behalf of my people to all those who hate math; Artabhatta described in detail this branch of math in the late 5th century, whereas Hindu astronomers were using these functions from the 3rd century while studying astronomy

12.Shampoo - this originated from the Mughal empire

13.USB drives - coming to the modern era, by Ajay Bhatt

14.The number ZERO - again that was Aryabhatta

15.There are many more, but I think you get the idea…



















I don't know how you define 'popular', but I've had very enthusiastic responses and have experienced only fascination with India and it's cuisine, saris and Bollywood in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Vietnam, China and other countries I have traveled to. Indian cuisine is popular all over the world, and although mostly popularized by Bangladeshis, the Indian 'chicken tikka masala' is the de facto national dish in the UK! I've had people going ga ga over Raj Kapoor and Indian movies in many countries I have been to.


China on the other hand is very popular because China, and the Chinese are everywhere nowadays. YOu have large groups of Chinese tourists anywhere you may go in the world. (Indians too, but you have more Chinese tourists). And almost any electronic device you pick up from almost any global brand is made in or assembled in China. Chinese cuisine if famous worldwide including in India. (though Indian Chinese cuisine is Hakka, or localized to the region, or from Sikkim or Tibet.


The Chinese are probably better at marketing themselves. Tourism now plays a major role in China. (I was amazed at the sheer local crowds, as well as crowds of foreigners from so many countries) when I visited China last May. China is building ports, train lines, power stations etc. all over the world, and the famous Kunming to Singapore railway line via Laos, Thailand and Burma is only too well known. Nat Geo has so many programmes about China.


So being everywhere apart, the Chinese have also marketing themselves very nicely. Something India has not had too much success doing. India is limited by it's frightening bureaucracy and politicians stalling at every step before anything gets done, China thinks of something and does it.


The Chinese too have had their share of bad press with their tourists disfiguring monuments, peeing or spitting into the Venice canals and being disorderly in many places they go (the very recent being the Chinese tourist who pulled the tail of an elephant in Thailand which led to the elephant charging the crowd and trampling the poor Chinese tour guide to death). And China's human rights record may not be the finest. But these stories get overshadowed by the projects China does all over the world and the aggressive marketing they do, everyone talks about China more than about India.


India does have a 'Make in India' campaign as well, but don't know how effect that has been. And India's presence worldwide is still rather limited, at least as far as mega projects go. So one THINKS China is more popular than India. Not necessarily so. The world media too is generally very negative about India and highlights India's problems and limitations more than it's achievements, so that could be another factor why China appears more popular.



Harsha Dasineni, studied at SRM Institute of Science and Technology

Personally, I feel China and India are equally popular amongst other nations, but if you ask me what makes India popular is:


. Bollywood, The Indian Cinema is the 2nd most popular/biggest one, which is only next to the Hollywood. With its reach India successfully portrayed its culture to the bigger audience amongst the other nations


. Frugal engineering, India is very good at it. The very example is its Space and Research organisation ISRO. The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi once said that it just took the production cost of an American movie ‘Interstellar’ to send a space probe to Mars orbit.


. Software and technology: India exports not just its software services, it laid a Silicon road to its people to the World, it managed to export something around 1million people to the Developed nations


. Cheap Labour: If you go to Dubai, you will notice Indians in almost all the occupations like a Doctor to a Door keeper. It is what it is, India exports its manpower a lot compared to other nations, these hardworking expatriates in turn would influence the people around them and helps in spreading the Indian culture.


. Spirituality: India is projected as a spiritual nation especially the Hinduism, the more one learns about it the better intrigued they become. As an addon it projected itself as a peace-loving country with its great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and the Buddha.


